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Everything posted by ijuin

  1. NP Wednesday November 16, 2016

    Animals can still do things to rid themselves of (or willingly sustain) an enchantment, such as where Adrian explained that an animal will instinctively know that eating less food will speed the enchantment's expiration. I think that Magic does make a living/nonliving distinction.
  2. NP Monday November 21, 2016

    Catalina has the right idea with the speaker-phone excuse. Thanks to such devices being common, speaking to the air and having a voice speak back is no longer an oddity. The excuse can work as long as neither of them says anything about Catalina literally being inside Rhoda's jacket.
  3. NP Wednesday November 16, 2016

    The main difference, as I understand it, is that the Enlarged Rhoda/Reduced Catalina situation involves two living beings who are both enchanted, while the cookie involves an enchanted object spreading the enchantment to a living being.
  4. NP Friday November 18, 2016

    Where work stops, obviously. Any office worker could tell you that.
  5. Story Friday November 18, 2016

    Getting back to the topic of "appropriate content" for the movies, it's quite likely that movies for children from back when these grandparents were themselves six years old would be more acceptable than newer stuff. Of course, there could also be a grandparent or two among that group who are offended at the content being TOO banal, and who want the kids to see action and adventure and whatnot.
  6. The biggest reason IMO that lots of people can't live on $10 an hour no matter how thrifty they are is that there are huge regions in this country where cheap housing and cheap transit simply aren't to be had. There are plenty of people who, like Looney above, are willing to live in what amounts to a single bedroom with minimal bath and kitchenette (my apartment in college was 200 square feet including the bath and kitchenette), but those aren't available because developers prefer higher-margin-per-tenant units whenever they can fill them, so would-be renters have to go searching for housing far enough away from their jobs that motor transport is essential (nobody is going to spend more than about four hours on foot just getting to and from work). But, there aren't enough buses going between this housing and where the non-retail/school jobs are (Of the approximately four bus lines that come within two miles of my home, ALL of them go to retail or school sites and none of them go to industrial sites/office parks--I have to transfer buses for that, and at that point the commute now exceeds two hours one-way). The only reason anybody is surviving around here on jobs whose total paycheck is less than the monthly rent of the minimal housing is because most such people are either living under their parents' roofs into their 20s and beyond, or else are tripling and quadrupling up with roommates who are in the same boat.
  7. Story Friday November 18, 2016

    I was not thinking of people who are malicious so much as ones who seem completely delusional, perhaps even hallucinating, as in "imagining voices/spirits/whatever telling them to do it", or "mistaking the neighbor's cat for a demonic entity", and then committing a violent action based on such delusions. Someone whose thought processes appear to be completely non sequiter. Sane but malicious: Shooting the mailman because you think he slept with your daughter. Deluded: Shooting the mailman because you think that he is an invading extraterrestrial.
  8. Story Friday November 18, 2016

    My understanding was that Capt. Obvious was not condoning the pejorative usage of such terminology, but rather was mocking those who do condone it. As for terms denoting insanity, how should one describe someone whose actions are so far beyond the pale as to not conceivably be the product of a sane mind?
  9. Well, I'm talking less about the practicality than I am about the political philosophy--that is, the only people who advocate that we should deal with the "employers preferentially hire foreigners because foreigners are cheaper" issue by removing the "foreigners are cheaper" part are in favor of lowering native wages to match immigrant wages rather than raising immigrant wages to match native wages. Looney says he can live on $1600 a month because he lives in a cheap-real-estate area. Over here in Silicon Valley, houses cost upwards of a million each for a 3-bedroom place on a quarter-acre, and even his 400 square foot apartment would cost $1600 a month by itself unless you like the idea of living so far from the job centers that your commute is a three-hour drive each way. That's what happens when you pile all of the jobs in one spot with no mass transit.
  10. Interestingly enough, almost none of the folks who are against immigrants taking jobs from citizens are in favor of the solution of making it so that immigrant labor is not cheaper than native labor (e.g. by having wage equality). The vast majority would prefer to remove them from the economy entirely.
  11. NP Friday November 18, 2016

    Considering that "Saotome School of" ANYTHING was probably written by Genma, it's probably bad advice if it's not related to fighting or thievery.
  12. That would be http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=199
  13. Videogame Thread

    Ooh, a Shiny starter. That's like a one in 2^13 probability (1/8192). You totally want to save that Pokemon somewhere (like the online bank when it becomes available) before the next time you restart.
  14. Story Friday November 18, 2016

    A swarm of wild Geezers appear! Tensaided used Logic! It's not very effective. Geezers used Puppy-Dog Eyes! It's Super Effective!
  15. Videogame Thread

    Likewise. Got the fire kitty.
  16. NP Monday Nov 14 2016

    So, roughly, the relative damage is comparable to typical parachute landing speed for a full-sized person. One could get bruises or minor scrapes if landing improperly (though a heavy adult can get those just from tripping on pavement while walking), but a proper landing (in a martial arts "how to fall safely" sense) would be harmless.
  17. Story Wednesday Nov 16, 2016

    Not just traumatizing someone, but also being willing to murder that person's best friend solely for the purpose of inducing said trauma. Willfully killing a person for any reason other than vengeance/punishment for something that you believe that person has done is just plain murder. Now, we know that in order to avoid the auto-Reset penalty, Voltaire needs to convince himself that what he is doing is for the greater good. The question thus raised is, what end is served by forcing Tedd into a breakdown?
  18. More Speculation.

    And Dan often uploads a new page on Thursday night rather than during the daytime on Friday.
  19. More Speculation.

    For the answers to these and other questions, tune in tomorrow, same Goon-time, same Goon-channel.
  20. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Not only arrow fire, but fire arrows as well--the Greeks would keep trying to set fire to the PT boat, which at minimum would keep its crew busy trying to prevent fire damage.
  21. Nah, there are plenty of short-sighted prople who see that slaves dont need to be paid wages and who forget that it means that the master needs to pay for the slave's food and other upkeep directly (i.e. they mistakenly think of a slave as zero-cost labour). There are also folks who would get off on the ego gratification of being able to abuse a slave in ways that they could not abuse a free citizen employee (e.g. legally rape, beat, or otherwise intimidate then).
  22. EGS Strip Slaying

    Ah, Majora's Mask. The phrase "three days" with no other context was a bit ambiguous.
  23. Story Wednesday Nov 16, 2016

    Sorry, typo. Pandora may be "Immoral", but I had intended to type "Immortal".
  24. I think it's the XIIIth Amendment that Trump would prefer to repeal . . .
  25. EGS Strip Slaying

    Ok, I don't quite get the "three days" reference . . .