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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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  1. Like
    ChronosCat reacted to The Old Hack in This Day In History   
    Actually it was Electric Light Orchestra's 'Roll Over Beethoven.'
  2. Sad
    ChronosCat reacted to mlooney in Things that make you sad.   
    My cat Suzan just died.  She was ill for quite a while before this.
  3. Like
    ChronosCat got a reaction from The Old Hack in Growing up Pretending (A Trans Childhood)   
    When I came to the realization I was non-binary (or rather, like Tedd, discovered there was a name for how I'd always felt) I was in a phase of trying not to think about the unpleasant parts of my childhood, so I never really examined my past in light of this knowledge. A lot of what you've said sounds quite familiar to me though, Old Hack, and it's making me contemplate how much of my difficulties fitting in as a child might have been the result of my gender. Thank you for the food for thought.
  4. Like
    ChronosCat got a reaction from The Old Hack in Growing up Pretending (A Trans Childhood)   
    When I came to the realization I was non-binary (or rather, like Tedd, discovered there was a name for how I'd always felt) I was in a phase of trying not to think about the unpleasant parts of my childhood, so I never really examined my past in light of this knowledge. A lot of what you've said sounds quite familiar to me though, Old Hack, and it's making me contemplate how much of my difficulties fitting in as a child might have been the result of my gender. Thank you for the food for thought.
  5. Thanks
    ChronosCat reacted to The Old Hack in Growing up Pretending (A Trans Childhood)   
    Gentle forumgoers,
    a little while ago I had a discussion with our esteemed fellow poster @Darth Fluffy. In it I offered to share some of my and my family's experiences with him. I have decided to post a brief essay I have written on the topic publicly here in the hope that others might benefit from reading it, too. Darth, if you feel it may be helpful, I suggest you show this to your daughter. It might conceivably open some pathway of discussion between you that I hope you may both benefit from.
    Please note that I am issuing a general content warning for what may be somewhat personal emotions and experiences. It might trouble some readers and be of no interest to others. Also please note and respect that I am not open to unsolicited advice nor to opinions about my state of mental well-being. I leave that in the hands of the health professionals I trust and have no interest in armchair psychology peddled by people who have no direct personal knowledge of me.
    With that said, let me begin.

    My name is Monika, and I am a trans woman. I am writing this document at the urgings of my father, who believes that explaining my identity in my own words may be a good way to make myself understood to my friends and family. I also dedicate it to my online friends and acquaintances, many of whom have trans relatives or are themselves genderqueer. It is my hope that my own experiences may be helpful to those who wish to better understand. Please note that I am writing on my own behalf and that I do not speak for anyone else, though it is my hope that other trans and genderqueer people upon reading this will nod and recognise at least some of what I have experienced.

    Now, right out of the gate I wish to deal with a potential source of confusion. It is common trans terminology to say “I identify as <gender identity>.” Many assume that ‘identify’ here functions as an active verb and that it is a choice I have made. Nothing could be further from the truth, which I will attempt to explain in this document. Whether my identity was already biologically determined at birth or it formed in the following years is not relevant for these purposes; what matters is that it formed and that I at no point ever possessed determination in coming into it. As far back as I can remember, I was a girl even in childhood. I was simply assigned male gender at birth based on my physical attributes and was obviously never even consulted on the matter.
    Why didn’t I ever object to it back then? Perhaps I did and was gently or not so gently corrected by respectively my family and society at large. Children were not allowed agency in expressing their gender back then and it is still rare today. We are heavily socially conditioned to express our assigned gender as soon as we are old enough to be subject to conditioning. Whether it fits us at all does not matter. We are simply told to conform, and if we do not, we suffer the consequences. And in fact I lived in such fear of these consequences that as time passed, I could not bear the thought of not presenting myself as a boy. I would be considered abnormal, strange, weird. I would be ostracized by my agemates and seen as an aberration by people older than me. And finally that fear grew so strong that I entirely repressed my female identity and pretended to be a boy. Which I was not very good at, so I got ostracized by my agemates and seen as an aberration by people older than me. Ah well.
    Having arrived at the point where I am at last able to acknowledge being a woman to myself has transformed my perception of my life. So many things that made no sense to me in my childhood and teen years have suddenly become comprehensible to me. And in the process, repressed memories of mine resurface -- at times with startling lucidity -- and I marvel at how they suddenly make sense to me from my new perspective.
    Throughout my childhood I was the odd one out, among the last ever picked for any team, the misfit no-one quite knew what to do with. My agemates called me the ‘girly boy’, I did not properly engage in the ‘boy games’, I pretended but never convinced anyone. Not even myself. I was just too afraid to even consider the alternative. It led to some moments I consider very telling in retrospect. An example: I loved singing in the school choir. Then one year the woman in charge of the choir decided to perform the March of Saint Lucia, an old and well-loved midwinter celebration welcoming the return of daylight. But because the performers wear long white robes that are basically dresses, the boys in the choir shied away from the idea in horror. A mere week or two after the decision they had all left. I stayed behind, not even understanding why there would be a problem. And as a result got more flak for being the ‘girly boy’ than ever.
    I could provide more examples, but I’d rather go on in a more general way so this will not grow overlong and repetitive. Suffice it to say that I again and again encountered situations where my actions were judged on the basis of me performing as a boy, and again and again I fell short of expectations. Failure became so common to me that I started to take it for granted. As I entered puberty I fit less and less well in among the boys around me. I felt uncomfortable in situations where we got divided into ‘boys and girls’. And when the other boys discussed girls, I frequently found myself biting down on wanting to interrupt them and say that they were not being fair, or mean, or just didn’t understand. Eventually I just couldn’t relate to my agemates at all and ended up entirely sidelined. I even accepted it. This was, after all, the only normal I knew. Unfortunately acceptance did not enable me to endure it and eventually I failed out of high school with a resounding crash. (I have since learned that this is not an unknown phenomenon for trans teens of either gender.)
    At this point I would like to address the elephant in the room: a general and common perception of trans people as ‘mentally ill.’ While this is no longer the accepted view of the DSM, it was only addressed back in 2013 and many still believe that trans people are delusional. For now I shall sidestep Foccault and his ideas that ‘insanity’ is a view of society rather than necessarily a medical condition, though I do wish to nod to him in passing. But as a matter of fact: Yes, I suffer from mental illness. To be precise, clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder. But I posit that naming them the reason for my identity not matching my assigned gender is placing the cart squarely in front of the horse. Rather, I suggest this possibility: that being forced to spend my entire childhood and adult life pretending to be a gender not my own resulted in me experiencing constant anxiety and eventually severe depression. I daresay that there are professional psychiatrists and psychologists that are at least amenable to discussing the idea.
    (By the way, two common arguments employed against the concept of transgender identity are respectively 1] that trans individuals are delusional and insane, and 2] that it is not possible to just ‘choose’ to be the other gender. Precisely how and why one might ‘choose’ to become delusional and insane is for some reason never satisfactorily explained.)
    All this, by the way, is why I am violently opposed to the notion that I have ‘become’ a woman, or even more ludicrously that I have ‘chosen’ to be a woman. I have always been a woman. I was merely forced to repress my actual identity out of powerlessness to resist the one imposed on me and fear of the consequences if I should object to it. I was a girl from childhood on. I was just never allowed to express it. Along these lines, trans people in general tend to object to the conception that they either 'become' or 'choose to be' a gender other than what they were assigned at birth. I hope this helps to make it more explicable why.
    I may have more on this topic later, but I think I am done for now. If you have gotten this far, I thank you for reading.
  6. Like
    ChronosCat reacted to The Old Hack in Story Monday, Nov 18, 2019 [Party-089]   
    Also of some importance, it is impossible to establish at this remote in time precisely what happened. I can only speculate based on historical examples of what happens when two populations meet in this way. It is my hypothesis that some of these relationships involved consent for reasons of either passion, love or convenience, and that some... did not.
    To which proportion either happened I have no idea. I am sufficiently of a romantic to hope that it was as much as was possible of the former and as little of the latter. But I do not have high hopes, I am afraid.
    *scratches head* According to prevailing anthropological and genetic knowledge, the only 100% racially pure Homo sapiens sapiens left on the planet are certain peoples in Africa who have yet to have children with people from other parts of the world. The humans who migrated north and east through Europe and Asia Minor encountered Homo neanderthalensis there and interbred with them. Also, both of these are now believed to have interbred with another subspecies of Homo commonly referred to as the Denisovans and tentatively named Homo denisova, Homo altaiensis, or Homo sapiens denisova. No scientific consensus of precisely what to call them has been arrived at yet, at least as far as I know.
    I do admire the irony. Hitler, white supremacists and similar buffoons notwithstanding, it seems that the purest of human beings still alive are Black and largely live in Africa.
  7. Thanks
    ChronosCat got a reaction from The Old Hack in Wednesday, November 13, 2019   
    From what I remember of those days, you were just the sort of moderator we needed back then. Someone less aggressive might have let too much slide (I'm pretty sure I would have).
    As a moderator you might be a less ideal match for the current more sedate forums, but I still think you're a good moderator. You may pull out the moderator red a little fast at times, but  you always give people warnings before taking any more drastic action (in fact, I don't think I've even seen you do anything more drastic than lock a thread since I returned).
    ...This has gotten me thinking of the work you do for this forum, and have done for years, and while it's on my mind I'd like to say "thank you" for that work.
  8. Thanks
    ChronosCat got a reaction from The Old Hack in Wednesday, November 13, 2019   
    From what I remember of those days, you were just the sort of moderator we needed back then. Someone less aggressive might have let too much slide (I'm pretty sure I would have).
    As a moderator you might be a less ideal match for the current more sedate forums, but I still think you're a good moderator. You may pull out the moderator red a little fast at times, but  you always give people warnings before taking any more drastic action (in fact, I don't think I've even seen you do anything more drastic than lock a thread since I returned).
    ...This has gotten me thinking of the work you do for this forum, and have done for years, and while it's on my mind I'd like to say "thank you" for that work.
  9. Thanks
    ChronosCat got a reaction from The Old Hack in Wednesday, November 13, 2019   
    From what I remember of those days, you were just the sort of moderator we needed back then. Someone less aggressive might have let too much slide (I'm pretty sure I would have).
    As a moderator you might be a less ideal match for the current more sedate forums, but I still think you're a good moderator. You may pull out the moderator red a little fast at times, but  you always give people warnings before taking any more drastic action (in fact, I don't think I've even seen you do anything more drastic than lock a thread since I returned).
    ...This has gotten me thinking of the work you do for this forum, and have done for years, and while it's on my mind I'd like to say "thank you" for that work.
  10. Sad
    ChronosCat got a reaction from The Old Hack in Things That Are Just Annoying   
    As far as Challenger goes, I was only in Kindergarten at the time, so the memory is a bit fuzzy and uncertain, but I want to say that they had brought a TV into the classroom so my class could watch the launch. I remember thinking something looked wrong (but not being familiar enough with shuttle launches to be sure) before the TV announcer said anything, which would support the idea that I saw it live.
    At any rate, I was really into space related stuff at the time, so it was a huge deal to me. I was shocked, and a rather sad about the lost astronauts and the teacher who was on board. I was also really disappointed when the shuttles were all grounded for close to three years afterwards, as I had enjoyed reading about the things astronauts did and that was a really long time to wait as a kid.
  11. Sad
    ChronosCat got a reaction from The Old Hack in Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)   
    More or less the same here, though unfortunately I didn't actually consciously realize I had finite energy to work with until a few years back. As a child I assumed I was just lazy or a wimp depending on the situation (which did nothing good for my self esteem), and even after being diagnosed with depression it took a long time for me to figure out the difference between "I don't want to do this" and "I don't have the energy/spoons to do this".
  12. Like
    ChronosCat reacted to CritterKeeper in An announcement   
    A little late to the party, but I also add my voice congratulating you on coming to a new understanding of yourself, and I hope that you can find new peace and comfort as well as safety and support.
    I hope you will find this positive and not offensive....there was someone in my area who ran a prop shop who turned it into a BDSM space on weekend evenings, and they at some times presented at "Tina",  with the place being known as "Tina's Place."  But, a good chunk of the rest of the time, they presented as male (can't even recall his legal name offhand).  He had very masculine features and usually had a five o'clock shadow, if not more....and so did Tina.  They were willing to dress up anyway, at least in safe spaces, in wonderful frilly dresses and bows and sparkles.  I don't know if they just accepted the masculine features and didn't care, or had given up trying to look more female and come to terms with it.  Either way, within the "family" that gathered there, in the safe space that I knew Tina at, everyone was accepting and loved Tina for who he or she was, whichever the case might be at the time.  They also had a wonderful, charming wife, as far into middle age as Tina was, which given that this was late 90s was probably a big reason for presenting as male to the outside world....
    Older trans women always make me think fondly of Tina.  May you find joyful ways to express yourself and enjoy your new self-knowledge, and may those who love you continue to do so.  *hugs*
  13. Like
    ChronosCat reacted to Don Edwards in Story, Wed 16 Oct, 2019   
    And I dislike that usage intensely, because lumping gender-neutral and mildly genderfluid people (me, for example) in with the people who experience severe gender dysphoria 24/7/365, in my opinion, belittles the latter.
  14. Like
    ChronosCat got a reaction from Tom Sewell in Monday, Oct 14, 2019   
    If you believe I was suggesting something like that, I don't know how you got that impression. I certainly didn't mean to suggest that.
    All I've been trying to say is that reconciliation between Tedd and Noriko should only occur if both parties want it (and not just because it turns out Tedd has magic), and if written realistically (which I hope it will be) will take a lot of work and pain along the way. The early parts of it are particularly likely to be painful, and as such I expect the story their first meeting occurs within to be on the downbeat and/or bittersweet side.
  15. Like
    ChronosCat got a reaction from The Old Hack in An announcement   
    I'm pretty sure the only part of the Pharaoh's post directed at you was "Is there actually such a place?"; everything else looks to me to have been directed at The Old Hack.
  16. Like
    ChronosCat got a reaction from The Old Hack in An announcement   
    I'm pretty sure the only part of the Pharaoh's post directed at you was "Is there actually such a place?"; everything else looks to me to have been directed at The Old Hack.
  17. Like
    ChronosCat got a reaction from The Old Hack in An announcement   
    I'm happy for you that you figured this out, and sad for you that it took so long and was so hard to do so. Here's hoping that your road forward from here is a generally positive one.
    Incidentally, that avatar sure is quite the shift from Raven! It looks great, but it might take a bit of getting used to!
  18. Like
    ChronosCat reacted to mlooney in Story Friday August 23, 2019   
    Well Teddy Roosevelt would I suspect if given a chance.
  19. Like
    ChronosCat reacted to hkmaly in NP Monday, Aug 12, 2019   
    There is also Launchpad McQuack, who walked from every of his "landings" ...
  20. Thanks
    ChronosCat got a reaction from The Old Hack in Story Wednesday August 07, 2019   
    You got me curious, so I decided to look it up.
    The states are legally allowed to set their own laws regarding drinking age, but the National Minimum Drinking Age Act reduces the amount of highway funding for any state that allows the purchase or possession of alcohol by people under 21. Naturally all the states have thus put in place laws prohibiting the purchase of alcohol by those under 21 (though interestingly Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands are holdouts, with 18 as the minimum drinking age). However in many states it's still legal for those under 21 to drink alcohol (in some cases with certain restrictions).
    For details on the individual state laws, see List of alcohol laws of the Unites States.
    Fun fact: While no national or state laws currently prohibit the sale of alcohol to adults over 21, some states allow smaller jurisdictions to establish such laws, and there are actually a number of "dry counties".
  21. Like
    ChronosCat got a reaction from The Old Hack in Story Wednesday August 07, 2019   
    I can kind of sympathize with Elliot here. Back when I was in school, I'd sometimes see some of the other kids smoking cigarettes, but not being part of that crowd I had no idea how they got them. I didn't want to smoke (this was around the time my parents were struggling to quit, so I knew better than to start) but I couldn't help but wonder how they were getting them.
    I imagine alcohol use was also going on, but I never saw it.
    ...After all the anti-drug propoganda in school and on TV, I was also a bit puzzled (and rather relieved) no one was offering me drugs let alone trying to pressure me into using them...
    If Elliot took enough alcohol from the fridge to provide some for everybody at the party, his parents would notice they were missing, and at least wonder if one of the kids was responsible - and this is a relatively small party. (Even the small amount Grace took was noticed; I imagine the only reason the Dunkel parents didn't suspect Elliot and Ellen were because Elliot is so trustworthy.)
    So the question in Elliot's mind (and my mind for that matter) is, how teens would get enough alcohol for a party without adults knowing. (Of course, Elliot is apparently not considering the possibility that an adult might actually help the teens get alcohol.)
  22. Like
    ChronosCat reacted to ProfessorTomoe in Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)   
    It's Tuesday, and the pain relief has been holding steadily since I got home Monday. It even held through a dentist's appointment today (two fillings and a temporary crown - that bit is still sore due to all of the injections I got for the crown). Granted, I've been asleep for most of the day save for the dental appointment. That's probably a good thing, since it's letting me get the Versed out of my system (I have big problems with Versed, normally). Fingers still crossed, and chicken wings eaten.
  23. Like
    ChronosCat got a reaction from CritterKeeper in Story Friday July 26, 2019   
    It's not so much Tedd's toys, as his almost obsessive interest in transformation; frankly he is probably the only person we know of in the comic with as strong an interest in it as Ashley. Of course that's not enough to build a romantic relationship on; even leaving Elliot out of the picture I think the extent of the relationship she would form with Tedd and/or Grace is friends possibly with benefits (though it's hard to say until they actually interact in canon).
    But yes, even if Ashley were interested in Tedd and/or Grace, she's too nice to break up with Elliot unless it's really obvious it isn't working between them (and so far it is working).
    And so few newbies.
    It's really a shame that this forum style is dying out; for people who are not family and/or close friends I've yet to find a method of communication that suits me better than this style of forum. I like to be able to choose my words carefully and be able to go back and change them if I realize I messed up, I like to be able to read everything on a subject in the order it was said,  and I like to be able to easily go back and look at things that were said days, weeks, or even years ago. Also, being able to not use my real name is essential, as without that mask my social anxiety would be crippling.
  24. Like
    ChronosCat got a reaction from CritterKeeper in Story Friday July 26, 2019   
    It's not so much Tedd's toys, as his almost obsessive interest in transformation; frankly he is probably the only person we know of in the comic with as strong an interest in it as Ashley. Of course that's not enough to build a romantic relationship on; even leaving Elliot out of the picture I think the extent of the relationship she would form with Tedd and/or Grace is friends possibly with benefits (though it's hard to say until they actually interact in canon).
    But yes, even if Ashley were interested in Tedd and/or Grace, she's too nice to break up with Elliot unless it's really obvious it isn't working between them (and so far it is working).
    And so few newbies.
    It's really a shame that this forum style is dying out; for people who are not family and/or close friends I've yet to find a method of communication that suits me better than this style of forum. I like to be able to choose my words carefully and be able to go back and change them if I realize I messed up, I like to be able to read everything on a subject in the order it was said,  and I like to be able to easily go back and look at things that were said days, weeks, or even years ago. Also, being able to not use my real name is essential, as without that mask my social anxiety would be crippling.
  25. Like
    ChronosCat reacted to The Old Hack in Notice: Temporary absence   
    Hey guys. My quarterly notice about still being alive and kicking. I am paying attention to moderator notices and my inbox, so remember to get in touch with me through there if anything happens.

    I am going to the US for a month to visit a close friend who needs some assistance recovering from illness and I am cheaper than hiring a home nurse anyway. I should still be able to watch the forums, though. I hope you are all doing well