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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by Howitzer

  1. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=446 This comic eerily reflects the reasons Grace started training with Greg.
  2. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    Well, the other possibility is Magus. We already know that he at the very least knows Sirleck, and they seem to have some sort of plan going on between them.
  3. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    I assume that Sirleck is talking to "Chesire" on the phone. I really wish we had an actual name for that guy.
  4. NP, Friday April 15, 2016

    I see Grace has discovered the time-honored sport of cow lizard tipping.
  5. This injustice must be corrected. TO NETFLIX!
  6. Unfortunately, we need 3 males, as all the parts left to play are female. Elliot is defiantly going to be River to preserve the brother/sister thing (notice how Tedd and Grace ended up being Zoë and Wash), which means Justin is going to be either Kaylee or Inara, and one more male will play the part that Justin doesn't. Greg, most likely. Maybe Catalina could play the part of Mr. Universe.
  7. At this point the only crew members left to do are Inara, River, and Kaylee.
  8. http://www.egscomics.com/?id=2177 ..and the griffins are gone.
  9. http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2179 who fixes paranormal problems in a flash, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
  10. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    Incidentally, is that "Pright" in the final panel some sort of clever pun, or did Dan just make a typo?
  11. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=445 RUN AWAY!
  12. Sketchbook: April 12, 2016

    in my defense, I was trying to remember a sketchbook from almost a year and a half ago, and Nanase looks more like Belana Torres in the pic. (Obviously it's a female Worf from the uniform, but still.)
  13. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=444 Video game NPCs: handing out important quests to unqualified adventurers since 1979.
  14. Sketchbook: April 12, 2016

    I don't think there's been a Worf at all, but I seem to recall a sketchbook a year or two ago that featured Nanase as Jadzia. Edit: found it http://www.egscomics.com/sketchbook.php?id=838
  15. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=443 Look out, it's the cops!
  16. Story: 2016, April 4th (Monday)

    The problem is that Data plans and Lore plans don't communicate with each other well. For maximum compatiblity, Susan would probably just go with the generic Soong-type plan.
  17. https://www.patreon.com/posts/single-character-4925551 Opps!
  18. https://www.patreon.com/posts/4926284 Nice. Another one for the wallpaper folder.
  19. Some of those discard spells from the early days of Magic were incredibly nasty. Between Hymn to Tourach and Mind Twist, you could rip someone's hand apart quite fast, especially if you powered it out with a Dark Ritual or two.
  20. Sketchbook Tuesday April 5, 2016

    Greg doesn't look defeated so much as he looks confused. I don't blame him.
  21. Story: 2016, April 4th (Monday)

    ...and the problem litterally fixed itself seconds after posting that.
  22. Story: 2016, April 4th (Monday)

    I can get the comic by clicking on the direct link there, but going to the main EGS page still gives me Friday's comic.
  23. What Are You Doing Right Now?

    It's a sequel to the first Innistrad block, which had all the same transformation mechanics, and came out in 2011. Dan's magic tournament storyline was based on that, not the other way around. The first Innistrad set was also the most popular set Wizards of the Coast has ever done, so OF COURSE they were going to to a sequel eventually.
  24. What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I'm currently at the Shadows Over Innistrad prerelease, sitting on a 2-1 record with one round left to go. I'm already guaranteed 2 prize packs, but a win in the fourth round will bump that up to 9 or 10.
  25. This one is probably my favorite pinup since Dan started doing them. Everything about the picture is fantastic, from the pose to the expression to the cute factor, even the POV camera angle.