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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    Exactly. Although she was in legion form then - and we know her power level vary with form, which may be true for aura as well. ... I suppose Edward wouldn't like Luke to look at Grace changing forms so we won't really see more ...
  2. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    ... as far as I know, Greek and Roman gods at least stayed the same sex. Loki, on the other hand ... I don't think Sirleck would be as inexperienced as Luke in reading auras. Sure, he might not know about uryuom, but he would know how aura of elves could look. Also, he was given name ; he will likely use it to find out how Adrian looks. (Also, Grace probably have bigger aura than Noah. She has less experience and training, but better genealogy.)
  3. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    Hard to say, would need to be tested. I would expect there IS some resistance, on the other hand some influence will likely be there. I don't think so. It certainly wasn't mentioned in continuity. Changing to women already makes gigantic changes in chemistry, including the brain. And that's staying human. What happens with Grace when going squirrel will be totally terrifying ... except she's obviously completely fine. "More fun that way".
  4. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    No, it was Major Ketchup, in the library, with the candlestick! High Priest of the Green Robe in the library with the double-handed axe.
  5. NP, Friday April 29, 2016

    I'm not so sure. To me, it seems Grace violated the first of seventy maxims of maximally effective mercenaries: Pillage, then burn. Unless the fire happened by itself or she did finished the pillage before and have the loot of-panel. ... what, of course the issue I have with her response have nothing to do with killing the legion.
  6. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    Already addressed. Leif Erikson was leader of that Viking expedition you talk about. So ... you think Spain just having the resources was more important than Constantinopolis? Hmmm ... possible. But the technology was already there some time before. The way around Cape Agulhas was not exactly short or safe ; the issue was not that it's longer, but that without land somewhere on the way the ships would be unable to carry enough water and food for whole travel. Which would be true of course, the circumnavigation would be impossible without resupply on America continent. Ok. So it was not the amount of supply but the freshness. Makes more sense. He MIGHT've been executed if he didn't recant.
  7. Monday, May 9, 2016

    I'm not good either, so I'll rather look to verify. Origin? No idea. It's so obviously true it's likely as old as the respected fields itself. But for little more complete version, see XKCD: Sociology is just applied psychology. Psychology is just applied biology. Biology is just applied chemistry. Chemistry is just applied Physics. Physics is just applied Mathematics. Information IS energy. See entropy. But this reasoning is funnier. It's like pokemon, gotta catalogue them all! Except there are more pokemons than isotopes with half live over two minutes, and more isotopes than particles. Yeah. The inhabited ones, for example, counts huge.
  8. Monday, May 9, 2016

    She said "ridiculously thorough".
  9. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    That's what I meant; Unless he will already have that line prepared, he won't be able to think about it on place and will instead be awkward, annoyed and ... hmmm ... that's good point. He totally might ask about getting hammers back.
  10. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    What's the problem? "Going out with my girlfriend." I'm sure Heidi would naturally answer like that. Mild-mannered? No way. I suspect even Elliot (I mean, in non-mind-altering transformation) would need to have that line prepared. (Of course, he WILL have it prepared after few cases this will happen.)
  11. Monday, May 9, 2016

    He probably can ... if he's paying attention. On the other hand, as already mentioned in forum for that strip, it is perfectly possible she overlooked that change because it's just small change in middle of old stuff. Her book must be thick ; it's not likely she really re-read it whole regularly, and if changes don't appear always at end ...
  12. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    Sarah is she and we already know how her spell works. Occam's razor. Sure, there may be such concepts (and there are in lot of other comics, or in The Chronicles of Amber for example), but there is nothing which would suggest that in EGS. While jealously may lead to hate, they may just as easily be jealous of immortals themselves. Elves never were human. Of course, they lack any possibility to harm immortals, but they may be able to harm elves, so ...
  13. Monday, May 9, 2016

    That calculation assumes that all the Lego bricks are the same piece (specifically, they're all 2x2x4). In other words, that the order of them doesn't matter. If you mix it up with different types of Lego bricks so the order DOES matter, that's when you get the factorial component added in. ... just realized it myself. What's more, the 2x2x4 is pretty SIMPLE block. There are blocks which will complicate the structure much more - on the other hand, will it be asymptotically more?
  14. Monday, May 9, 2016

    That's considerably more than x!2x. Wait. Someone was totally already solving this problem ... yup - seems it's just exponential after all.

    Backwards undertale joke?
  16. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    There are more confusing comics around. Although, in most of those, readers simply stopped trying. I'm more annoyed that all my posts and all posts I was replying to before the crash disappeared. ... I'm surprised there are people who still didn't noticed the forum is back online. It's been two months ... How many are still missing?
  17. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    Who cares? If your colonists move in and find a nice depopulated area with lots of land ripe for tilling and growing, they'll take it and won't complain. Me? I was trying to point out that noone waited for specific technology before the travel expansion started. Although, considering noone planned the travel expansion itself, it may not be that good argument. The second argument, that the killing would happen even if they arrived sooner or later, is more important. This is what I'm thinking. Elliot doesn't mind morphing into a girl, but he would likely have a bit of a problem if a male approached him in a "What are you doing Friday night?" manner when he's in female form. I don't think he would have bigger problems rejecting that male than when in male form. Unlike his gender identity, his sexual preferences seems solid. ... mostly solid Well, if Ashley will use TFG, Elliot can use it as well. But note that showing her TFG will likely be WORSE than what Elliot already told her from the secrecy point of view. It would actually be less dangerous if they get Ashley marked.
  18. Monday, May 9, 2016

    He's stated before that he can either got from Cheerleadra to normal, or one of the secret ID's, if he wanted to use a standard female morph, he'd have to go normal first. So what? It will STILL be safer than not transforming at all. Also, why don't he go to secret ID - the goth or party one - then go inside, then immediately before something can happen transform to normal? Ashley would love Goth Elliot, but I think he's right in thinking he shouldn't be in a mind altered state. While amusing for us, could be disastrous for Elliot. Agree ... too many people around who have limited understanding of how secret identities works, which in this case is more dangerous than not knowing it's Elliot at all. ... either that or he will be spotted by someone unexpected. BTW, regarding the lego combinations Dan talks about on twitter ... exponential might be optimistic estimate. I wouldn't rule out factorial (which is even bigger than exponential). Although proving it would be hard.
  19. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    Wait wait wait..... Who's Marcus? ... ok, I must admit I meant Magus and not Marcus. (Interesting. Not first time I got those two mixed up, although usually I correct myself before posting.) (BTW, still don't know who's Sara. Sarah doesn't make sense in context.)
  20. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    These rules are as convenient and as likely to be real as EGS rules for transformations. Meaning, only way for them to happen is if some entity with sort-of mind and flair for drama makes them. But I must admit that both that story and EGS are good and funny reading, in big part BECAUSE such entity was involved.
  21. Considering it's Sarah's imagination - or maybe dream - whoever she's looking at is likely Sarah and she will be VERY confused by this. And maybe raises her Kinsey scale number again.
  22. The "one's true self" mirror would overload on Tedd. Remember, he's not transgender, he's genderfluid.
  23. It was totally accidental, just like that kiss.
  24. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    First, after getting Sirleck killed, killing Elliot may not be necessary ; Marcus seemed desperate when contacting Sirleck, he may not have other option. Second, talking about Marcus being desperate, MARCUS may miss Sirleck.
  25. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    He would not be their kid at all; for one, then he would probably be an immortal as well. For another, didn't Dan mention somewhere that they're siblings? Granted, incest is best kept in the family, but still. Funny, but I meant Adrian is implied to be kid of ONE of them. Note that we don't even know if immortals are capable of having child between themselves. ... also, incest in family is necessary part of most mythologies, because of limited starting point. Zeus and Hera are siblings and have several kids together, including Ares and Hebe. And Hebe married Heracles, another son of Zeus ... something more about topic ... even more (warning, tvtropes) ... It's possible immortals can locate aberrations much easier, while Elves, more dangerous when met, can be avoided when one is careful. Pandora NAMED herself Chaos, but she has no "official authorization" for it (nor she needs one). Similarly, if Voltaire decides to represent order, it's HIS decision and he is doing it without official authorization ... or any true understanding of what order is. So, he behaves just like dictators who claim they bring order ... yes, that matches. Also, who's Sara? Hmmmm ... didn't looked at it this way. On the other hand, she might be telling the truth and simply assumes (or predicts) that whatever Magus will do after he will have body would be fun for her. We are more likely to like the results than Pandora - Dan isn't the kind of author who likes to torture his readers.