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Everything posted by Matoyak

  1. Story Tuesday, June 14, 2016

    Pretty sure. The order of weird stuff Hit by lightning (1980) <time potentially passes> Poly relationship And how certain are you that you aren't a time traveler?
  2. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    I'll be honest, I'd forgotten there even was a Pokémon CCG, and that's far from the core aspect of Pokémon. Heck, even the anime's a small deal compared to the video games. Besides, the Pokémon CCG came out in the US in 1998, while Magic came out in 1993. Not exactly in the same year, or even a year apart. Bit much to hold hatred for Pokémon on that count, as CCGs had been around for 5 years at that point.
  3. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    I am, though? DnD 3.5 and Call of Cthulhu are mostly what I play. Though I have been looking into The Sprawl...just need to find a group to play it with. Why does that matter one whit, though? If I like one, I must not like the other? ~raises eyebrow~
  4. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    It definitely had not been introduced by that point. The only way would be if Dan adjusted it intentionally when inking it in this update. I suspect that's not what happened, though, due to the difference being mostly obscure, combined with the other stuff I pointed out earlier. I legit can't understand why this is such a big deal for you.
  5. NP: Monday, June 13, 2016

    Not just the models, but also the skeletons, rigs, and animations, which could result in different silhouettes* and hitboxes depending on how you do it. You could just replace the meshes, I suppose, but that'd result in some weirdness almost certainly. *And since this was THE main focus in character design of TF2, and a very large reason why it was as balanced as it was...
  6. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    Well ... Tedd did said he now knows how to make permanent transformation wand ... and Lord Tedd likely actually tried ... Funny as it is, I suspect Dan simply don't know. The difference only appeared in Diamond/Pearl. Also, the tail goes off panel. The notch could be off screen, so to speak. (combined with the breasts and generally feminine figure pikachu!Sarah has in that image, I think it's probably mostly safe to assume she's female in that panel, sex-wise at least).
  7. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    Could you explain a bit more? I'm unsure I understand you... you're saying this explanation is like a best friend time traveling from the past? I have, multiple times, for multiple characters, with multiple Pokémon (and multiple different non-Pokémon animals, too). A few times on the Patreon, even. ~shrug~ Dan and the People clearly don't want it, I suppose.
  8. Syndicate of Colour

    Thank you, this is very helpful.
  9. NP, Wednesday June 8, 2016

    I just read that as sarcasm. Didn't actually think he meant it was his avatar.
  10. NP Monday June 6, 2016

    I have a suspicion that it's due to the Nintendo NX and whatever Nintendo, Pokémon Company, and GameFreaks' plans for the franchise on that system are. If the NX turns out to be the handheld+console combo that everyone suspects it of being, then it'll be the replacement for the 3DS as well as the WiiU. If that turns out to be the case, then they'll have to do some serious asset building in order to be able to support a console that will likely rival the current versions of the Xone and the PS4 in terms of power. They don't have models or sprites that would look good at that resolution (Heck, they barely have models that look good on the 3DS as it stands). I bet they pivoted out of making Z in favor of Sun and Moon in order to get one last rush of the 3DS's massive audience with the excitement a new Generation brings before the NX shows up to wreck shop and either way they would have to take a long time and money before the next iteration of the franchise post-NX.
  11. Character relationship diagram

    Did you mean Ellen? Neither Sarah nor Tedd had a Second Life. And the characters in the Second Life would be separate characters of their own, I feel [ie: SL Tedd and SL Tony would have their own relationship dynamic, separate from our Tedd and Tony], maybe (maaaybe) with the exception of when interacting with Ellen and Kioli due to their being the ones in all worlds involved and them mapping certain people onto their main world / timeline friends mentally.
  12. Why? And Téa isn't too terribly odd of a name...
  13. Who knows, he's desired to be a hero for so long, maybe he'll end up with spells that heal injuries or something too. She might wanna keep 911 as an option then until that point. :)
  14. Huh. Elliot's a trained EMS person too?
  15. NP: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    The way you worded that sentence meant it stood alone (and actually in contrast to the previous statements), and it came after talking about local customs. I assumed this meant you were unaware of the requirements on this forum.
  16. Though this month Patreon is changing how it's done. I think it was set up to where people paid for the previous month, and now they've set it to where people pay for the upcoming month? That, or the charges are now up front? Not certain exactly, but there was a change that will go into effect for June. I can't find the exact info right now, but here's two articles on Patreon about it: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/209777053-When-do-payments-get-processed- https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/208404313-Why-was-I-charged-immediately-Will-You-Charge-Me-Again-
  17. AFAIK you're charged when you first sign up, and then monthly (start of month) from there on out.
  18. Yeah, I spent a few minutes trying to figure out what was up with that as well. I guess the morph kept her head and torso length the same while shortening her legs, beefing up her arms, and giving her those crazy hips Dan seems to like so much. Makes the proportions look off for Susan in particular. I like the second stage quite a bit, personally.
  19. Age Brackets (Bunny Demographics)

    You're totally right about growing up alongside it. I was Harry's age when book 1 came out. That said, HP started with a younger target than Teens when the first book came out. Book 1 is outright a children's book, from the premise to the situations and on down to the vocabulary. As the audience grew, Rowling increased the maturity and complexity of the novels. Quite smart, that.
  20. Story Monday May 30, 2016

    Only if you upload them to it. If you use a host like imgur, it doesn't have to end up in the gallery here. AFAIK
  21. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    Interesting. See, I thought the first book was brilliant. Still do. Thought the series would be equally good...and then I read books 2 and 3 and was very very disappointed.
  22. NP: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    [This page post intentionally left blank]
  23. Daang. I was expecting something in the realm of erotic, but to continue my theme of being confused as to which pinup was supposed to be which, I thought this was a solo one...so I just thought it'd be Cheerleadra in a bit of an erotic pose/expression by herself. Gotta say, this is much better than that. Wow.