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The Old Hack

Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

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I really do not understand the criticism and low approval rating of Joe Biden. He is not the be all and end all of US presidents, but he isn't bad. He has not royally F#%&ed things up, as his predecessor. For my tastes, he could more aggressively unravel the recent past, but he's head and shoulders above the competition.

Compare to Mango Mayhem:

          Biden:                                                                                                Mango Mayhem:

Failed to remove odious policies of Mango Mayhem               Implemented policies of Mango Mayhem

Is old. Rides a bike. Not great at it.                                              Is slightly younger. Poster boy for bad diet. Does not ride a bike.

Pretty much squeaky clean, kid is not great.                             Stinks to high heaven on many levels. Kids are also not great.

Understands the job. Has a track record.                                  Does not. Nor listens to advisors. Let's be honest, nor gives a $#!%.


Specifically about current conflict in Gaza, for which he is taking considerable flack, neither side is in the right. Israel has a culture of devaluing and mistreating Palestinians, often motivated by Hamas antics, and Hamas attacks Israel at every opportunity, hiding behind the civilian population. The recent Hamas attack and taking of hostages is inexcusable. Israel's response appears to lack restraint for civilian third parties. There is no moral high ground to be had.


Biden is using US forces to interdict hostile players from outside of Israel. Seems moderately effective so far. He is also trying to broker a peaceful solution.

Orange Idiot plays to his base, says both antisemitic things and supports neo-Nazis, and supports Israel in their anti-Palestinian stance. Talks out of both sides of his mouth is not generally a trait you want from someone who claims to be a friend.


OK, so maybe the issue isn't Biden vs the G.O.P. Let's look at his own party.

          Biden:                                                                                                 Other potential candidates:

Understands the job. Has a track record.                                                     <crickets chirping>


I think Hillary would have been good. I think better of her now, in retrospect, than I did in 2016. I voted for her, even then, she seemed better than The Dumpster Fire. But I don't think she's electable.

I liked Bernie, but the more i hear him, the less I think he's realistic, and he also seems divisive. I also don't think he's electable.

I like Kamala Harris. She has an excellent track record. I think another term of VP with Biden would enhance her future chances.


Donald Dumpster may not be presidential, nor honest, nor smart, but I'll give him this, he may be the President we deserve. Heaven help us, and the rest of the world.






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Margrethe Alexandrine Þórhildur Ingrid of the House of Glücksburg, Margrethe II of Denmark, has announced her intention to Abdicate later this month.

Resignations and abdications of high offices are supposed to be rare.  But I've seen a US President resign, a Japanese Emperor Abdicate, a Bishop of Rome step down and live in the Vatican as Pope Emeritus nearly as long as he served as Pope, and the last Persian Shah flee his homeland to die in exile. 

I suppose this is one way to deal with unemployment.  Just keep cycling through enough of the figureheads at the top until the rabble at the bottom rise up to fill the void. 


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(Time) Teachers Wrestle With How to Discuss January 6 With Students

"We might offend people if we call it an insurrection."

In the spirit of cooperation, we should also call school shootings, 'playfully tossing metal balls at the children'.

Dumpster Fire did not commit fraud, he 'creatively reported its finances to its best advantage with suitable embellishments'.


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This (2024) will be a painful year.

The US presidential election is already forming up to be a fiasco. DumbAss Turd has lowered the bar for all behavior of public officials, and they are embracing the freedom. Anyone halfway decent does not stand a snowball's chance in the Hell that is today's G.O.P. The Dems are lackluster.

We are waffling on supporting Ukraine. Great move, geniuses. That will work out well for the future.

The Middle East . . . there is no right side. Hamas are horrible assholes, and Israel is attempting to be even worse. Y'all deserve each other, but Good Lord, it's affecting everyone else as well. I grieve for the Palestinians, they can't catch a break. Biden would do well to keep his distance. This is not going to help his 2024 chances.

China, the leadership, not so much the people, is aching for a fight. They seem to have designs on all the area around them.

Nationalistic authoritarians are on the rise everywhere. The world is generally less tolerant than it was even as recently as before COVID.

The Internet failed to make us smarter.

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3 hours ago, Darth Fluffy said:

The Internet failed to make us smarter.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can not make him drink.

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48 minutes ago, ijuin said:

You can lead a horse to water, but you can not make him drink.

True. But only part of what is happening. The Internet enables exchange of information. But it enables our worst impulses in that regard as well as the benevolent ones. It is a neutral medium, with a lot of potential to do a lot of damage, and we have much less ability to control and moderate it than we did with earlier media.

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Yes, but I was more referring to people’s instinct to only seek out information which confirms existing biases—we don’t want to learn the truth so much as we want to hear  our own beliefs echoed. This is a “receiving end” issue, whereas the torrent of bullshit is a “sending end” issue.

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3 hours ago, ijuin said:

Yes, but I was more referring to people’s instinct to only seek out information which confirms existing biases—we don’t want to learn the truth so much as we want to hear  our own beliefs echoed. This is a “receiving end” issue, whereas the torrent of bullshit is a “sending end” issue.

Also true; consider though, that you can't receive a signal that isn't sent.

I fundamentally agree with you, The Dumpster, for all his ridiculous antics and delusions of adequacy, is no where near as troubling as his numerous followers. Especially the so-called Christian Right; this man is the antithesis of what you say you believe. What the Hell are you thinking?

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Well, IMHO for decades the US's major political parties - the top dozen or so, and including the one I consider to usually be the lesser evil of the lot, not just the two biggest names - have been competing to see who can nominate the least suitable person to be President.

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I'm marginally elderly, I've voted in a fair number of elections, since the early 70s, and I was aware of our leadership since Kennedy. (I recall Ike, barely, but not in terms of having an impression of him.) I can't say I know what makes a good president. On paper, Jimmy Carter looks marvelous. He's an intelligent, caring, honest man. He was not a great president. Bill Clinton had moral issues. In terms of results, he's one of the better presidents in my lifetime. Ronald Regan seemed like a good thing, deregulation sounded great. It really mucked up major segments of our national environment.

What is clear is that we are no longer playing by those rules. I did not vote for John Kerry. I did not want him to win. I wanted Barrack Obama. He was good for our country. But John Kerry would have been a reasonable choice. He was not off the deep end. He had the best interests of the country in mind as he understood them. I would not want Liz Cheney to be president. But she would be a reasonable choice.

Dumpster Fire is not. He is not in any sense presidential. He has more in common with that kid in New England that got busted for posting military secrets on the Internet than he does with any other president within our lifetimes. You should be concerned, Don, because he's destroying your G.O.P. Anyone there with any sense of reason no longer has a voice.

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I feel very tired.

Trans visibility day always falls on March 31. Easter happened to fall on March 31. Certain Republican douchevolcanoes decided to pretend to be angered by this and demanded an apology from trans people in a blatant attempt to stir up outrage among their voters.

This is offensive in so many ways. Just to mention a few:

1) They are demanding that trans people apologize for existing. They know perfectly well we won't and plan to use our refusal to further outrage their befuddled and frightened voters.
2) Their pretense that it is somehow the responsibility of trans people that a holiday that falls on a different day EVERY YEAR happens to coincide with an unrelated holiday this year.
3) Their use of a holiday meant to honour a man who preached tolerance and acceptance as a tool to further promote hatred and intolerance.
4) Their assumption that their voters are so blisteringly dim-witted so as not to know how calendars work.
5) The possibility that a number of them actually are that dim offends me personally.


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On 4/1/2024 at 4:21 AM, The Old Hack said:

3) Their use of a holiday meant to honour a man who preached tolerance and acceptance as a tool to further promote hatred and intolerance.

That is the entire Religious Right in the US. Entirely missing the point.


On 4/1/2024 at 4:21 AM, The Old Hack said:

4) Their assumption that their voters are so blisteringly dim-witted so as not to know how calendars work.

5) The possibility that a number of them actually are that dim offends me personally.

To be fair, "When is Easter?' is not trivial. Not exceedingly difficult, but requires some calculation.

Sorry to say, #5 is true, and the number is not small.


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So we spend a lot of time complaining about how stupid politicians of today can be. In this post I will venture to show that they were not necessarily all that much brighter two centuries ago.

In 1815 outgoing governor and gubernatorial candidate of Vermont Jonas Galusha decided to prove his manhood by bringing down a particularly notorious bear. He would at the same time introduce a brand new hunting method: lather himself with the scent of female bear. So with much ado he set out with an entourage and entered the woods in a place the bear was believed to dwell. He then proceeded to enter the underbrush alone armed with his hunting rifle.

A few minutes later he burst out of the woods again in panicked flight, hotly pursued by an eager bear.

Needless to say, he failed to win reelection.

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8 hours ago, The Old Hack said:

So we spend a lot of time complaining about how stupid politicians of today can be. In this post I will venture to show that they were not necessarily all that much brighter two centuries ago.

In 1815 outgoing governor and gubernatorial candidate of Vermont Jonas Galusha decided to prove his manhood by bringing down a particularly notorious bear. He would at the same time introduce a brand new hunting method: lather himself with the scent of female bear. So with much ado he set out with an entourage and entered the woods in a place the bear was believed to dwell. He then proceeded to enter the underbrush alone armed with his hunting rifle.

A few minutes later he burst out of the woods again in panicked flight, hotly pursued by an eager bear.

Needless to say, he failed to win reelection.

That's got to be bs.
Oh, it's not.  

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Given how they parrot just about every outrageous thing he says, I am inclined to believe that it is the latter more than the former.

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1 hour ago, The Old Hack said:

He must either believe that his voters are all complete idiots or that they will just blindly believe and obey everything he tells them to. Or both

The sad / scary part is, when it comes to a dangerous percentage of them, he's right.

I do think that for most of them, it's more a matter of gullibility and blind obedience rather than stupidity. Also, there are those who could care less what sort of person Trump is and only care about how he can advance various causes (including, in the case of some Republican politicians, those politicians' careers).

...Speaking of the Trump fanatics, there was a segment on CBS Sunday Morning this week where a reporter was interviewing some people at a Trump rally, and some of the people implied that if Trump loses this year's election they would resort to violent means to try and get him in power. I suspected there were people like that out there (particularly after the 2021 insurrection), but it's a bit chilling to hear them admit to it.

And on the flip side, I'm sure a second Trump presidency would be worse than the first, potentially far worse. Honestly, regardless of who wins the election, I'm scared as to what this winter will bring.

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On 6/5/2024 at 9:33 AM, The Old Hack said:

Trump just claimed that he never said to lock Hillary Clinton up.


He must either believe that his voters are all complete idiots or that they will just blindly believe and obey everything he tells them to. Or both.

I think it might be a legitimate indication of mental decline.

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3 hours ago, mlooney said:

At least Biden hasn't threatened to take the US out of NATO

He isn't in Putin's hip pocket, as  others seem to be . . .

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