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Pharaoh RutinTutin

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Everything posted by Pharaoh RutinTutin

  1. Comic for Tuesday, Jul 2, 2024

    Yet again my predictions for how a plot line will play out have been proven entirely wrong. I should really become a meteorologist or a political pundit. So how do we get this story back on the tracks? When you get down to it, this is the real trolley problem.
  2. NP Thursday June 27, 2024

    The basic rules of Vexillology and Heraldry are not unduly complex. But there is almost no mention of them in any Elementary Art curriculum. If you ever wondered why American road signs are mostly white on green, black on white, black on yellow, white on blue, or a few other simple colour combinations, you can thank those disciplines.
  3. Comic for Saturday, Jun 29, 2024

    Forgetable. Maybe that is Namless Guy's magic power?
  4. What Are You Watching?

    For Canada Day A little film I would watch as a child on Detroit TV stations at the end of the broadcast day Remember when TV stations would end their broadcast days? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOY0-MBOh_o
  5. Generic Table top gaming.

    Your group IS playing Paranoia. Even if they don't see that rule book or the character sheets say Dungeons and Dragons. Every role playing game is a game of Paranoia, or Horror, or Illuminati, or Bunnies & Burrows, or Time Travel, or C'thulhu Calls Collect, or Monopoly, or Uno, or . . . er, um . . . The point is that no matter what kind of game your players are expecting, no matter what kind of characters they create, you can always throw them into a world that is infinitely more bizarre, dangerous, irrational or sepia tone than any place they just left. A least this was the basic philosophy of my game group.
  6. Comic for Monday, Jul 1, 2024

    George has repeatedly indicated that he is aware of the weird shenanigans that take place in and around Salty Crackers. He may be a "normal" who can figure out AJ is cheating and call him out on it without explaining Wizard Sight. - - - - - By the way, is George supposed to be a Pirate, Naval Officer, Military Officer, or just someone who likes the Big Hat look that dominated the world's battlefields for so long.
  7. Comic for Saturday, Jun 29, 2024

    I wouldn't be surprised if Camdin had a sufficiently inflated ego view this as a challenge.
  8. Comic for Friday, Jun 28, 2024

    All that for a small advantage? I once heard a coach say "If you think you can't win without cheating, you think you can't win."
  9. Random. Just Random.

    Asault that battery.
  10. Things That Are Just Annoying

    When moving into a Florida retirement community, I was advised never to pay the first bill to come from a medical office. Pay the basic co-pay at the time of the service or appointment. But give the insurer, provider & goverment a chance to haggle and argue before paying that bill.
  11. Comic for Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024

    Interesting how Tedd, who had been a self identified pervert for most of adolescence, is overwhelmed and intimidated by exaggerated sexuality from another person's point of view.
  12. NP Comic for Tuesday, Jun 25, 2024

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KezvwARhBIc Game Shows. The best representation of trivia or guessing will always be Game Shows. Never take the box in the aisle. Always take the door Monty does not show you. - - - - - I guess the name Tedd with two Ds is more common in the EGS world than in ours. After all this time, my auto correct still flags Tedd. - - - - - Quite the dating history those two have acquired Bill & Tedd Garfield & Odie Goku & Vegeta
  13. Comic for Monday, Jun 24, 2024

    Darn it. I haven't had a good excuse to get mad at Voltaire in far too long. And now you go and show it was just Pandora being reckless and silly and not Voltaire being mean. Still, if it was a conflict between Voltaire and AJ, is there any way we could arrange for no winners in that match?
  14. Comic for Monday, Jun 24, 2024

    This seems like a lot of detail and effort for a spell of extremely limited value. It seems to have no use outside a particular recreational activity. I suspect Voltaire made AJ agree to some sort of Faustian bargain. And AJ probably thinks he got the better part of the deal. - - - - - As to Tedd's final question, does there need to be a reason for Anime Girls? - - - - - Did this get posted in the wrong thread? It's probably not a big deal. But if a question comes up in the future, an ark hive search may become more complicated . . .
  15. NP Saturday June 22, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-038 Is Lucy supposed to do a Spit-Take in Panel Three? Because someone needs to let Dan know that Panel Three was cut off.
  16. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Didn't Kurzgesagt already show the problem with making a mouse the size of an elephant?
  17. Comic for Friday, Jun 21, 2024

    Gods, elder or otherwise? Unknown. (I am suspicious of any one claiming to be a God.) But everything is better down where it's wetter.
  18. Random. Just Random.

    But the Lightning looks like any other F150. The point of an EV is to make everyone know you are driving an EV.
  19. Comic Wednesday June 19, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-076 Another flashback With the next one, I think this story will overtake the Odyssey.
  20. NP Comic for Thursday, Jun 20, 2024

    "I'll think of something" Where's your homework? "I'll think of something" Do you have directions? "I'll think of something" Do you have the rent this month? "I'll think of something" What are you telling the cops? "I'll think of something" I know too many people like this. And the sad part is, some of them appear to be successful.
  21. Comic for Friday, Jun 21, 2024

    If I understand the effect properly (and I probably don't), the spell doesn't show specifically what cards are held or what strategy the player intends. It only gives the user a symbolic representation of what their opponent is holding and associated tactical options. If you don't know what the Insmuth deck implies, well, maybe you can still sleep at night.
  22. What are you reading?

    As if any one would not.
  23. Comic Wednesday May 29, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-069 Please, pay attention to what is important. Turn in your results and see if there is any way to have Justin set you up against Sarah as your next opponent. Besides, if memory access is set by Pandora's rules, games are likely to take precedence before anything else. But on reflection, a possibility comes to mind. Did Pandora mark or awaken Jay as a way to annoy Arthur?
  24. Comic for Tuesday, Jun 18, 2024

    Go ahead and shrink people, Rhoda. The town will blame Tedd out of habit anyway.
  25. Comic for Friday Jun 14 2024

    We're saving that one for Galileo.