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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!

The Old Hack

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Everything posted by The Old Hack

  1. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Feel better soon, Prof. Hopefully you're on the right path now.
  2. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    Redshirts is an excellent book. Not quite what I expected but a good read nonetheless.
  3. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    I don't recall it happening in DS9, but I think it happened once or twice in TNG. And it happened in TOS as well if spontaneously turning into a god counts as mutating into a different species. (There might have been other cases, but I am not an expert on TOS so I can't say for sure.)
  4. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    A different issue would be either loss of or damage to one's voice, potentially locking the actually authorised person out.
  5. Story: Monday April 3, 2017

    That was a long time ago. Someone ought to have warned Dan that you have to watch yourself, going through Albuquerque.
  6. Last Post Wins

    Yes, a classic example of buzz kill.
  7. Things That Make You Happy

    Congratulations I hope you get to take a few days off now!
  8. Last Post Wins

    *looks up* Dammit, did it have to happen just as I was upgrading the entire core of the central unit of my Chron-O-John? Wait. Why am I even asking this? Massive dimensional crises always happen when the time machine is out of order or malfunctioning. *muttermuttergrumble*
  9. Story Friday March 31, 2017

    Well, this is Elliot. And Elliot does not do things by halves.
  10. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Screw what other people think. I eat what I feel like when the time feels right.
  11. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Please tell us that the inhaler at least is working.
  12. Things That Make You Happy

    It reminds me of a container of boiled spam with a slight misprint. The large text on the top read, "Boiled Sam." I couldn't help but wonder if Sam hadn't strenously objected to that.
  13. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    Probably meant to apply to humans only due to the Eugenics Wars. I doubt the Federation feels nearly as threatened by genetically manipulated superintelligent sheep.
  14. Things You Find Amusing

    I am.
  15. Come for the movies, stay for the Tensaided!
  16. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Eh, I saw it the first time in a Harry Potter book and fell instantly in love with it. It is an advantage of English as a second language, you get to pick and choose between all the phrases from all the dialects and compose your very own. ...much like English itself, come to think of it.
  17. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    Yeah, I remember that one. Classic sci fi of the times, set to the tune of Terra uber alles. Not that I am complaining, a lot of it was great fun!
  18. NP: Friday March 31, 2017

  19. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Codswallop. This thread and to a degree the entire Off Topic forum is meant as a venting post where you can let out frustrations in relative peace and safety. Anyone who doesn't feel like sharing doesn't have to read this thread. Those of us who do read it are generally adults who know what we are letting ourselves in for. So no apologies needed. And yeah, I know a bit about things getting scary. None of us blame you, and we all root for you getting better.
  20. Story Friday March 31, 2017

    Well, it could turn into an EGS story. Oh wait. It already is. So, not much. o.o
  21. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    *sigh* I realise I have said this before, but even so. Go easy and take good care of yourself. And once again give our regards to the excellent Mrs. Prof and tell her how grateful we are to her for taking good care of you.
  22. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Spine doctors tend to be overworked. Think of all the politicians that have their spines surgically removed. That is a lot of work.
  23. I feel a horrible urge to name this new form 'Malliot.'
  24. Story Friday March 31, 2017

    Oh Elliot. You want so badly to apologise but can't make yourself reopen an old wound. So you do all you can to show Tedd now how much you accept what he is. I think I love Elliot more now than I ever have before.
  25. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    Case in point. I still occasionally wonder exactly how DuPree was planning to kill people with a wedge of cheese. Then I think better of it because I will probably be happier not knowing.