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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    I was doing dramatic exaggeration but you are actually 100% correct. The Greek Gods and their myths tend to be excellent allegories for human behavior. I think I've heard it said that the old Greek created their Gods in their own image, in fact. Note that the effect would be similar if it would be other way around.
  2. NP, Monday February 12, 2018

    I agree. That trunk looks entirely wrong to me. Sorry. I was thinking why it doesn't look so wrong to me and then I got it: it's not first time I see something like this. There was a fairy tale movie with princess who got similar nose as part of curse. Well, longer. Actually ...
  3. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    I wouldn't call them stupid, or at least not more stupid than humans. They behaved EXACTLY like today's celebrities. Everything for their public appearance.
  4. Story, Monday February 12, 2018

    ... she may also be on wrong track. Maybe we should wait for what she says. But yes, narratively it doesn't make sense for Tedd being wrong now so she's likely right. Apparently ; also, I hope this will get cleared up before Arthur finds out Diane IS part of Pandora's family in the usual genetic sense. As Dan said in commentary, it sort of does, but it's just sideefect of how it (doesn't) understand humans. And Van doesn't know Tedd's mom is monster hunter. But maybe they feel the connection despite not knowing why. Are we sure that magic going public isn't what he wanted? Or at least part of what he wanted? Hard to say, but it seems making Tedd angry would LOWER her chance of convincing magic to go public. Magic being public means people would soon know exactly who he is and what he can do. That doesn't seem to be what he wants - he LIKES playing with people and lying to them to get them do what he wants. But maybe it's still worth it for him? Emotion and emotional support. Well she said she comes from long line of monster hunters. Her being one herself is implied.
  5. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    They did exactly as planned. Not bad for total improvisation. If they knew about the plan they would totally behave differently and likely caused the plan to fail.
  6. Story, Monday February 5, 2018

    But you can also be running from something - or someone - while not physically running. In fact, in many cases it's better as physically running attracts attention. So, you may be walking to airport, waiting for the airplane, then again walking aboard the airplane and finally fly with it, and you are on run whole time.
  7. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    So it was improvised and planned? Interesting combination. First, it was improvised plan in sense that it was done quickly, not carefully. Sure, it still worked. Second, reaction of others was totally improvisation, as they did not cooperated on the planning. Which was sort of the point
  8. NP, Monday February 12, 2018

    Sooo ... the effect of Genie WILL come up and that's why it's not mentioned on this page? Also, I second the question of if using own magic is or isn't against rules. I would say that it would at least make the "playtesting" less useful ; if this size is going to be problematic (more than Catalina's mouse size, which was more extreme yet Rhoda didn't complained) then the effect should be modified. Maybe if Dan would also add tusks it would look even more weird.
  9. Story, Monday February 5, 2018

    Flying. Spaceships don't run on little legs. Pay attention to physics. Neither do programs. English is my second language, but I'm pretty certain "running" has less literal sense. In fact, several of them. Your nose doesn't need legs to be running either.
  10. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    Nope. It wasn't improvised. It appeared to be improvised, true, and the contestants fell for it. But it was carefully devised in order to achieve the exact sort of outcome that it actually had. It was totally improvised. Although the one providing the price did had outcome like this in her mind.
  11. Story, Friday February 9, 2018

    Didn't he EXPLICITLY said he remembers nothing?
  12. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    And here I thought it was started by someone holding a beauty contest where the winner got an apple. "Holding"? It was improvised contest. That's why the price was known before the judge. Also, in tradition remaining into today, the contest was decided by who bribed the judge best.
  13. Story, Monday February 5, 2018

    ARE running. Pay attention to current time.
  14. Story, Friday February 9, 2018

    Well, if the Immortals on both sides have different rules, then it's likely the Immortals on the other side don't send energy to force a reset for rule violations on this side. Also, I suspect aberrations on second half of earth are close to extinction anyway.
  15. Story, Friday February 9, 2018

    It failed anyway. Pandora received the warning and tried to stop but forgot when someone tried to shot her son. For reference, I think it did. But only to enjoy the drama. It didn't show any attempt to help when it didn't go well. That's probably true ; I mean, that it didn't wanted to risk contacting the seer, even indirectly, which made Grace best choice.
  16. Story, Monday February 5, 2018

    Write him a letter and tell him I am going to want my time machine back! He didn't used time machine. He used a dangerous course around sun in warp speed.
  17. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    Strangely, this is exactly the way the Trojan war began in legend. Wait ... what so strange about it?
  18. Story, Friday February 9, 2018

    Yeah but that was strictly in terms of what he was doing with Grace, but even then he suspected there might have been another reason and was assuming what the motivation might be for it. So here we have the WoM recruiting Disco Wizard for a task that on the surface seem like it's too convoluted to do any good, but not telling him what the real reason for it is, and Disco Wizard finally coming to the realization of the reason after his chat with Pandora. Do you think Disco Wizard would have been able to pull off a convincing ruse if he knew that he was supposed to get getting an Immortal's attention? That's the reason why Edward didn't give Elliot a heads up when the fake Cheerleadra sighting was about to happen. Still doesn't seem the chance was so big. It was dramatic, but unless WoM predicted it will work (in which case, it didn't needed to observe to see that it indeed worked) it was far from reliable. And there were no signs that if it would fail WoM would try something else. Copperfield got over $4 billion according to wikipedia. That million dollars is just starting money. (Would be, if it wasn't discontinued in 2015.) That's possible. EXACTLY. There may be some limits, it may require enough work to discourage some people, but seers would KNOW HOW TO TEACH MAGIC TO OTHERS. After all, the point of seers is that even if there are just few of them, they will be able to ensure the magic will keep being used. In last reset, the few living seers were able to start teaching magic in world with very limited means of travel and with people who would burn them at stake for that. Now, there would be thousand seers, with most of them being able to travel to different countries, hundreds kilometres away, in few days, and coordinate over internet globally. Ellen, Elliot, Nanase, Susan, Rhoda, Catalina and Dex would have no problems with convincing sceptics. Even Sarah would likely rock any challenge based on reading hidden text, assuming she will be able to cast her spell without Moperville ambient magic field.
  19. Story, Monday February 5, 2018

    You should talk about what's strange with organisers of conventions I was on. Sure, fans of science-fiction especially are painfully aware of the difference between reality and fantasy ... but we are talking about seers who will be able to provide example. It's the opposition who considers belief more important than reality: science people tend to accept results of experiments, no matter what they predicted the results will be, and sci-fi people would likely accept them faster if it would be what they wanted instead of what they expected. BTW, do you remember eugenics wars? Big conflict in 1990s, affecting more than a quarter of our planet, featuring genetically enhanced people? No? Well, be careful telling that to Star Trek fans. Especially around the yearly anniversary of First Contact with Vulcans. The -50th anniversary in 2013 was especially big event.
  20. NP, Friday February 9, 2018

    i dunno, we already have 2 instances of Susan with a big smile on her face that's probably as big if not bigger than Ashley's imagination. But that's either Energized doing it's thing, or Susan's competitiveness kicking in, or both, likely both. That's not the same kind of smile. My headcanon still believes that Tedd was Ashley's internet girlfriend and only Word of Dan can change that. Sounds more likely than Ashley being alternate universe Tedd, but might be too tame speculation for this forum.
  21. NP, Friday February 9, 2018

    Above that, plus the fact Susan is "smiling" is freaking me out. I could never trust that kind of happiness. As I said, I don't believe even Ditzy would be able to do that. But that's what the sequence is using as explanation of Susan's smile. They appeared together when Ashley met Susan, Sarah and Tedd. Of course, magic could be involved. Is it too early to suggest Ashley might be Tedd from another universe?
  22. Story, Monday February 5, 2018

    The fact seers will be given knowledge how to teach others to use magic after reset suggests that the option of making magic nonexistent is not on table. Also, that granting on person-to-person contact is not going to slow it so much ... look at how many people can gather at fantasy convention. This, meanwhile, is question noone seem to ask, despite making VERY good sense and Dan even directly mentioning it in commentary. Even the way WoM is presenting the question suggests noone thinks about it. Which may mean that the big change in how magic work is mostly internal and the rules itself are not supposed to change much ... possibly because WoM can't think of any better rules. Note also that if magic WILL go public, there IS supposed to be some small change. Maybe this change will be small but with big effect ... something like rising everyone's magic defense may still be option.
  23. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    Yes. Obviously. But again, it wouldn't be the teleportation itself which is slow. I would say that no matter if that understanding is erroneous, it may be exactly the understanding Mamase has. Considering Noriko's behaviour didn't had anything to do with homosexual interaction, I would say the oath would need to be somehow related to having children. Which Mamase might not realize is still possible for Nanase and Ellen. Sounds close enough. That makes one wonder: how many of similar treaties are still in effect? And how pissed would current national leaders need to be to actually go with it? Like, Article 5 of the North Atlantic treaty was so far invoked just once, but ...
  24. Story, Friday February 9, 2018

    I suspect seers would only be able to give magic to talented people. However, ... ... I feel lot could be done by few seers working together and searching for talents on fantasy conventions or similar events, where high concentration of people likely to be eager to get magic will be available. And, obviously, that's assuming people will at least TRY to keep magic relatively secret. Because otherwise, ... ... there only need to be like two or three people - not seers, just magic users - who decide to go to TV with their abilities and make money on big shows like David Copperfield. Not counting those who will try and get stopped by DGB, of course. Sure, just those two or three won't DIRECTLY make magic public, but they would likely start the avalanche. Especially considering people won't have enough time to forget about the other weird events Pandora did. Disco wizard also said that he thinks he was intentionally being given poor odds of success.
  25. Story, Friday February 9, 2018

    So what? There is no need for report back. WoM doesn't care if the task fails because Disco Wizard won't be able to contact Pandora or because Pandora won't stop. (As I said, I suppose it DID paid attention. But it didn't NEEDED to.)