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Everything posted by CritterKeeper

  1. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Wow. Propofol is what we use for our older and/or sicker patients, although we usually have them under long enough to follow that up with isofluorane gas. Despite the bleeding, to my eye at least the incision doesn't look so bad. (Of course, you are the one species on the planet I'm not allowed to diagnose or treat....)
  2. I can maybe see a little of Mrs. Dunkel in the first figure, if I know to look for it, but I really don't see Mrs. Kitsune in the second. Really, if you're going to change a figure in that many ways, it isn't really that figure anymore. Not a favorite.
  3. NP Friday December 21, 2018

    Urda worst! O-queso maybe there's Stiltons of puns left feta rest of us, but cheeze wiz!
  4. Story Monday, December 24, 2018

    Did she tell her motives to Sarah or to Tedd? I'd have to go back and re-read bits that would doubtless suck me into far more re-reading than I should get sucked into right now.... If Voltaire could mark people himself, wouldn't we have seen more evidence of him doing so? He could have framed Pandora for a lot more than just manipulating Dex. It does seem like Elliot is the only one who's even considered that other Immortals could mark people, and that was only to think of asking them to help transgender people, not to wonder if they've been marking others the way Pandora had. However, Noah's reaction to the idea of an Immortal marking someone without asking or telling them makes it seem like such behavior is very much outside the norm. Yeah, I'm still waiting for Voltaire to say or do something that lets slip to Adrian that he was behind that one. I think the Main Characters know about that; didn't Voltaire take credit for it when he revealed himself and promised not to try to kill Elliot? He could tell the first part without revealing the second. Of course, we don't yet know what changes to their rules the Immortals may have made after their little conclave....
  5. Video Game Discussion 4

    I am perhaps more amused than I should be that I have just renamed a Cyndaquil "Justin". And this game is surprisingly addictive, but too easy to hit Pokestops and gyms in the car instead of walking. Overall I'm walking more, though. :-)
  6. Last Post Wins

    A very popular name for dogs lately, mostly seems to be inspired by the ears -- such ears used to be named for Mogwai or Wicket.
  7. The Association Game

    I've got a lov-e-ly bunch of coconuts....
  8. Story Friday December 21, 2018

    The person on the phone said "You owe us" for pizza, implying at least one other person in their little group.
  9. Story Friday December 21, 2018

    Hmm, that could be a reason for the current main comic topic. And then almost immediately had Sarah start using her spell several times an hour, specifically to use up ambient magic, so Sarah may or may not have been using her own magic enough to help build her reserves and Awaken. Or just to troll people....
  10. Story Friday December 21, 2018

    Yup, I assumed after checking the link and looking at the first two panels that Cadmin is the cloud. So the current unaccounted one is the half-and-half circle in what my mind insists is a doorway. I'm trying to decide if that one could be Sarah's; given that she and Tedd were marked the same night, she has as much right to be on that list as Tedd has. The two halves are the real world and her virtual one? The image is a scan-of-the-area in progress, halfway across the circle? How else could that symbol be hers? (ETA D'oh! Question Mark somehow completely slipped my mind. I blame sleep deprivation.
  11. This Day In History

    Didn't know George R. R. Martin did that one. To be fair, youv'e had billions of E. coli inhabiting your intestines since you were at most 40 hours old, making vitamin K2 and preventing your gut being colonized by pathogenic bacteria. Just about every warm-blooded organism with a gut has E. coli in its normal flora. Some strains are even used as probiotics to treat IBD. The vast majority of them are beneficial, it's only a few bad apples that give the rest of them a bad name. Or perhaps imagine the English language, Arabic numbers, and metric system still being used in another few centuries. He's long stated that his main inspiration is England's War of the Roses. And I'm a little surprised you didn't fit in a Birger King joke there...too easy? Who needs cars? Humans are perfectly capable of snarling up traffic and running over pedestrians in horse-drawn vehicles. If it was just boners, he could have done like so many other kings and elected leaders, and just kept her as a mistress. Instead he gave up not only his throne, but his country and most hope of any sort of cordial relationship with his own mother. They were happily married until his death in 1972, and he got Queen Liz to agree to let them be buried side by side in the Royal Burial Ground under threat of having bought plots in Baltimore if the family kept snubbing his beloved after death. On the other hand, Edward made a habit of having affairs with a series of married women before settling with Wallis, he shirked his duties and was careless with confidential information, and he was much friendlier with Hitler and would almost certainly have been in favor of appeasement to or even alliance with the Nazis. So it was probably a good thing he abdicated. One wonders what would have happened if one or more of the Dominions had refused to consent to his abdication. I think this SATW is more on point.... https://satwcomic.com/the-joy-of-giving One wonders how they're able to assign it such a precise number on a scale not published until 1,378 years later. They say she was born prematurely (but healthy). How would history have been different if she'd been born two weeks later? They didn't plan for it to go so far -- the lift was stronger than they expected and they lost control of it. There was no law against women voting until 1832. Some women continued to appear on the voters' rolls throughout the time they were fighting for broader voting rights, usually women who were very wealthy property owners, and not all men were allowed to vote back then, either. There were about a million women who voted in municiple elections in England in 1900. Women were fighting for and winning the right to own their own property while married, and to break free of gender roles. Men's right to vote was based on their owning property, their wealth, and/or their occupation, so when the war led to women taking on the jobs men were vacating to go to war, they started qualifying on those grounds in greater and greater numbers. And when they "won the right to vote" that only applied to women over the age of thirty (men had a much lower cutoff) who were property owners, wives of property owners, or university graduates. One reason for the restrictions was that, with so many men dying in the war, if they had let women have equal right to vote as men, the women voters would have been in the majority by a significant margin! Huh, had to look that one up. Never had an urge to visit South Dakota before. The strongest quakes in New Madrid were reportedly enough to make church bells ring in Boston. Can't find a recording of this one, which is a pity, but here's some lyrics. The Mythbusters did an especially good episode on this one, recreating the raft the prisoners would have used and making their own trip. They showed that not only could the escapees have made it to shore, but where they would have eneded up, and that if they then set their equipment adrift it would have ended up exactly where it was found in real life. Sounds like a fun holiday! Lasting all of 12 seconds and traveling a whopping 120 feet. How far we've come! I remember when the Simpsons were nothing but the bumpers around commercial breaks on The Tracy Ulman Show! Who knew they'd turn a few seconds of badly drawn family strife into a phenomenon? Little lambs eat ivy. Shari Lewis eats a little lamb, just to see peoples' reactions. ;-) Actually, no one should eat ivy, it has saponins and falcarinol and is quite toxic. I wonder which of them was the last to leave? Imagine holding the record for being the last human to be on the Moon...for 46 years and counting.
  12. Things That Make You Happy

    I had something similar with our surprise Christmas present for our boss. She has an adorable mixed-breed rescue dog, and we've been speculating on what her mix might be for years. So, I suggested we go in together on one of those DNA breed tests, just for fun! Not sure how accurate they are, probably a lot more than they used to be but not at 100% yet, but it's fun to see what comes up. This one also tests for a bunch of genetic diseases, most of which we wouldn't think she'd be at risk for but it doesn't hurt to look. They said initially that they'd have results by Jan 3, but I got the text that all of her results were in already over the weekend! This is not only in time for Christmas itself, but also in time for the office Christmas party on Saturday. I just need to print it up and put it in some sort of nice folder or binder to present at the party.
  13. Crazy Counting Guy

    Wow! We definitely need more George. I mean, more Luke is a given at this point, but George needs to make more deadpan snarky comments! Oh, come on, if you don't know where a link like that is going to take you, what are you doing on the internet at all? (Probably reading several hours of TV Tropes)
  14. Sketchbook, Tuesday Dec 18, 2018

    I see people color-coordinate their outfits to match their hair (or vice-versa) all the time! My mom even brought the dog to the carpet shop so she could match the fur color, so it wouldn't show up as badly as, say, black fur on a white carpet would. (They said someone does that about once a month... :-)
  15. Story, Monday Dec 17, 2018

    Kids tend to assume that whatever they personally experience is normal and is what everyone experiences. Grace really wouldn't have much way to know other people couldn't sense things in the same way she does, and others might not notice that she occasionally knew things about stuff she couldn't see with her eyes, dismissing it as either a kid's imagination or a lucky guess, or maybe that she's glimpsed what she described before. Unless they were testing for it specifically, it would be tricky to detect unless just the right circumstances happened. As for sensig what you're moving, and thus sensing things at a distance in general, I've thought this would be a Requisite Secondary Power for a long time now. I even have a term for it, telekinesthesia. Kinesthesia is the way you know where your hand or leg is and what it's doing even though you can't see it and it's not touching anything else to give you feedback. Telekinesis is moving things without using your physical body. Thus, telekinesthesia. :-)
  16. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Sometimes part of my job as a vet is to convince clients that their baby really will be better off without an eye or ear or limb that's been causing them constant pain and isn't functioning right anyway. Just about every time, once the procedure is over and their pet recovers, they come back telling me how much happier and more comfortable their baby is. May you have an equally successful surgery! (And may this be the only time something like this is necessary!)
  17. The Association Game

    Don't worry about that, ToH ruled a good while ago that games posts can be revived at will. :-) (Mental image of a cartoon with Captain Picard ordering Data to "Fire at will!" and Data shooting Riker)
  18. Last Post Wins

    Nitwit. Blubber. Oddment. Tweak!
  19. Sketchbook Thursday Nov 29, 2018

    Hmm, interesting. But the rest of that program is fascinating, and it gets into the color vision of various other critters, as well as nonstandard humans, so it's fairly on-topic for the last couple of weeks of this board!
  20. This Day In History

    He's obviously a Ravenclaw. :-) Vincent Price's rap is definitely the best part of that song. Except for Doctor Who fans, who are more likely to look for rows of Cybermen marching down the steps! So he was that era's equivalent of a rock band in tour, drinking and trashing hotel rooms and almost getting arrested? Oh, and why on Earth would he end his tour living in east central Illinois? ;-) Oh, for the days when the Senate cared about coming into dishonour or disrepute! Maybe among high-end audiophiles, but among college frosh? Adding checking out your performance to my list of where and when I'd go if I came into possession of a working TARDIS.... Is it really a lack of spelling, or is it a different dialect? Like LOLcats, which has a distinct grammar and vocabulary and can definitelybe done wrong. Somewhere around here I have a copy of the comic book version by Nina Paley, but apparently my old history teacher, Chris Butler, has created a power point for his "History of the North Pole" lectures. St. Nicholas's slave empire forcing the elves to work in his toy mines, the creation of Killer Penguins (instead of tasteful tuxedos, they wear streetgang-style leather jackets), the war reparations he's forces to supply every Christmas, looks like it's all there!
  21. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    You're in good company. My sister lost the tip of her pinkie toe to her lupus. It just turned black and eventually fell off. She said that if you're going to lose a body part, that's the one she'd pick. Then she made jokes about "....and this little piggie got beheaded!"
  22. I’m alive.

    Welcome back! This scares me -- if you hadn't made it, we might never have known what happened. Maybe you should PM your real-world phone number to one or two of us, just in case. I'd be happy to exchange with you, I know you won't order too many pizzas in my name if I give you mine. ;-) And let us knowif there's anything we can do to help, real or virtual!
  23. Sketchbook Thursday Nov 29, 2018

    There was a radio program on public radio recently all about color, and one of the things discussed was that ancient Romans described the sky as being bronze. They didn't have a word that translates as "blue" at all, but they also don't seem to have minded the lack, or even noticed anything was missing.
  24. NP Monday, Dec 3, 2018

    Haircuts cost money.
  25. NP Friday November 09, 2018

    I love Dan's suggestion that you reset them by leaving the room and coming back in. That would definitely suit the videogame theme of the place!