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Tom Sewell

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Everything posted by Tom Sewell

  1. Story Friday August 23, 2019

    I don't buy this. Remember "Princess Power?" Ashley is very visually oriented; look at all the attention she pays to fashion. Dan has dug himself a hole with this stunt, unless he's going to introduce memory erasure into EGS, which doesn't fit at all into the context he's built up.
  2. Story Monday, August 12, 2018

    http://egscomics.com/comic/party-047 No, Lucy, Diane, and Luke aren't coming to the party; they just say a few words in one flashback panel.
  3. Story Monday, August 19, 2019

    That's what Tedd said at Grace's birthday party. But he also admitted that preferring to cook as a woman was irrational.
  4. Story Monday, August 19, 2019

    Why does Tedd cook as a woman? Maybe because he associates cooking with his missing mom, even if he isn't aware of it.
  5. Story Monday, August 19, 2019

    Then why does Jeremy whine when Tedd forgets to feed him? At least Max knows how to catch mice.
  6. Story Monday, August 19, 2019

    Sounds reasonable--except that cats are not that long-lived, and Adrian Raven has the other cat, Max. The rift between Edward and Adrian probably goes back at least to the divorce, and possibly further. But solving this mystery could eventually lead to an explanation in canon exactly why that split, and the divorce, happened. Probably not at this party, though..
  7. Story Monday, August 19, 2019

    Does this mean we finally find out how Jeremy and Max (remember Max? Adrian's cat?) came to be? Really, Ashley has already seen three immortals, two griffins, Sirleck, that golem, Dragon Ellen, and five different Elliot transformations--and a funny-looking cat throws her off? (Blond girl at school; Rose Elliot at the mall; Cheerleadra; Uryuom-suit Cheerleadra; not-Cheerleadra to fight Magus-Ellen)
  8. Story Wednesday, Aug 14, 2019

    Near the end of Fiddler on the Roof, when all the Jews in Anatevka are forced to leave, there's a brief conversation between Tevye and Lazar Wolf (I've forgotten which one is which here, but id doesn't matter) that goes like this: First Expelled Jew: Where in America are you going? New York? Second Expelled Jew: No, Chicago. First Expelled Jew: Oh. The other place.
  9. Story Wednesday, Aug 14, 2019

    Possible and interesting. Susan could have a lot of relatives since she descends from a child born centuries ago. Germany really wasn't a country until 1871; France and England have been around for more than a thousand years now. Adrian. Thanks to Henry V and Joan of Arc, France and England have patriotically hated each other for about seven centuries by now, but "Germany" was a patchwork of very loosely associated states, and despite Mr. H's doctrine, German-ness is also a vague term. Konrad Adenauer, the man who led West Germany for about the first two decades of its existence, was from the Rhineland, and he said of the Prussians being expelled from Poland when it got moved West by Stalin "A Prussian is a Pole who has forgotten who his grandfather was." Anyway, If Adrian ever identified with Germany, I think it would have been at some time between, say, 1806 and the 1890s. Napoleon gave pretty much all Germans a reason to hate him and the French more than, say, Bavaria hated Prussia. And the antics of Kaiser Wilhelm II after he fired Bismarck would have provided a good reason for Adrian to up sticks besides his periodic need to "die" and be reborn in a new identity, and moving to the United States at this time would mean he would be lost among millions of immigrants, most with little or no records to check. Since Dan lives in Chicagoland, I suspect he may know a lot about the history of the large German community there. Who do you think brewed all the beer Al Capone made his money on?
  10. Story Wednesday, Aug 14, 2019

    I fooled around with a fanfic where Susan's dad hooked up with Tedd's mom and, hence, Van would be a half-sibling to both Susan and Tedd. But Van's been raised as a Brit, so I shelved that idea along with the fic. Although... who's to say Susan's dad isn't a Brit? He didn't sound like one in the few words Dan put into his mouth so long ago, but... While I'm speculating, one of my favorite amazing crackpot plot theories is that Diane's mom was actually another Immortal, which would mean Diane is actually 3/4 Immortal--more of an elf than her dad! It would explain why Adrian was never able to find her again...
  11. Story Wednesday, Aug 14, 2019

    This is speculation, but I think it's consistent with Diane's developed character. Diane probably wonders by now just how close Susan is to Elliot, and whether Susan is crushing on Elliot despite not admitting it. Diane has watched every episode of their webcast, possibly more than once, given Diane's Sherlock Holmes-ian focus on investigating mysteries. And Diane certainly knows that Elliot can turn into a girl now. So it's logical that Diane thinks the "girl" Susan admitted to kissing was Elliot. BTW, in my headcanon, Diane's last name is "Holmes". I'd love Dan to make that canon.
  12. Story Wednesday, Aug 14, 2019

    The key to the different behaviors of Susan and Diane is that Diane grew up with parents who stayed together and a sibling, while Susan was blighted by witnessing her dad's betrayal and then his apparent disappearance from her life. I say "apparent" because Dan hasn't invested a lot we can see in developing most of the parents of our teenage heroes. Since Dan did put Diane and Susan together at the same time the others are gathering for the party, perhaps one or both of them will show up after all. We can only hope.
  13. Story Wednesday, Aug 14, 2019

    If this conversation goes on much longer, Susan might blurt out that she made out with Justin. I'd say Susan's heart was bumpity-bump before the Demonic Duck turned off the lights.
  14. Story Monday, August 12, 2018

    Luke's words could be relevant. This is supposed to be just a bowling match. Why would Luke be so intimidated? Maybe because Luke can see something in Diane Justin can't?
  15. Story, Aug 9th, 2019

    I don't think we need the speedbird from MV5 yet. The fairy's tail is doing a good job in Panel 2 of keeping the secret of what's under that ridiculously short skirt.
  16. Story Wednesday August 07, 2019

    I had someone try to sell me drugs in front of a middle school in broad daylight while school was in session. California, dude.
  17. Story Monday, July 22, 2019

    http://egscomics.com/comic/party-040 The return of the brain gag.
  18. Story Friday, August 2, 2019

    http://egscomics.com/comic/party-044 Thrilling recap of a bowling date! Also a fairy completely ignored by Sarah and Justin.
  19. http://egscomics.com/comic/party-043 We're back at Tedd's place
  20. Story Friday, August 2, 2019

    The particular stories played on her "I like to watch" aspect, you could probably guess what that entails. I can think of a pretty good why. We've already seen Susan use Little Nase to fetch small items, or do it her own, like that towel. If her fairies can teleport, she could use them to fetch small items at a considerable distance, or in locked rooms. Or she could look inside inaccessible spaces. And has been said and repeated, Susan likes to watch.
  21. Story Friday, August 2, 2019

    Right, so far, not in canon. But Susan could have all sorts of spells we haven't seen yet. She didn't know she could summon multiple fairies until the very last comic in Playing With Dolls. And like you, the doll doesn't really have a Nanase look. I actually gave some thought to this. The basement is a very secure area, maybe the most secure in Moperville. And the fairy didn't attempt to speak. Maybe Nanase did have something to say, but hearing the conversation, decided to wait and listen first. But then, changes clothes and starts flying around the basement. Going to get something? Or is Nanase just doing fairy tricks because she's bored? I wasn't, but Nanase is acting very much like a jealous ex now, isn't she? Or maybe like a jealous mother. Could Nanase already be turning into her mother? Remember how her mom reacted when she found out Tedd had a girlfriend? Another way to look at it is that the whole time Elliot was dating Nanase, and then dating Sarah, he never seemed to take the initiative. Then Elliot meets Ashley and immediately starts dating her. He even organized this party for her. What's this woman got that I haven't?!!!
  22. Story Friday, August 2, 2019

    Until I read Dan's commentary, my first thought was that this was one of Susan's fairies--remember, she has two Nanase dolls in her special place now. At least so far, while Susan's fairies can act autonomously, Nanase's cannot. So why did Nanase summon a fairy to the basement? She could, after all, just walk downstairs. So what is that fairy doing down there? Spying, perhaps. Or maybe Ashley has arrived upstairs, and Nanase has used her fairy to send her mind elsewhere, like when she had to get away from Susan's place during Night Out and wound up at Elliot's place. That wouldn't be rational, but Nanase seems to be already irrational about Ashley. Nanase was already about to break up with Elliot when she met Sarah. Then within a few days, Nanase hooked up with Ellen--an Elliot with the right gender. And Nanase got off easy for awhile because Sarah was the perfect match for Elliot. Until Sarah wasn't. But, by then, Nanase had found her One True Love with Ellen, right? Only... Ellen supported Ashley from the very beginning, and still does. I think it's quite possible this difference of opinion will turn up at this party later. It's my party, and I'll cry if I want too...
  23. Story Friday, July 19, 2018

    http://egscomics.com/comic/party-039 Best date?
  24. Story Wednesday, July 31, 2019

    You may have sharks on light rail, but we have militant nudists.
  25. http://egscomics.com/comic/party-038 YAAAAAAAY