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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016

    I didn't noticed the spider vampire using any web. Maybe he has the web somewhere else, in which case Elliot still may have chance to be caught in it ...
  2. NP Friday March 11, 2016

    Hey, who else should know it? Tedd is the one with most knowledge about magic in area, with his ability to see and analyze it ...
  3. Story: Friday March 11 2016

    Not necessarily, Tara was able to see through Elliot's enchantments, as well as see Ellen's, Nanase's and Diane's magic potential, Edward also had ways of analyzing a spell. Tedd's ability to analyze spell effects might not be the rare thing but instead the fact that he's able to do such a thing is the real mystery. There are lot of ways to analyze spells but they may not be equal. It's possible that Tedd's ability is more precise, able to get more details or something ... and it may be just start of his dangerous rarity. ... I find extremely unlikely that the traffic between the halves would be that common. Remember than Adrian Raven knew about Abraham, are you going to suggest he's from the other half as well? With Pandora being Ancient? Similarly, Noriko had LONG family history. If the family is from the other half of world it happened generations ago. Which brings the question if that would still be relevant. With wings too small to fly without magic, yes ... but still, breaking the thermodynamical laws is generally considered more serious than the other ones. Andrea: "No. I meant that just because it looks like mammal and bird bits it doesn't mean the internal differences are that big." Seriously. Mermaids definitely can't have two independent circulatory systems, one with warm blood and one with cold. And Griffins certainly don't have red blood cells with nuclei for bird parts and ones without for mammal parts. The "intersection" is likely only skin deep. Yes. They would likely be able to identify Grace's magic is not compatible with human one, but they may not know why. Unless they have their own aliens. And BTW, no. It seems that not even agent Wolf have the same level of knowledge about Uryuom than Edward. Or at least he didn't HAD the same level two years ago.
  4. NP Friday March 11, 2016

    Is the response public? Not counting leap seconds. It's also called "epoch time" or "unix time", because the first computers which actually needed to keep track of time were running Unix. Now it's used almost universally, because storing time fractured to months, days, hours, minutes etc suck and no serious program is using it outside speaking with humans. You can quickly convert it online on http://www.epochconverter.com/ for example.
  5. Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016

    I think we have enough experienced necromancers on forum.
  6. NP Friday March 11, 2016

    Oh. Exactly the one I didn't checked. (And yes, I agree, that was longer, I'm sure I also saw the three panels from Stature's link before.) Oh, right. It might also point to Tedd either missing out part of what the whale said or someone not paying attention to it ... except that with the way Grace is talking the "I'm pretty sure" may be just figure of speech. I mean, "I know" would match what we know more. EDIT: Actually ... the current image have filename 1457728142-egs-2013-01-21.png ... 1457728142 is Fri, 11 Mar 2016 20:29:02 GMT. That's YESTERDAY. He really JUST CHANGED IT.
  7. Story: Friday March 11 2016

    The Gods Themselves from Isaac Asimov have humans only in one of three of described universes. (You WAS asking for counterexamples, right? ... I must admit I can't remember second one. Not counting the ones where were no humans before the events described but were afterwards.) If you take it seriously, it's hard question: even if she met hundreds of people, she may never be sure until she specifically asked. The advantage might not be common knowledge or important enough to be worth mentioning before. So, yes, she definitely didn't know the answer. The question is, if she really expected Elliot to say "yes", or if she expected he'll say "no" but just wanted to be sure. Note that she mentioned that the specific mechanism of said advantage might be something she is better not knowing, not the answer itself.
  8. NP Friday March 11, 2016

    If I had twitter I would send him the wiki link. Is he avoiding it deliberately or just doesn't know that this is exactly the thing wiki is useful for? I second that. Just like the watches, the glove is likely technically magic wand. Which page? I don't think anything is missing, but it's true I didn't rereaded the archive recently ...
  9. NP, Wednesday March 9, 2016

    Give USA chance first. They not only needs Will more, but (sanity of) president of USA is important for whole world. Denmark doesn't have nuclear weapons, right?
  10. Story: Friday March 11 2016

    Given the mention that royalty have strong magic, it may not even be vestigial. The revolutionary ideas of equality may not really hold when the royalty ARE better. Note that this is ANDREA fangirling, she might not be informed yet ... but yes, I still see it as polite acceptance of royal caprice. "I'm blind!" There is an additional problem with pronunciation: even if you know the correct world, you may say it as something different. At least if you mostly learned the language in written form. Well ... that was sort of expected after her reaction to Elliot's change. I see you missed few episodes of Star Trek. Namely, The Squire of Gothos, Where No Man Has Gone Before, Encounter at Farpoint, Hide and Q, Q Who, Deja Q, Qpid, True Q, Tapestry, All Good Things, The Survivors ... Just because Scotty can't change the laws of physics doesn't mean noone can. Not literally everywhere but are definitely very common. Tara might've not really meant it seriously. Or she never cared. Agree. Newton would totally see black hole as impossible. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic (Clarke) and any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from technology (Girl Genius). The really weird issue is the magic reset. Apparently, while "other" physical laws are solid, magic laws can change a lot.
  11. Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016

    Sure, he may not actually have access to all phone functions ... yet. Considering it's magic, he may easily get them. Would be violating much less physical laws than what Nanase does.
  12. STORY: Wednesday March 9, 2016

    For start, both Elliot and Heidi thinks they are same personality. I think if Elliot would like being Heidi, it wouldn't make him keeping that form forever - it would cause him to became less stick-in-mud even if not transformed, so eventually "base" Elliot will behave like Heidi. Yes, I agree. And even if Heidi somehow took over Elliot's mind, I don't think it would be very dangerous. The others would simply have to smash her skull in with a giant flail and she would immediately poof back to Elliot. Susan's hammers might come handy as something which is guaranteed to not cause permanent damage ... or they can simply wait until Elliot spent all energy: I don't think he can keep the transformation forever. (At least not outside Moperville or with Sarah making hole in ambient magic.) Agree. I think this is not case of "not reading spellbook" but the way the book is explaining this is just too hard to understand. Alternatively, it may be case of "your magic into my magic": if neither Nanase nor Ellen book said anything about what will happen when Ellen tries to copy Nanase's guardian form, why should Elliot or Nanase book said anything about what will happen if Nanase tries to contact Elliot under Cheerleadra spell?
  13. NP, Wednesday March 9, 2016

    Into that? Likely not. Wanting to test it for science? Both Grace and Tedd definitely. Thinking about it? She either just did or almost did. Beginning of this story, sure, but I don't remember any older cases where this could've come up. For years, "Grace was making it up" was totally possible explanation.
  14. STORY: Wednesday March 9, 2016

    ... yup. Feels little as being cheated ... but on the other hand, yes, she hadn't exactly enough time and calm to thing it through, and simple answers are often overlooked. Alternate IDs, extremely likely. Female forms, hard to say. It's also possible all Elliot's female forms count as one but different from "normal" Elliot. (The comment suggests that Cheerleadra is somehow special in this regard ...) Only way to know if the necessary difference on one end are the same as on the other end is to test it. Back at the birthday party, she tried Ellen, the only one not transformed, and she didn't tried Susan when Susan was transformed, so ... Multiple explanations, but not so many directions. Our information about situation are not the same as Nanase had. For one, we knew Elliot is not dead. On the other hand, we knew about Immortals being present, which Nanase didn't. She DID know about griffin, so she COULD think about the possibility of interference ... The main difference however is that Nanase have option we don't: she could test things. Although testing the "interference" hypothesis would be hard without other possible targets near ...
  15. STORY: Monday March 7, 2016

    I would think that people only awaken once. Well, they can awaken only once, but look closely how Nanase got the guardian spell ... doesn't look SO different ...
  16. NP, Wednesday March 9, 2016

    Agree with both: she could easily be over it AND it may not be that bad in first place. On the other hand, we don't have canon confirmation that she's ok with male forms either. Elliot's attempts notwithstanding, magic doesn't work this way ; even if Ellen will get zapped with male form hundred times, it won't cause her to get it as a spell. Meanwhile, she MIGHT get such spell without being zapped at all. For the correct effect, Tedd needs to came when Sarah, Ellen or both are transformed. Or possibly true hermaphrodites.
  17. STORY: Monday March 7, 2016

    ... you do realize the magic in EGS does work, right? Something similar to Nioi's "nose-beep" could actually solve this problem.
  18. NP, Wednesday March 9, 2016

    It is implied they can store the forms somewhere else, possibly on computer, with enough space for much more forms. That's still moving from "Grace shows forms preview" somewhere else, namely "Sarah testing new forms".
  19. NP: Monday, March 7, 2016

    Things like I'm only able to remember all the details of the message while using this means to contact you and I assume that's why suggests that he IS separate being having other life besides being magic emissary.
  20. We Begin Anew!

    ... unfortunately, still doesn't seem to work. Announcements are http, forums are http, profiles are http ... only images and styles are https on https://community.910cmx.com/ ... at least as I see it (can it be cache or something?).
  21. STORY: Monday March 7, 2016

    Just because this option make sense it doesn't invalidate other options. In fact, if Nanase will just try Cheerleadra now and succeed, we will STILL not be sure what was the reason, unless she WAS trying Cheerleadra specifically before as well and mentions it now. And about TF gun modifying personality ... it can be argued either way - you may count changing sexual preference (adding heterosexual) as personality modification or you can argue that TF gun doesn't change personality itself at all and everything is done by hormones or something which doesn't count as part of personality.
  22. Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016

    The possibility is funny enough for her to do it at least once, but possibly not with Justin. Unless ... can existence of one spellbook for given person prevent creation of another? It's not thesaurus. The spell keeps changing: if you say it the way it was yesterday, it wouldn't work, but the book always contains the working version. (I think there was an explanation somewhere based on the spell wiping itself from memory on casting, proving that D&D magic is trolling even more than EGS magic. Alternatively, the preparation of spell is not just memorization, you actually do part of the spell casting in the preparation step.) The new ability should be suspicious itself. If he would take at least the same attention to what Mr. Verres is saying as we do, he would know that Greg was talked out from teaching the anime martial arts BECAUSE what it's actually doing is leading to persons awakening sooner or later. So, the logical conclusion is that he was NOT paying the same attention. Or he has some misconception, similarly how Susan though that she will know she have new spell. ... and yes, I hope they will talk about it enough for someone to remember Justin might need to get tested.
  23. Story: Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

    If the HDDs are in THAT bad shape, it would mean that some data would be completely lost. Then it's question of format: some formats are extremely hard to recover even partial data from if the file is not complete. But based on the lack of details about the HDD damage and recovery process, seems that they don't consider getting help from us. At least not yet.
  24. EGS Strip Slaying

    Yes, I'm sure Pandora would approve. Of course, the "Don't be boring" will happen AFTER this arc, but ...
  25. STORY: Monday March 7, 2016

    Maybe they manage to keep something secret? ... ok, I know, unlikely ... ... exactly. I would definitely like to know what was the reason ... all three options (Cheerleadra, Tara, Immortal) would make sense.