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Everything posted by Matoyak

  1. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    I really was hoping the Ghost Busters reboot would be good. An all female cast helming a knockout comedy-action romp would be nearly as good for the industry as a female lead superhero getting a great film. But good lord that trailer was terrrrible. It just wasn't funny, to put it simply.
  2. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    Weren't both DS9 and Voyager concurrent with, and then lasting past, the end of tNG? Or do you mean one set a far distance beyond tNG, like how tNG was a half century or so past tOS?
  3. STORY: Monday, May 16, 2016

    Uhm. How did you manage to do a double post 14 hrs apart?
  4. Q&A Q...

    I feel like I have read him say it outside of Patreon at some point, but can't remember where. Also, I suspect it's not purely Patreon only, as he's addressing the confusion around Arthur vs Old Man Sirleck at the very least. I think he's just focusing mostly on Patreon asked ones.
  5. NP: Monday, May 16, 2016

    The desk fan implies FO4. (As does the armor, for that matter, jokes aside).
  6. A new Which EGS Character Are You quiz

    I think it boils down to Elliot currently being at "Routine", but that seems likely to (and actively is in the process of) change(ing) to "Enthusiastic". However, I don't think you could currently call it enthusiastic just yet. Not enough data in the story itself for that to be a sure bet for something like this quiz. Also, he may mostly be enthusiastic for the Cheerleadra form due to the powers and not specifically for being the opposite sex, which is more the heart of this question.
  7. Moperville PRT

    This is a thing they can do. that label only works if you treat Awakening as an altered state of being, rather than the activation of powers. Otherwise there's no underlying change of state. Huh? How so?
  8. Story comic for Weds, May 11, 2016

    "Ah, my old foe, Nixon!"
  9. Monday, May 9, 2016

    Yes. Yes they are.
  10. Story: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    OOoooh, I like that idea...
  11. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    That's an amusingly modern-sounding name for such a time period. Unlike other old names like Catherine or Adam, it doesn't sound old.
  12. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    This is one reason I pushed against the "Elliot is genderfluid" idea that was going around on the forums before the "gender-neutral / gender-meh" shift in the story. He identified as male regardless of his outer form, so that's what I felt he should be known/referred to as. This has clearly changed by now though, or has at least become much less the case.
  13. EGS Strip Slaying

    That'd be more Deadpool's domain, I do believe.
  14. NP: Monday, May 2, 2016

    ...huh? Did you mean to say this in another thread? I did not want to. So what did you mean by it?
  15. 05 - 04

    May 4th's a good date. In addition to being Star Wars day, it's also my grandma's birthday and my girlfriend and I's anniversary date. And then Mother's day's right around the corner from it.
  16. NP: Monday, May 2, 2016

    I'd say "yes", 'cause I don't see it, but... Apparently I'm the odd one out here. ~shrug~ ...huh? Did you mean to say this in another thread?
  17. Yeah, it's the only thing slightly bothering me about the sequence...the colors inverted. Her fur on the feet and hands changed color into the same color that her body fur was...while the body fur went away. Just feels odd, like she has slippers and gloves on rather than those being natural due to still being in transition from werewolf form.* Otherwise I quite like it. *unless she's supposed to be fully human in the last image, and those are literally slippers and gloves?
  18. I think this is the most naked we've seen a human yet.
  19. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    For me the reason I rejected the Griffon Theory is because (at the time) I naïvely believed that "I am in search of Avalon" was just a one-off gag. Same, it just seemed too ridiculous to think there was more to it. That was a fair bit of it for me too, and it seemed like a really bad idea to introduce Yet More Characters into the story. We already have a hard time seeing all of the main 8 every half year.
  20. STORY: Wednesday April 27, 2016

    That's a chat session between avatars. All it implies is that Lucy plays some kind of fantasy game and likes it enough for it to be her avy. (Smart money's on the game being Skyrim considering the dragon and armor, and Dan's general love of Bethesda games) Diane's avatar's not from that game or genre.
  21. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    I was a pretty hard sell too. Though I admitted relatively early on that it looked more and more likely, I wasn't happy about it.
  22. Softwares & Hardwares

    None that I myself am aware of. Granted, I personally found Windows 10 to be mostly fine on that front when compared to Win8. Though that O&O Shut Up 10 looks neat. I'm going to look into that.
  23. STORY: Wednesday April 27, 2016

    Right. I'm just saying that Diane's power isn't necessarily going to be summoning anything. It could be anything related to magic weapons.
  24. STORY: Wednesday April 27, 2016

    Then we've got conflicting info: http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2185
  25. STORY: Wednesday April 27, 2016

    Susan's spell is, yes. But their affinity is just for magic weapons, not summoning or summoned magic weapons.