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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Showing most liked content on 05/25/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Story Wednesday May 23, 2018

    I'd bet on the fact that when Ellen says that Nanase would demolish half the state looking for her, she's barely exaggerating, and Arthur knows it. I don't know, but I hope it didn't bite them. Turning into a house every full moon sounds inconvenient.
  2. 1 point

    Story Friday May 18, 2018

    I seem to recall that the official rendition of the sound is "VWORP", due to the handbrake being left on . . .
  3. 1 point

    EGS Strip Slaying

    So, you were looking for more excitement in life, Ashley? And you've now been on ... is it two dates with Elliot? Has it been as exciting as you hoped? I love her expression ... I also wish I hadn't posted this as a slay it should be in the comic comments thread but there's no delete button
  4. 1 point
    Pharaoh RutinTutin

    NP Wednesday 23 May 2018

    So would this be Genieology or Genietic Engineering?
  5. 0 points

    Things that make you sad.

    Our saltwater aquarium at work died. Last summer, a former employee was moving with his family to Florida, and his brother who had said he'd take the tank backed out at the last minute, so my boss agreed to let him set it up in the lobby. It had two clown fish, on royal gramma (bright yellow one end, bright purple the other), and a bunch of rocks with live soft corals on them. It quickly started growing an icky red algae and had various other problems. We have a place just down the street that specializes in salt water, corals especially, and we wound up paying them to come in and get everything in order. (Apparently the former owner was doing almost everything wrong, which does not really surprise me....) The fish were colorful, snails and crabs provided even more critter entertainment, and I was surprised how interesting the corals could be. One, especially, which I'd saved from falling off its rock by putting its base into a little hole on another rock, had turned out to have at least half a dozen different shapes it could take on, and I could occasionally see a tendril/frond/whatever fold in around some tasty bit of debris, and I watched it grow and thrive. We'd recently added two peppermint shrimp to get rid of some less desirable growths, and they'd just started coming out of hiding more and doing their job. The tank was looking really good! Well, this morning when I came in the lights were off, but once the lights came on in the tank, first time I walked towards it I could see all the soft corals were drooping down over their rocks instead if standing up, and when I looked closer, the fish were floating at the bottom, not moving. Even the little peppermint shrimp were lying dead. The water felt noticably too warm, and when I floated the thermometer it was almost 100°F. Apparently, the heater malfunctioned, and stayed on instead of switching off when it got too warm. Our poor little fish and shrimp and crabs and snails, and all those live corals, got cooked and died in one night.