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Everything posted by Stormtalon42

  1. Story Monday November 28, 2016

    Why do I feel like there should be "Containment Breach" alarms going off about now? And you can just tell that Nanase isn't exactly happy about breaching* this particular subject.... *yes, fully aware it should be "broaching"
  2. NP, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    What if I like my jinks grilled and not fried?
  3. NP Wednesday November 16, 2016

    I'd suspect she's contemplating how she might go about conquering Mount Rhoda....
  4. NP Wednesday November 9, 2016

    I suspect she wouldn't even need a spell to affect a boar, in certain ways. Ways that definitely don't insinuate anything, why would you even ask such a thing?
  5. Story Friday October 14, 2016

    It's been long enough since I last read that book, but I had this suspicion its name wasn't nearly that long....
  6. Story Friday October 14, 2016

    "The End of the Matter," if I recall correctly (though the title wasn't exactly apt, as it was definitely not the end of Flinx's adventures).... I'm still waiting for my pet Minidrag, though.
  7. NP, Friday September 23, 2016

    I wonder if Pandora expected Rhoda to catalyze the use of the new mark, or did she not realize the depth of their felines for each other?
  8. Story: Friday, September 23, 2016

    I'm fairly certain Voltaire's vow is a "from this point forward" sort of thing, which leaves the impending mayhem he's already initiated with Sirleck in the clear. This is one of those "I won't do anything (because I already DID, muahahaha!), I promise," deals.
  9. NP, Friday September 17, 2016

    And here I suspected she might be thinking about shrinking both her and Catalina, and then jumping in a cupcake together....
  10. Story Wednesday July 20, 2016

    Man, where's Dennis Quaid when we really need him?
  11. Terrible movie thread

    For a proper addition, however, I submit for your (dis)approval: "Zardoz." The only movie to date I absolutely could not make it through. So boring and pretentious, even the prospect of a bit of gratuitous nudity wasn't enough to keep my interest. It is truly Sean Connery's "Barbarella" -- but without the sense of camp that would make it palatable.
  12. Ahhh, the sleight cards -- I didn't win the game this happened in, but was still worth it all the same. I was playing a Blue/Black/dash of White deck -- at the time, I liked making odd theme decks; this one's theme was a Warren Zevon song: "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner." Larger than normal deck, full of Prodigals (Tim), Zuran Spellcasters (Ice Age Tim), Norrits, Cuombajj Witches, Skull Catapults and with the legendary Merieke Ri Berit. I hope you can see where it got its name. I also had a Sleight of Mind in there, because I liked messing with people. It was a multiplayer game with myself, a primary red deck player and a fellow playing an all-white "Happy Healer Deck." Around midgame,I got out my Merieke and the red player tossed out Anarchy (destroy all white permanents) -- which I promptly Sleighted to Red, despite the Happy Healer buildup going on, because I wanted to make use of her at least once, consequences be damned. The red player didn't last long after that, leaving just myself and the Happy Healer, although my Merieke died not long afterwards. Unfortunately, he was too well established by that point. Of note, he had no attack cards, no damage of any sort. He could heal and prevent damage, and that was it. The amount of damage he could heal & prevent, however was astounding. Even a full battery of Tims/Ice Age Tims/Norrits/Catapults couldn't take any of his healers out. Fine, sez I, and I start trying to kill myself. Not happening. There came all that damage prevention and healing aimed right at me. My health actually went UP as the game progressed, and it dawned on me that I was facing the slowest Millstone deck in existence. I actually came close to ekeing out a win as I had a Feldon's Cane to fill my deck back up, but he had just a few more cards than me, even after that. On the upside, I lost the game with over 40 health to my name, so that's a thing.
  13. Terrible movie thread

    Well, I'd toss Alien 3 into the list, except it's a well known fact* that only two movies in the Alien series were ever made. *Denial counts as fact, right?
  14. Story: 2016, April 4th (Monday)

    I'm betting that one Sidney Scoville would love to be able to abs-orb her powers like that....
  15. Story: 2016, April 4th (Monday)

    Ok, Elliot -- no texting while flying....
  16. Story: Friday March 25, 2016

    I've seen him commenting on the Facebook notifications, I think.
  17. Story: Friday March 25, 2016

    That expression in the last panel? Absolutely Tara-fying. Yes, you all are allowed to clobber me for that one.
  18. Story Wednesday March 23, 2016

    All quite true -- the question about Fairy Guardian was more of something that just occurred to me as a side-thought rather than anything I expect to actually happen.
  19. Story Wednesday March 23, 2016

    Nanase SMASH! Yeah, she's got some unresolved issues regarding those two immortals, and I'd bet it's in large part due to what Susan went through in France. Maybe even a wee bit of guilt on her own part; she was the one who was supposed to slay the vampire, but her being out of position meant Susan has blood on her hands. Even though we're not likely to see it -- no danger at this point and such -- Nanase's simmering emotions here suddenly have me wondering if Fairy Doll form can go Guardian. Sketchbook fodder, maybe?
  20. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    I don't think there's any way to avoid telling Edward; he's going to want to discuss the mall incident, for sure, which will lead to everything else....
  21. STORY: Friday March 18, 2016

    Hah, Elliot & Nanase's responses caught Andrea off guard. Also, Andrea fighting to not go off the rails onto her theoretical tangents is pure, geeky awesome.
  22. Story Wednesday March 16, 2016

    That's one thing explained (by example) for Elliot, et al. I would, however, just like to make it clear that I absolutely, positively almost never have conversations with myself like that. For certain values of "almost never."
  23. Check in here -- Welcome back!

    Yep, back. Has nobody yet yelled out, "IT'S ALIVE! ALIIIIVEEE?"