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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Story Wednesday Jan 25 2017

    We don't really know if Nanase's flight combat is self taught, or if her and Greg worked out some techniques together. Even if Greg can't fly himself, if Nanase developed her flight combat during ASMA training, Greg might have remembered what she did and apply it to Grace's training. Nanase might be the best choice since it'd be one flyer teaching another, but Nanase wasn't keen on joining a new dojo, so I dunno if she'd be up for joining Ellen and Grace's private sessions. And yes, I'm still assuming that Grace and Ellen are getting Greg's time through the dojo and not paying Greg directly.
  2. NP: Wednesday January 25, 2017

    I just facepalmed myself, Of course Rhoda can alter specific parts of clothing, the pinup shows it. Amanda's labcoat has enlarged sleeves while the rest of it have been shortened.
  3. Sci-Fi Physics Help Needed - Open Discussion

    On time of day especially, if it's at noon or midnight, the launchpad would either be facing towards or away from the sun, so the ship under no gravity, would want to "drift" east or west if it's momentum isn't kept with the Earth's movement. At dawn or dusk, the launchpad would face 90 degrees from the sun which would mean the lauchpad would either be facing into the path of the Earth, or away from the path. So the best time for a inertial assisted launch like that would be at the time when the pad is facing the opposite direction of the Earth's orbit.
  4. EGS Strip Slaying

    I don't know if Catalina and Grace have even met. I'd say all the time Rhoda's spent with Grace tutoring each other has rubbed off on her.
  5. Story Wednesday Jan 25 2017

    We know Grace can increase her physical strength with shapeshifting, she doesn't have to grab the bumper to lift a car, she more likely reached under and took hold of the chassis from the side, tilted it up, then grabbed the other side of the chassis and lifted. Actually, I'm curious about Grace's fighting ability now. She's been training for about 9 months now (started in April of the previous year), and as of just before Christmas, she hadn't been able to effectively use her telekinetic shield yet, which I imagine she hasn't gotten any better at by now. However, I would expected that Greg would have started Grace off with the basics of martial arts first, then moved to some more advanced stuff before trying to incorporating her own abilities into it, so she should have a decent grasp of techniques. I don't think Greg would have started with Grace's shield first when incorporating her abilities, it's likely he would have gone with something that is easier for Grace to do, which is fly. Basically, what I'm saying is, Grace is quite possibly much better at aerial combat than Elliot is in superhero form, and I think Elliot should probably join Ellen and Grace in training.
  6. Story Wednesday Jan 25 2017

    I think this is likely, and my speculation is it'll either be Grace, Susan, or Diane. Or maybe Susan and Diane working together, or maybe all three. Sounds like there'll be plenty of aberrations to go around. If this scene continues on Friday, we'll probably see Edward telling Grace that while wanting to protect people is all well and good, she shouldn't put herself at risk. She may possibly be the strongest person in Moperville, but she's still hesitant about fighting despite the fact that Edward just told her that vampires are pure evil. If Grace is going to be an effective fighter, she needs to put aside all hesitation and commit to the idea that it is necessary to fight sometimes. Hmm...as I continue to look at it, I'm not sure I like Grace's hair in this page, she's always had straight hair and even the day before, she had straight hair.I've kinda come to think that the wavy hair, at least on main characters, was reserved for noncanon situations or transformations. I do realize that Grace has the ability to change her hair at will and likely has been zapped with a form that had wavy hair at some point, but it is kinda jarring to see a change like that without some sort of story behind their decision to do so. Nanase has her current style because she had been burnt out with black hair that she then dyed red, heck the original reason she cut her hair to begin with was that she wanted to have short hair for a change. And then we have Tedd who didn't want to hide the fact the he looked girly anymore and so cut his hair and made it pink. I guess it's still early, but if no one in comic comments about her wavy hair, it's going to seem weird to me.
  7. NP: Monday, January 23, 2017

    Why yes, the pucks are made in Vulcan Alberta.
  8. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=567 I think Vorlonagent gets all the cookies, eventhough this strip is just fantasy panels, the fact is he still called it. lol. Well, the enlarging bust and making her smaller bits at least.
  9. Story Friday January 20, 2017

    Yeah, it just didn't click with me that it was the case though.
  10. NP: Monday, January 23, 2017

    Yeah, we had to scramble to get the last few pieces up before the shuttles were retired. It's a shame we couldn't finish the moon base though.
  11. NP: Monday, January 23, 2017

    We have our ways, you do know that the space shuttles were, and the international space station is, equiped with Canadian made robotic arms?
  12. Sci-Fi Physics Help Needed - Open Discussion

    Maybe there could be something within the crew cabin that would block the lines of gravity inside and act like an inertial dampener?
  13. NP: Monday, January 23, 2017

    Bah, those geese are still in training with tracer rounds, the real attackers will be carrying hockey pucks.
  14. Sci-Fi Physics Help Needed - Open Discussion

    Question. Does the launch have to use only the manipulation of gravity? You have electromagnetism in there as well so why couldn't that be used in conjuction with gravity. I would suspect that a launch tower built like a giant railgun, could also have gravity dampening capabilities built in that would be able to create an electromagnetic field strong enough with a low amount of energy to get a craft up to escape velocity.
  15. NP: Monday, January 23, 2017

    Good, they haven't found Canada's platforms yet. What? I didn't say anything.
  16. Story Friday January 20, 2017

    Ahh ok, I failed to realized the link you posted before was an older version.
  17. Story Friday January 20, 2017

    That might be an error then considering the wiki doesn't mention Ellen purchasing the DVD and Dan has stated that "Not a Date at the mall" is canon.
  18. I'm only unsure about whether or not she can do more because she only just got her magic back a couple weeks earlier, so I dunno how much she would have used the spell. I know she's using it to maintain her current style, but how often would she have to reapply it? If it's every day then chances are good that she's upgraded the spell. If it's once a week though, then she's probably used it 2-3 times.
  19. I wouldn't call it a side effect, the whole spell was intended for disguise purposes, and she stated that is was "currently limited to hair" so I would imagine she might be able to do more with it by now or at some point, probably much like Rhoda's disguise spell.
  20. Story Friday January 20, 2017

    At least one of Nanase and Ellen's dates was cuddling up together watching the videos. I don't remember Tedd having it, too -- not doubting you, I just don't recall it, so can't comment. Actually, Ellen bought the DVD. And apparently neither her nor Elliot had seen it before. I don't recall Tedd owning a copy.
  21. Dan technically already gave that spell to Nanase, though Nanase's spell isn't limited to colour.
  22. I can't remember if Dan ever stated it, but it would make sense if he felt giving everyone brown, blonde, black, red, grey hair would be too boring or something, and so decided he'd throw in characters with orange, blue, purple, green, etc, hair to give variation to everyone. I guess the downside to that is possibly giving a recurring character a particular colour might seem like painting yourself into a corner in terms of what colours go well with it when trying to come up with outfits.
  23. Even in that link's commentary, Dan's unsure about Ashley having the green highlights and the worrying about the potential for unflattering colour schemes.
  24. Yeah, this is mainly a case of Dan already establishing in canon that Ashley's hair had dark green high...wait...Ashley was never in any of the coloured story arcs was she? Just coloured in sketchbooks and pinups? So maybe dark green isn't canon. I'll admit, I didn't read the commentary before I posted. My comment about the hair was based on what Dan tweeted about while he was still working on it. But yeah, stating she was trying to seduce Diane with that pose, seems it would fit more as an alternate reality where Ashley had a crush on Diane and was jealous of her dating Elliot or something.
  25. Story Monday January 23, 2017

    For the same reason that Ellen seems to keep up with her spellbook, sure we haven't actually seen her showing off new spells lately or actually reading her spellbook, the fact that she hasn't had any "I didn't know I could do that" moments and people have only teased Elliot about it is enough to believe that this is definitely one of those aspects of Elliot that Ellen's made an effort to not keep.