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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Matoyak last won the day on March 30 2016

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About Matoyak

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    ::: Texas - USA

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  1. Story Monday March 26 2018

  2. Story, Monday September 18, 2017

    I mean... Ellen and Elliot live together. In the same room even. Their physical proximity isn't what's preventing Magus from pulling that off, I don't think.
  3. Story Monday June 26, 2017

    Wait, are you saying these folks are Pandora? I may have missed something, but I was unaware we'd been told who that was. Assumed it was the two "French" immortals showing up.
  4. Story, Friday June 23, 2017

    The coloring alone would be enough for most, I feel. "Oh, you're going to rob me...darn...but ooo! I'll look sawheeeet while you do it!"
  5. Story Monday June 26, 2017

    Two questions: Who is "Heka", and when did the "Elves are sterile" bit get debunked in any official means? EDIT: I remember who Heka is now.
  6. Crazy Counting Guy

    I recently reread it myself, and boy are you right on that one. I remember feeling antsy at the time, but I'd forgotten just how much... I bet the latter helped Sarah out a fair bit as well. I'd imagine Playing With Dolls would bump Nanase, Tedd, and Susan up a tad too. Also: Hello everyone! Dunno how active I'll be, but I'm sort of back. Kind of. (Multiple new jobs. Worked at a startup that failed. Going through Texas Workforce Commission for unpaid wages as we speak. Fun times. At a new, stable gig now though so that's good). Glad to see you back up and running on this, @Illjwamh, it was one of my favorite things.
  7. Fifteen Years of EGS

    My memory of when I started reading EGS isn't the best, but it was sometime prior to or during Painted Black I believe (As I at least do remember waiting to see what would happen during the Damien fight). I was somewhere in the range of 12-13 years old, closer to the former. There's a reason I don't remember the specifics of where the comic was at the time...
  8. Story Monday November 21, 2016

    Haha, FINALLY. I thought Dan would tease it out a tad at least
  9. Things That Make You Happy

    I landed my first programming job and started on the 6th. It's at a relatively small startup that deals with enterprise software, virtual reality simulations, and augmented reality safetywear. Currently I'm working on small, bite sized tasks on the web frontend, but due to the nature of the company I'm likely to broaden out into numerous other things beyond the web dev stuff. It's a contract-to-hire position, so I'll be doing taxes as a contractor for the first time in my life, and getting paid once a month as opposed to twice a month, so...that's going to be fun to figure out, especially as I've gone through three different jobs at three different tax brackets this year. (Was a petrochemical laboratory technician from July 25th through October 5th).
  10. Story for Wednesday, September 28, 2016

    That's interesting...the only Ghostbusters trailer that I saw had only one trait: It was aggressively unfunny. It no more demanded going to a theater than did any other trailer, enthusiastic or not. I thinks me you read a fair bit of your personal feelings into it. Glad I went anyways, though, as I thought the movie was a fun one. Not the best thing ever, but it wasn't bad at all. A case where the trailer did significant harm to the movie unnecessarily.
  11. Story, Wednesday September 21, 2016

    And since fans are going to have jobs themselves, in addition to families and lives outside of the work, they won't be able to put in overtime hours the way Pixar was able to. 9 months of people working overtime as a part of their daily job are going to be able to produce a generally higher quality of work and definitely a much larger body of work than even an equivalently sized group of fans that can only get between a few hours to a few dozen hours of work done per week due to other obligations. Additionally it's not really all that fair a comparison as PIxar was able to recover around 70% of the stuff they lost due to one of the Leads at the studio having been working from home. She had taken a computer home with her that hadn't been connected to the main server, so when the erroneous backup command had hit, it was spared the wiping. The story of how they drove from her house to the Pixar offices at like 15 miles an hour was quite harrowing.
  12. More Speculation.

    Hmm. I feel that's unnecessarily limiting the potential of fanfic writing in general, honestly. While I don't really read fanfiction, there's no reason it has to always include the main characters. One could use the universe created by someone else for it. (Heck, that's where a lot of the Cthulhu Mythos comes from, and the entire Star Wars expanded universe could be argued to be sanctioned fanfic writing). No one's saying it has to, it's just that if you go to Fic archive sites, the fics that don't use the existing cast tend to be at the bottom of the list going by views, comments, favorites, etc. Fans seek out fan-work that stars their favorite character, or fleshes out their favorite extra, more often than not. having an OC 'steal' that spotlight typicaly ends badly. Uh, that's exactly what Tom Sewell said, though. All I was saying is that those two bolded statements are a bit limiting. I don't care how popular something is, we shouldn't limit things to purely what's popular. To say it again, that would be "unnecessarily limiting".
  13. The Grammar Thread

    I use slang for comedic or emphasis purposes nine times out of ten, especially when typing on the internet. I do enjoy doing so, but when needing to be more serious or understood I drop the slang.
  14. We Begin Anew!

    Th server crashed. To the ground. While being carried up some stairs.
  15. Story Monday August 29, 2016

    Or faces of a die? If that turns out to be the case, I'll actually be very, truly, for realsies, quite annoyed, to put it mildly.