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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    Remember that the Q&A are out of continuity. Being out of town is detail compared to that.
  2. I suspect Elliot and/or Ellen would have said something, at least once to either Tedd, Grace or Nanase about it. Not sure about Elliot, it would take him some time to close mouth, but Ellen, yes, definitely.
  3. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    That's irrelevant to what Not_Tengu would believe, he would have known the legal drinking age and knew that Nanase and Ellen were underaged for it. If Nanase wasn't going to drink, chances are high that Ellen wouldn't drink. Weeeeell ok, he might guessed correctly for totally incorrect reasons. ... I seriously hope that's not the direction their relationship is going.
  4. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    I think she would have looked to see why it worked when she thought it shouldn't have, although I do expect to hear what Pandora has to say about it soon. She would looked just after we last saw her, yes. Did you read the commentary of that? Either it's fantasy, or it's not really Lisa and Amanda, they just look similar. Or ... maybe that happened in the past. Wait, they have same school uniforms as current cast ... She does use the past tense here when talking about her own mark. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=521 True. I remember noticing this back then, but I forgot since ... but that wouldn't explain why Pandora didn't noticed.
  5. ... the text is funny, but otherwise I think the "epidemic" was better and this feels like "already saw this". But if it won the polls ... Personally, I would consider more logical if it spread to anyone he will kiss in future and anyone they kissed, as real epidemic, but it's true that this "everyone he kissed in past" would be more funny as he's not likely to kiss so many people now ... unless he use Heidi again. (Also, while Nanase trying to fix the issue while transformed would be more funny, without the "everyone they kissed" part it would be pretty simple case for Charlotte's angels, probably easier than lockpicking gorilla.)
  6. I'm lucky Patreon takes so long to look at the picture (I need to save it then open, it doesn't show directly in browser). It took me few seconds after reading the text to realize the "rental guard" is pun on "beach guard", but I still realized it before the image shown. I'm not sure how can Dan be so sure it's just one character daydreaming about that. Let's see: Elliot. Tensaided. Catalina. Susan. Nanase. ... If I would be forced to choose one, then Catalina would be most likely, but IMHC* all of them. *In My HeadCanon
  7. I could accept (in fact, I'm totally accepting) that she forgets she's not wearing anything in Tedd's basement, but outside? That would need to be very hot summer. And based on when MV5 happened, it wasn't last summer. Maybe next summer? Makes sense. Actually, no. Her walking around nude doesn't confirm there is any relationship present. Doesn't disprove it either, of course
  8. Story: Friday November 4, 2016

    From what I understand, I think a better way of describing this is, rather than violates vs. not violates the laws of physics, the difference is whether she interacts with the virtual world as she would normally interact with the real world without magic (e.g., walking around, picking things up with her hands, etc.), vs. willing things to change. Body switching would of course be an exception because that's not a way one can normally interact with the world without magic. Good point. It is even possible that if Sarah WOULD have some (other) magic, she would be able to use it without lowering accuracy. There is specific ability of "willing things to change", which apparently have some threshold to activate, so it doesn't happen on stray though but she needs to concentrate on it. And this ability lowers the accuracy. Meanwhile, body swap is category by itself, because Sarah is not physically in simulation. She just starts with POV matching her real body and she can change the POV (where she's looking from) to anyone else. And, apparently it has almost no threshold, it happens without any though, hair trigger indeed.
  9. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    Even he doesn't consider the mark spell counting as his own. And we don't even know if it's still possible for him to awaken because of this or if he'd even get new spells if he did. He doesn't, but he can control it as other people control their own spells. And I think he IS awakened, it's just that his awakening works differently - won't show on the analysis want, won't give him spells, ... Unlikely. That would mean it's already decided how the new magic system would look, and I think how it will look depends on what will trigger the change ... Doubt it, like I said, if he did his research, he would have known enough about Ellen that if Nanase wasn't going to be drinking, Ellen likely wouldn't be drinking either, he didn't really expect Charlotte to have been drinking as well, though he was probably still a bit disappointed that she didn't. ELLEN didn't know she wouldn't be drinking few minutes before arriving. Especially considering they would try to be extra careful to not harm them ... ... I suppose by "long term" you mean starting the hour after he kill Nanase (according to his plan, I mean) and will go to "celebrate" it.
  10. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    ... would explain it quite nicely. I was going to suggest that, but I can't think of any reason Pandora wouldn't notice that, I know she said she hasn't paid much attention to Rhoda, but she at least knew that Rhoda had become aware of her mark and spell, and told Catalina about it. I would think just looking at Rhoda would have told her whether she had awakened or not. Unless she awakened WHILE casting the spell. Like, it wasn't just determination filling her ... Amanda doesn't live in Moperville, if she's living in the main continuity at all (I know, she was mentioned once). We can't assume that all of Moperville has a fetish for short busty girls. My point was that she will be sexy (and likely get some attention and some head-turning) but it wouldn't be anything which would make people talking about that super-sexy person they met today. Mall Girl Elliot MIGHT've made someone talk about her even if he didn't changed to Cheerleadra ...
  11. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    Still, Tedd didn't believe that he should have been able to resist even his own spells, note he even resisted whatever it was that happened to Nanase's hair that affected Sarah's hair but not his. He was convinced that of the three of them, Sarah should have been the most likely to have resisted it. He believed he wouldn't ever GET own spells. But, when he OBVIOUSLY get one ... not technically own, but still under his control ... I completely agree with the FIRST case being him disenchanting himself and that it's related to his rarity. I just wanted to note that the SECOND case wasn't. Hmmm ... this is actually good question. I don't think mind control will affect natural enchantment resistance, but the immediate disenchantment might be something he consciously need to activate, so mind control might prevent him doing that. Of course, unless there is another part of his dangerous rarity which makes him immune to mind control or something Yes. That makes it a passive resistance which is what I was trying to get at, there's 2 ways to resist an enchantment, passively and actively, passive resistance is just natural resistance, it affects the natural duration of an enchant Might help if you would be using Tedd's terminology instead of applying your own and trying to divide the resistance in other ways. Note that I'm not sure about how natural the enchantment resistance is. No, that's the "active" one which is affected by surprise. At that point, ALL THREE were expecting there will be fight and therefore unlikely to be surprised. No specific "being prepared for anything" is needed, although it might help even more. If they drank the punch, Ellen's and Nanase's guard would have been down, they likely would have fallen victim to the enchantment as well, it may have required more energy to keep them enchanted but considering the ambient energy levels... Hmmm ... you may be right, that would count as surprise. Unless "being counted as surprise" is incompatible with the "oblivious to gradual change" part ... They would then resist more, but NotTengu might be able to counter that by pumping more energy to the spell. He might've been counting on ELLEN drinking it. On the other hand, getting them under his control might. I think Ellen's worry about being trapped there was justified. But, yes, the look was likely for Noriko, after all, he briefly considered making them look like Tedd, but it would interfere with other things he wanted to do with them ...
  12. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    ... would explain it quite nicely. What rumours? That she has secret sister? I don't think someone would get the idea she can change height, not even in Moperville. While true, this is city where people like Nanase and Ellen lives. She will likely get less attention than Mall Girl Elliot (which might still be enough for some middle-jinxs, true).
  13. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    I repeat: in both parts of second case, it was HIS spell (well, not his own, but mark spell, but still). This kinds of spell USUALLY comes with way to turn it off immediately (unless you are fighting with energy build ups). So he didn't needed his dangerous rarity to end it. For start, there are two kinds of resistance: general spell resistance which resist the spell while being casted and applies to ANY spell (and normal people have it nearly zero), is affected by surprise and makes you not be affected at all, and specific enchantment resistance, which (obviously) applies only on enchantments, is resisting WHILE enchantment is in progress, even normal people have it at usable level and affects how long the enchantment will last. So, yes: changing default forms would be harder to resist and it would never end on its own, meaning target would require assistance to revert it. There isn't any evidence that there was any type of resistance but plenty of evidence that none of them were aware that anything was wrong, even after the enchantment was broken, none of them were aware that anything had happened The enchantment resistance is not conscious process. They were not aware because they failed resisting. In fact, it their enchantment resistance would be affected, they would likely use their own energy to PREVENT end of that enchantment (although ... they might not have enough energy for this to be noticeable). To be more practical: Diane has no training so she would be affected by the punch just as others. But I don't believe Nanase or Ellen would.
  14. Story: Friday November 4, 2016

    Edward also had no idea what angle Arthur was coming from with his appearance on TV after Cheerleadra's first appearance, it's possible that despite being a VIP in the paranormal world, Edward might not know all the intricacies of what the agency is doing. He was probably appalled to learn what Arthur told Cranium about "occasional casualties", and I have no doubts that Cranium told Edward about that. He was not only VIP in the paranormal world, but also the HEAD of the local branch of agency, and Arthur had that position before him. If Arthur started something Edward doesn't know about, it would be after he returned into this position. Of course, unless the agency is much more evil than it seems and the "excessive force" was just pretence to get him out of that position. Still, I don't think Assistant Director Liefeld lied to him, and generally, I don't think naive person can get at so high position. Also, I would assume that if Arthur fired Cranium and Wolf for insubordination or something we would know about it. Meaning, he likely need to work with group of people who were used to how things worked under Verres, and they may not like some changes but would certainly told something if agency turned evil ... ... starting with Cranium, who would certainly told Edward if something even worse would be happening.
  15. Story: Friday November 4, 2016

    Possible, Sarah would at least know that if she opens a door and there's an outline or a shadow, that there's someone there, she wouldn't be able to tell who it was though or interact with them in any way and trying to fill in the gap would alter the accuracy of the simulation. Well, she can guess, she would see how tall that person is, but yes. Edward was surprised when he tested Tedd's watches and found how much ambient magic was around. So, unless they started to depend on it in last half year ... Lot of people are benefiting, but most wouldn't even realize they do (look at NotTengu). And people who know enough to realize how much magic is around would also know enough to realize this is making the city magnet for aberrations and other mages and wouldn't likely be so sure making it stay is good idea. Also, from story point, I don't think we need any more complications.
  16. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    Technically, she IS directing her hands on herself (thighs, to be exact). Simpler might be her trying to enlarge herself clothes and all (now that she "knows" that she can change the size of clothes with a person). Default Rhoda is only a hair away from five feet tall, so she could grow by 25% or so and still not be big enough to attract attention from strangers (making her 6'2" or 6'3" tall--just above Justin's height). Of course, this assumes that she is not recognized by anybody who knows her, and Murphy's Law says that she will be . . . I'm not sure if it would be simpler but I definitely think this is what she is about to try. ... true ... maybe she's just so optimistic? Probably yes, but I don't think it would be related to Rhoda's spell.
  17. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    Yeah, her watch enchantment ended first because she had higher natural resistance, but Tedd's tests prior to that basically stated that the duration of an enchant wasn't static, that you could tell someone how long an enchant should last, and it would last that long, or not say and it would last half as long. Tedd also stated not being sure if resistance could be completely counteracted for someone who doesn't want to be enchanted, as in forcing someone into a form and telling them that it would last a day but because the enchanted didn't desire to be enchanted, they could resist it to a shorter duration. I don't think anyone else would be able to resist it like Tedd would though. It does seem that psychology plays a part as well though, but I think actively desiring to end the enchant would lower the duration more. The way he formulated the information made less likely Nanase would subconsciously prolonged it. Note: The first case is Tedd disenchanting herself and might be part of dangerous rarity. The second case, however, is him ending his own spell, which is normal and any magic user can do that, even Catalina if she just tried. Why not? if you don't know that you're enchanted, how can you resist it? There's even an NP story related to oblivious enchantments. Because it sounds like chicken & egg problem ... and too OP. And that NP story was about reality warping, not enchantments. They only needed to use up all the energy because they were not powerful enough to just break few cars on his head and knock him out that way. And the flying and his form needed more energy than the student enchantment. I think if he would notice what's happening, landed safely and transform to human on his own, he might be able to keep the enchantment going ... of course, Nanase could easily knock him out then. You could put the spell on the package of powder the punch was made from. Or the bottle of booze added to it. Something like that, yes. Or perhaps the BOWL itself was enchanted and you could just keep refilling it. Sure they were oblivious to the fact that the people around them are changing, but their subconscious definitely tried to resist slipping under a mind control. It just failed to resist because their resistance was not strong enough. Booze usually IS liquid.
  18. Story: Friday November 4, 2016

    It's an easy way how to make the infodump funny. No, the simulation only becomes less accurate when Sarah forces it to do something that violates the (non-magical) laws of physics, with the exception of bodt switching. As long as she sticks to mundane interactions with the simulation, it retains its accuracy. Body switching doesn't violate laws of physics any more than the fact that the original Sarah is moving in frozen world. It's clearly one of those subtle diseases magicians can come down with, you know like Witches Nose, Compulsive Monologuing, Fairy Twinkle, or Post Traumatic Spontaneous Pulverization. Wait wait, compulsive monologuing is not limited to magicians, ANYONE can catch that. It's also common secondary infection caused by someone with Primary Protagonist Syndrome being around, and symptom of Companion Syndrome. Clothes counts as part of person wearing them, but I wonder how often it will happen that someone who resisted being included in simulation would be surrounded by something which would make apparent someone is there. For start, after it starts snowing ... wait, actually, even if it's raining, the silhouette should be clearly visible. Possibly, but they wouldn't know what spell it was or what direction it came from. They likely dismiss the sensation unless they already suspect someone around is using spell like this. Yes, if Sarah would stay on one place and cast the spell repeatedly, sufficiently experienced mage would be able to find the room she's in. I don't think single mage could get more exact, maybe if multiple people surrounded her ... Nearly zero. People capable of realizing what's happening are too powerful to became dependent on it. Also, how many experienced magic users you expect are around and not part of DGB? I would assume Edward personally knows every magic user in city who had magic before Pandora started marking.
  19. Story, Wednesday November 2, 2016

    FINALLY. I started to think I will be forced to make tumblr account
  20. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    We was not told exact time informations during the Playing with Dolls, but it suggests that even Nanase wasn't able to end enchantment designed for hour in less than half the time. I don't think the "obliviousness" works this way. That was more important factor. It was easier for Not Tengu to keep the enchantment going due to ambient energy, but I still think the energy went through him. Also, I think that the spell ended because he lost consciousness, which would likely be generally as good as killing him. Maybe not, maybe the punch would still work. But based on what he said, it would normally take days, not hours, for people to change. Not even enchantments are enchants when on her. Interference of Uryuom and Earth magic. Agree. I think that wasn't about rate she generates energy but some other aspect of power. But the rate is also possible - or, maybe what Greg is measuring is not rate of energy generation but it still correlate highly. Note that both flying and shield are actually telekinesis as well. And yes, how easy is to use telekinesis depends on her form and gets better with training. Apparently, telekinesis is so much harder than shifting that it make sense for Grace to shift WHILE doing the telekinesis ...
  21. Story, Wednesday November 2, 2016

    As you pointed out there, Dan said that it generates a spherical wave that takes detailed notes of everything it encounters. It still doesn't really confirm whether electronically stored information is accessible though as Dan has only used books as examples... If you look at date of that post, you might realize that it was done back when Question Mark run as NP - and I was already aware of it back then. I even linked it several times in our discussion, although pretty late. So, if that would confirm electronically stored information, I would already said "this is canon no question about it". Although the "ridiculously detailed notes" suggest very high precision, it still leaves the question if electronically stored information would be READABLE for Sarah. I mean, it may also happen that the electronically stored information will be recorded but Sarah wouldn't be able to start computer without altering the simulation accuracy too much to read anything useful. So, still open in multiple ways.
  22. Wait. Do we even give the choices? I mean, the description of $5 patreon is so, aren't all of them formulated by Dan with us (well, $5 Patreon backers) just voting which will be drawn?
  23. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    ... but we can go over this again If transformation put you in metastable state, that is, state from which you automatically revert back when you run out of magic energy, it means that the transformed state DO contain that energy, even if it's not anywhere obvious. You can look at it as some sort of safety measure: sure, you technically do have some energy, but that energy is not free for you to use, that is reserved for shifting to your original form. Note, however, that Grace will NOT revert from her squirrel form to any "default". She changes "true" form. Enchantments, meanwhile, do come with this safety.
  24. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    Are you sure the world you live in is real? Hmmmm ... you know, the more you talk about it, the more I think some space-bending-based-solution is better. Note that space is supposed to have more than 10 dimensions ... maybe you can shrink person by folding her into those other dimensions and this kind of space-bending will NOT produce big gravitation effects? (Yes, I know you can't fit anything except graviton into those dimensions NORMALLY ...) That's very interesting explanation, although it would STILL need some folding of space for the moving itself. Although all details of EGS suggests that the shrunk person is really person and not a doll ... Point of order -- we don't actually know whether Dex's fairydoll releases energy when dismissed prematurely. We haven't seen him dismiss one "on-camera" yet. Technically we don't even know for certain whether his fairydolls are persistent, except that no one has said so, and we assume it would be noteworthy enough to mention at some point. We don't actually know much at all about Dex's spell, so we can't assume what power level he's at. For all we know, Dex can summon a dozen fairydolls at once, and they can all shoot little laser beams or swing tiny lightsabers. ;-) Even Dex might not be sure - it's possible he never tried to dismiss the fairy prematurely. On the other hand, he's pretty likely to try to summon some other action figures, and can be surprised that summoned Jedis have actually burning lightsabers ... I consider it future canon - that he will get this on awakening. NOAH read more about magic that everyone of main eight combined. He would know. I consider illusions something else than holodeck, but I agree with the part that Dex fairy - or the weapons Susan is summoning - is something like stuff on holodeck instead of real matter. It's canon that the fairy consumes power, isn't it? Dismissing real physical object like that would level several blocks and create big glass crater. The released energy from Susan fairy is NOT huge and might be just remaining energy not yet spent on keeping it visible. I would like to read whole book, but I don't thing Dan would be able to write it. Also, there are more interesting things there than the energy release. One possible explanation is that the other stuff she summons is low-energy, as proven by disappearing after hit. The fairy is more resistant, actually able to hold stuff and touch people, which requires more energy.
  25. NP, Wednesday November 2, 2016

    If you count it like this, then it was REALLY easy.