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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. I don't think so? I thought I was just making a joke about the ribbing and food stuff. But I don't want to derail this further.
  2. Mmmm...ribs.... I'm sorry, carry on.
  3. What Are You Ingesting?

    Shouldn't this be typed in colour? Like mauve, or fuschia? Oooh! How about California Sacra-mint-o? We can't take you seriously if you're gonna moderate in normal text ya know?
  4. Story, Monday December 11, 2017

    Maybe one of the vampires is a duck of the not-so-demonic-but-vegetarian kind?
  5. Story, Monday December 11, 2017

    Lucy's reaction there could also be interpreted as Lucy having been taking the whole "use boys to get free stuff" act more seriously than Diane. That would however have the potential of Lucy dumping Diane the same way that a number of the feminist club members dumped Susan after she attempt to rally people to help change the dress code. That might also be a reason why Lucy treats Rhoda the way she does, Lucy might believe that Rhoda's making Diane soft.
  6. More Speculation.

    Just had a scary thought, the last time we saw Arthur, he mentioned that "the next incident could be the last straw...". The attacking vampires at the mall can certainly be seen as being "the next incident" and with Susan using magic, Adrian using magic, Zeus and Pandora appearing out of nowhere, and whatever else that could happen. What are the chances that magic changes right in the middle of all this? What would that do the any vampires that are still alive? What about Magus if he hasn't touched the diamond before it happened? Would he be stuck in Elliot's body? What about Sirleck? Would he have the same fate of the other vampires and how would that affect Ellen?
  7. Story, Monday December 11, 2017

    I didn't say he'd summon a sword. though true, we don't know for certain if he has his cane with him. There might still be some tricks we haven't seen beyond exploding crows, he is a wizard after all and an Elf who's several hundred years old and was taught by his mother. Not entirely sure how directly fighting vampires would be breaking Immortal law, but considering Immortals have tended to go out of their ways to get someone to kill them, it's probably a case of Immortals painting themselves into a corner, like they can't do anything to Humans beyond guide and empower and for some strange reason aberrations are still included under that? I dunno But anyway, there's also Helena and Demetrius that might show up, maybe they found some extra reinforcements to fight the vampires? And did you meanr Lucy crushing on Diane? Though we don't know for sure if she is, maybe she was crushing on Rhoda and the way she treated Rhoda was similar to how George treated Justin, and we know George had a crush on Justin. Thankfully I seem to know less (as in didn't know until you mentioned it) of that than I knew about MS Bob. At first I was thinking you meant a certain purple dinosaur.
  8. Things You Find Amusing

    I only have Grace to blame for noticing this stuff more often now.
  9. Story, Monday December 11, 2017

    Zeus is worried about what would happen to him if either of them get hurt or worse, he's probably trying to triage the situation, get Diane to safety first, then go back for Susan. So Zeus is focused on Diane, but Diane is focused on Susan. Well, Susan's still got her sword, so it certainly looks like the "good for one good hit" bit no longer applies. I'm going to predict this is where Adrian makes his entrance into the fight, Susan's down, abberation looming over her, and suddenly... SLICE FROM BEHIND! And Adrian appears through the smoke.
  10. https://www.patreon.com/posts/gamer-girl-tedd-15676587 She looks like she's having fun.
  11. Greasemonkey forum scripts

    So I just loaded the december 4th story reaction thread as I saw there was one new post in it, and shortly after loading the page, a notification came up that said there were 15 new replies, I was surprised that there would have been 15 of us replying to the same thread all at one, but it turned out to be a false notification as there were 0 new replies. I don't know if it's a bug with the script, I know Tampermonkey updated yesterday so that might be related?
  12. While it would be appropriate in this context, usually when a business folds, it means it's gone bankrupt. We wouldn't want that to happen to Tedd's Ice Pops.
  13. You know, Tedd doesn't have to have the shop open 24/7, she can take breaks and have weekends off.
  14. Story, Friday December 8, 2017

    Until I hear something better, this is correct. Even if Dan says it's something different, this is still correct. I like the theory about it being Jerry. The narration comes across like observations he would have made during and after Susan's awakening and then passed along to Zeus.
  15. NP Friday Dec 8 2017

    It'd still be interesting to see what she'd think about Tedd's "how much is too much?" experiment. Both if she saw it on someone, and experienced it herself.
  16. Story, Monday December 4, 2017

    Yeah, but fortunately Grace was fireproof in her omega form, and her Lespuko claws thwarted his regeneration ability, Noah might still have had difficulty killing Damien if he had been able to confront him. But that's purely speculation since Damien is gone now... Although Adrian did feel Grace was strong enough to kill 12 Damiens or 1 Super Damien so that could mean that Noah was strong enough to kill 1 Damien. Or half a Damien, I dunno lol.
  17. NP Friday Dec 8 2017

    It's confirmed, Ashley's sabotaging Elliot's form on their date wasn't just being playful, she's into big boobs. That sad face in panel 2 though. That's like when Sarah told Tedd that no accidental transformations happened between her and Elliot.
  18. Story, Friday December 8, 2017

    In the Gathering Monsters page, we don't have a good look at what that vampire looked like prior to transforming into the beast so it'd hard to say if they're the same guy or not. But when Dan linked references to the scarf guy, it was to his first appearance, and Kangaroo guy's link was to when he tried scamming money out of Susan. I'd think if they were the same, they should both have references in Gathering Monsters right? One other bit, in Gathering Monsters, scarf guy and beast guy had a bit of a verbal scuffle, I wouldn't be surprised if scarf guy wanted to just give beast guy a wide berth to avoid risking loss of the bonus, then he found kangaroo guy who was somewhat more agreeable.
  19. Story, Friday December 8, 2017

    Well there's also this speculation from Tedd about Nanase's hair. Maybe Nanase shouldn't have cut hers during her burn out?
  20. Story, Friday December 8, 2017

    Mainly Dan's commentary strongly implies it: If bearded snake vampire was kangaroo guy, the birth and death dates should be 10-18-2017 to 12-8-2017. There's still the bonus for not killing anyone except the target (and any vampire hunters) the rest of them might think twice about splitting the party, but they probably won't turn on each other. At least not until the task is complete. But I don't think it'll get that far. (I hope) Might be an upgraded spell, maybe the glow makes it more durable. Though it's too soon to tell yet, it might be going poof between pages. Although, then again, Susan summoned a sword in the first Sister arc, used it, and still had it after (didn't see her resummon it). So maybe it was retconned to be good for one good hit in Hammerchlorians, and then upgraded back to the original now?
  21. Story, Friday December 8, 2017

    And she did use the fairy as a flashbang. Whether or not she does that again remains to be seen, something tells me we're going to see a number of new abilities so the likelihood of repeated usage is probably low. This aberration is apparently one we haven't seen before, we know Kangaroo guy and scarf guy are in the mall, so that other beast thing is still lurking somewhere too, those three are probably still laying low while the 3 that Pandora and Zeus mentioned were new ones. And soo much for the bonus for all aberrations surviving this. Susan aberration kill count to date = 2
  22. Things That Are Just Annoying

    People playing a game in early access complaining when a patch or update breaks their save. Some people even go so far as to demand that a developer put the patches into a separate branch for beta testing.... The game is currently either in alpha or beta, the whole point of releasing patches and updates is for players to test them and report issues so that they can be fixed before the finished product is released, so it would be redundant to have people beta test before it's released to be beta tested....
  23. NP Wednesday Dec 6 2017

    Probably more like playful revenge for Catalina transforming her and stealing her space, and as she said, Catalina was the only one not yet transformed. Kari, should have gotten lots of tips to begin with though, I know she broke several geeks hearts when she got married.
  24. Story Wednesday December 6, 2017

    Well we do know that Susan checked her spellbook to see if she had gained the ability to control her hair, she might get that at some point. (though it's uncertain how canon that was since it was just a one-shot NP)
  25. Story Wednesday December 6, 2017

    There is also Zeus's comment "Pandora's gonna to kill me" that clinched things, why would he be thinking that if she didn't have a talk with him? Mind you it's quite possible she didn't tell him what she had learned from Heka, because she told Sarah that she wanted to tell Adrian first and that wouldn't be true if she had already told someone else, but at the very least she gave him instructions to make sure nothing happened to Susan and Diane and we know Pandora can be intimidating if she wanted to. ... ok, maybe not so unusual As long as it's not Super Saiyan 3. According to Dan, her hair would be too long and get in the way, and sadly "Badass Hair in the Wind with no Wind" does not work at that point.