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Everything posted by ChronosCat

  1. Comic for Monday, Feb 21, 2022

    This doesn't read like a retcon to me, more like a the continuation of a long-running attempt to justify (and thus avoid retconning-away) Elliot's occasional early bouts of aggressiveness. (Well I suppose any attempt to add to or re-frame past events can count as a retcon. However, there's a big difference between "here's some more details about the past" and "everything you thought you knew was a lie" or "all that old stuff: none of it happened", and those latter two types are the ones that bother me.) Furthermore, while Elliot's history with Tony is new, the fact that Elliot used to enjoy beating up bullies was established quite a while back. I also thought Elliot being a "scary martial artist guy" had been mentioned before; at the least I had assumed that those who knew of his bully hunter phase might be a bit intimidated by him (particularly as it's likely not everyone would realize he was only targeting bullies).
  2. Comic for Friday Feb 18 2022

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/balance-118 And here I thought Mr. Verres was the one who seemed more concerned than we had any reason to believe was warranted.
  3. Comic for Friday Feb 18 2022

    I did try hitting it with a hammer, but apparently that wasn't enough brute force.
  4. Comic for Friday Feb 18 2022

    Yeah, didn't help.
  5. Comic for Friday Feb 18 2022

    My car probably wouldn't be able to pull too big of a load either, but it came (used) with a hitch anyway. And said hitch is rusted in place, so it's going to stay there even though I never use it.
  6. Comic for Friday Feb 18 2022

    Cars can have hitches (for towing trailers and the like).
  7. The Weather.

    It was in the 30s (F) last week, but yesterday we had a high of 12. Weather.com is saying we'll have a high of 16 today (one "local" station claimed it would reach 25 today, but they cover a pretty wide area, and their predictions never quite match the conditions outside my house). Tomorrow is supposed to be in the low to mid 30s, and Thursday will reach the upper 40s. It will then cool back down into the 20s over the weekend.
  8. Comic for Monday, February 14, 2022

    Not quite true: in addition to being fluffier (protecting them from the cold and making humans think they're cute), they are also better jumpers and are at home in the trees and other high places. (EDIT: I almost forgot: as we all know, squirrels are also fireproof.) You do have a point, however. I can attest that they're just as much of a pest as rats and mice (they even will nest inside the walls of a house if they can find a way in), and my feline housemates can attest that when they're not in the trees they're just as much fun to hunt.
  9. https://www.patreon.com/posts/just-not-sure-62143353 https://www.egscomics.com/sketchbook/2022-002 Space for "spoilers". Both stories have elements I like, but I prefer story A, as it makes things a bit different from the Diane/Rhoda "Just Can't Tell". As for the images, I think version 1 looks better and is more in character for Susan, but I do appreciate how version 2 makes her outfit more of a reference to Star Trek TOS. Finally, there's one thing I have to say to all the variations: Meow!
  10. Things That Make You Happy

    I haven't thought about YouTube Channel designs before, so I don't have any detailed critique. I can however say it looks good (and it does).
  11. Comic for Monday, February 14, 2022

    That's been one of my concerns recently (since Grace decided to join the party to meet the Gryphons).
  12. Video Game Discussion 5

    There's also the fact that it looks really awkward to hold in such a way that your finger is over the trigger but not pressing it. (As someone who has used squirt guns and other toy guns before but never a real gun, this is the first thing that came to mind.)
  13. Video Game Discussion 5

    I haven't heard anything about that, but I'm hoping so too. One of the game's biggest flaws was it's confusing plot, and I suspect the original translation made that problem worse than it had to be.
  14. Comic for Friday, Feb 11, 2022

    To me, the idea that smoking is something he'd expect his pupil to be doing at all (and that moderation is good enough) shows that Kevin is rather behind the times (and not just when it comes to nutrition guidelines). Sure, people still smoke, but it's no longer treated as something the average person is likely to do.
  15. Comic for Wednesday 9, February 2022

    So I'm by no means an expert, but I've been doing a little bit research into Arthurian myth, and I was under the impression that originally "The Sword in the Stone" and "The Sword of the Lake" were explanations given by different stories for where Arthur got his special sword from. I don't have time to look up more reliable sources, but according to the Wikipedia article for Excalibur, the first tale to mention "the Sword in the Stone" was Robert de Boron's poem "Merlin" c. 1200. This sword was explicitly identified as Excalibur in the prose "Merlin", but later (still in the 13th century) the Post-Vulgate Cycle tells that Arthur broke the Sword in the Stone in battle and then later got Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake. Mallory followed the lead of the Post-Vulgate Cycle, but apparently named both of Arthur's swords Excalibur! So in conclusion: The Sword in the Stone and The Sword in the Lake are not the same sword in any single early source, but they are both Excalibur. The etymology given on Wikipedia is "Caledfwlch" (Welsh "hard" + "breach/cleft") > "Caliburnus" (Latin, coined by Geoffrey of Monmouth) > "Escalibor" (Old French) > "Excalibur".
  16. Video Game Discussion 5

    So, Nintendo Direct was yesterday. I didn't watch it myself, but I did hear about one bit of news I'm super excited about: a remastered version of Chrono Cross is coming to Switch (and other current systems and Steam) this April, and it will include Radical Dreamers on it! (For those lacking the context: Chrono Cross and Radical Dreamers are both sequels to my favorite game of all time, Chrono Trigger. Radical Dreamers was originally released for the Japanese-only Super Famicom add-on the Satelliview in 1996, and has never had another official release until now. Chrono Cross was originally released on the Playstation in 1999-2000, but it's only other release to date was on the Play Station Network.) I'm really looking forward to seeing how the official translation of Radical Dreamers compares to the fan-translation I've played. As for Chrono Cross itself, it was quite flawed but also still a lot of fun, and I've actually been thinking about replaying for a while; it looks like when I do it will be with shiny new graphics.
  17. Comic for Wednesday 9, February 2022

    My understanding is that unless one is discussing a specific version of Arthurian legend, playing mix & match (and if presenting your own version, adding in cool things no one ever thought of before) is standard procedure.
  18. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    While there aren't any groups in the Democrat party as problematic as the Trumpists (that I know of), the problem also exists on the left that no other parties have a chance at present. I've long felt both the Democrat and Republican parties were too big, and their duopoly on American politics was bad for the country. I like to believe that a wider range of political views could get heard if we had more parties with a chance of winning more than local elections. If nothing else, it would be nice to be able to vote for someone with a chance in larger elections who didn't feel like the lesser of two evils. I've had similar thoughts, but unfortunately I doubt the end of Trump will spell the end of Trumpism... (Particularly as he didn't create the views associated with him, he just promoted them and encouraged those who already held them.)
  19. NP Comic Tuesday February 8, 2022

    Fun fact: Until I learned the real origin of the term, I used to think it had something to do with fire (given the similarity of the term to "pyre" as in "funeral pyre").
  20. Comic for Wednesday 9, February 2022

    However, they are a great way to give a hero* a nice power boost. * The sort that tends to be named "Link", for example.
  21. Comic for Monday, Feb 7, 2022

    My guess is these aspects of his personality were not part of the original programming. From what I recall, Kevin was not intended to be sentient; that being the case the magic that brought him to life probably had to fill in some gaps in his mind (or encourage the mind to develop unnaturally fast), resulting in personality traits not necessarily conductive to his original function.
  22. Comic for Monday, Feb 7, 2022

    If you don't mind elaborating, what aspects of Kevin's behavior do you wish you could emulate? Personally, I have little interest in being loud and acting like I'm always the center of attention, however being able to cut straight to the point does have some appeal. As for ignoring people who don't interest me, I do that anyway, but I try not to be obvious about it (both because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, and because some people take being ignored as a challenge).
  23. New Music Release Thread

    Just checked out Ant Farm Melee and Ereis Overture; great work as always, particularly on Ereis. Also, sorry for not checking out Ant Farm Melee before; it was a crazy summer (and not in a good way) and by the time things settled down it completely slipped my mind you'd put out a song I hadn't checked out yet.
  24. NP Comic Saturday February 5, 2022

    Yay for angled speed-lines backgrounds in panels one and two! ...Also, the ball looks fine to me as well.
  25. NP Comic Tuesday February 1, 2022

    That is not something I would have expected based on the way High School is usually portrayed in fiction. But I suppose I shouldn't find it surprising that fiction (even fiction that isn't meant as fantasy) does not always reflect reality.