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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story Monday November 6, 2017

    I'm 90% sure the book was throwaway gag and Ashley returned it by herself. (On the other hand, I was also sure the griffin was throwaway gag ... that's why I moved from 100% to 90% ...). Definitely sounds unlikely.
  2. Story Monday November 6, 2017

    As far as we know, Justin is the only male that's been in Susan's house since her dad left. True ; her mother might still protest against any straight male. Maybe not YET. Elliot was supposed to take Ellen there in car, which might not yet happen ... Or that.
  3. Story Monday November 6, 2017

    Yes Elliot it is weird, especially if you still tries to not look at Ellen when she's naked. Wait: the review show is NOT done in Susan's much bigger house? And Ellen is not SUPPOSED to show up unexpectedly, although as we already talked about on previous page, there is something weird going on with their plans for tonight ... (EDIT: Can't find where it happened. There are times Ellen's made things awkward for him but I also think she teased him with being naked and can't find it ... I think Elliot was saying "I would look if you were actually wearing something" ... EDIT 2: Found it. )
  4. And it's not like we had tables like this: Rad Squirrel Comics 436: NP Monday March 21, 2016 Comics 437: NP Wednesday March 23, 2016 Comics 438: NP Friday March 25, 2016 Comics 439: NP Monday March 28, 2016 Comics 440: NP, Wednesday March 30, 2016 Comics 441: NP Friday April 1, 2016 Comics 442: NP, Monday April 4, 2016 Comics 443: NP: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 Comics 444: NP: Friday, April 8, 2016 Comics 445: NP: Monday, April 11, 2016 Comics 446: NP: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Comics 447: NP, Friday April 15, 2016 Comics 448: NP Monday April 18, 2016 Comics 449: NP: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 Comics 450: NP, Friday April 22, 2016 Comics 451: NP Monday April 25, 2016 Comics 452: NP, Wednesday April 27, 2016 Comics 453: NP, Friday April 29, 2016 Detective Block Comics 454: NP: Monday, May 2, 2016 Comics 455: NP, Wednesday May 4th, 2016 Comics 456: NP, Friday May 6th, 2016 Comics 457: NP: Monday, May 9, 2016 Comics 458: NP: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Comics 459: NP: Friday, May 13, 2016 Assorted 2016 Alpha Comics 460: NP: Monday, May 16, 2016 Comics 461: NP: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Comics 462: NP: Friday, May 20, 2016 Comics 463: NP: Monday, May 23, 2016 Comics 464: NP: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Comics 465: NP Friday 27 May 2016 Comics 466: NP: Monday, May 30, 2016 Comics 467: NP Wednesday 1 June, 2016 Comics 468: NP Friday June 3, 2016 Comics 469: NP Monday June 6, 2016 Comics 470: NP, Wednesday June 8, 2016 Comics 471: NP Friday June 10, 2016 Would be nice but I'm not sure if this storyline isn't already too complicated even without Rhoda and Catalina ... I think that Rhoda is nowhere near as nice as Ashley. For example, I think Rhoda's jealousy shown in this story is canon. Wait. Ashley's reaction to Catalina likely too. Ok, Ashley might not be as nice either. "If I knew I can get magic if I start pursuing serious relationship I would started already" ... WILL she finds out, actually? They should be keeping it secret, shouldn't they? Sure, Nanase told Diane, but only because she sort of already knew ...
  5. Trouble is, people who aren't Patreon patrons wouldn't know to look for an older post about the same image. If the original poster about that image were to edit the title of the post to reflect its appearing in Sketchbook as well, that might work, but otherwise, it's asking a lot to expect non-Patreon readers to know to (and bother to) look back through a bunch of previous posts to see if each Sketchbook post had appeared somewhere else before. That would be more relevant if the image actually required to be Patreon patron to see. It is on Patreon, but it was visible to everyone the moment the thread was created. It would also be relevant if someone would ever try to search for older discussions, but I don't think that is happening and if it is it's already very hard. Mainly because the discussion thread is not linked from specific comics itself AND lacks own "prev" and "next" links and links to starts of chapters. (On the other hand, at least comments are rarely needed to understand the comics ; on drowtales, the navigation is just as hard, despite the forum being official forum - meaning, the forum is linked, but not individual threads - and every thread starts with comment from author which is OFTEN explaining something not visible from comics itself.) I agree with the idea that the original poster should've updated the post, though. It wouldn't in few cases, it would if this becomes usual. Case in point, we DON'T have separate threads for Patreon and for tumblr. ... which didn't happened.
  6. NP Friday November 3, 2017

    I don't think any example was THAT cheery. Nase was happier, more open and more impulsive but not cheery. Also, Hanma effectively ADMITTED it's bug.
  7. NP Wednesday Nov 1 2017

    That guy's second wish just would not be granted. It violates the rules set out at the beginning. No amount of lawyerly talk would get around that fact. IMHO it would. He doesn't wish for more wishes (yet). He talks about wishes but it would effectively only affect his third, last wish. I think the four caveat I proposed, when mentioned on beginning, would be simplest way to prevent this: "none of your wishes can refer to any other wish, including but not limited to wishes you made before it or wishes you made after it". (Also, there is the little detail that wish making doesn't ACTUALLY work on this level - the caveats likely can't be declared null by wish, despite this technically not being mentioned as caveat, and there will be other unmentioned caveats as well.)
  8. Story Friday November 3, 2017

    I'm not sure what you mean so I just drop few links here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_many_angels_can_dance_on_the_head_of_a_pin%3F https://davidscommonplacebook.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/how-many-angels-can-dance-on-the-head-of-a-pin/ https://www.improbable.com/airchives/paperair/volume7/v7i3/angels-7-3.htm
  9. Story Friday November 3, 2017

    Well it was college. She might also fool around with a girl at the same time, if the party was wild enough. But I don't think she would be such type. I would add the classical "how many angels can fit on the head of a pin" but that is actually valid question if you realize it's not about specific number but just if it's finite or infinite.
  10. Story Friday November 3, 2017

    I remember similar math being used in my country ... I think it's the flashbacks. Elliot certainly didn't tried to hide anything from his parents, and it would not work anyway. It would require LOT of effort from Dan to convince me that didn't happened even if he wouldn't show it. I like the part 23 Might be just as good as So a Date part 2. Meanwhile, Part 32 is certainly not how it will be named.
  11. Story Friday November 3, 2017

    What, are the rules different for where you were selling before?
  12. Story Friday November 3, 2017

    There have been times when Dan's stated the intent of ending a particular scene on a Friday so that the new scene would start at the beginning of the week. What I remember are some comics where Dan stated he totally wanted this to be Friday ... and wasn't. Don't remind me. Danish Parliament just started to fight over next year's budget. I think they didn't forgot basic arithmetic, it's just the budged contains too big numbers for them to compute with. It's still weird that they understand that 2 + 2 = 4 but fails when it's 2 millions + 2 millions ... (However, most politicians are able to compute how big bribe they should get just fine, even if it needs to be divided between multiple people.)
  13. NP Friday November 3, 2017

    She can wave as long as she moves the other leg (or arm, or the hair) to balance. Not exactly most natural position, but not physically impossible. Alternatively, she's not actually waving just now - like, she waved, then did some little jump. Susan doesn't seem "default". But maybe only the parts of mental state game changes were changed to default. Like, the attraction. It would be possibility not present otherwise. However, stuff like self-moving pieces make even more likely it works on intent. WERE there any pieces before starting the game? There definitely were not visible. Susan's too cheerful to represent her subconscious, however Hanma's comment about playtesting suggests that it's bug. Presumably, they combine following the rules (including, possibly, greeting the players in pre-programmed way) with some conscious control and possibly subconscious as well. Like, you can't make it leave the field they are supposed to be at, unless it's part of "quitting" mechanics or it's your turn and you decided which direction should they go. Note that THIS is the question we WILL get better answer for in next strip(s). PS: The angles are off. If the pieces are waving in direction of their player, Catalina and Rhoda might be correct, but Susan and Ashley looks like the board rotated at least 50 degrees between previous page and current one.
  14. Story Friday November 3, 2017

    With Ashley, definitely ... however, did he mention to his parents that Ashley likes his girl forms as well? I don't think Dan ever deliberately planned Friday comics on Friday. Sure, nice when it happens, but not worth adding filler comics. Of course she does. They got quite cross when she (Elliot) didn't let them know she was fighting evil as Cheerleadera Made planing dinner and alibis hard. Yes. They might've even looked in the book themselves, if Ellen didn't get to it first. Also Elliot is terrible liar so he wouldn't be able to hide it even if he tried. Not only it's likely he wouldn't get in high school without knowing basic arithmetic, I would consider both this freak out and Nanase making the same observation as confirmations of it. He MIGHT be planing to go somewhere later? Well, looking at it again, the difference between this plan and this version does seem suspicious ... especially when we add that Ellen is nowhere to be seen and Elliot is not clothed and Ashley is taking her coat off ... Even if they would be looking up, it wouldn't really tell them more than "Cheerleadra is in Moperville". Unless they have good binoculars with stabilization and experience from bird watching. That might be too simple for plan CM. Also, I think that Phantom Peeper (wait ... where did this name came from?) is part of MAGUS plan to get Ellen and Elliot TOGETHER. Possibly along with few other small nudges we didn't saw yet. He promised nothing would happen to him, didn't he? It MIGHT be too close to breaking the laws if he made sure Elliot is unprotected in the attack ... Unlikely. He complains how hard everything is ... he's not going to make it harder. You think the discussion here will became so heated someone would notice you are AFK?
  15. NP Wednesday Nov 1 2017

    No, no it's not. Or maybe it is in the Chinese meaning of interesting. There is no chinese meaning. Interesting ALWAYS means what it does in that chinese curse, only it's not always obvious. Also, either you are not lawyer or you shouldn't be one if it wasn't fun for you. Can, will and never stop using. Hmmm ... "caveat four: none of your wishes can refer to any other wish, including but not limited to wishes you made before it or wishes you made after it".
  16. NP Friday November 3, 2017

    Hanma, it's nice when you answer so clearly, but we would like to know WHAT are the other defaults you just confirmed you choose. Is it sex/gender? Sex/gender preference? Species? Well we wouldn't need to worry about the last one, as Grace is not playing.
  17. Story, Friday October 27, 2017

    I present to you Exhibit A, which would be panel four. https://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1361 It would be nice if EGS actually supported https ... but no. http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1361 Yes to "this really can't be hair fairy", however.
  18. Story Friday November 3, 2017

    Totally. I don't see much respect from Dad, but at least they trust him. Also, they focus on the important thing: risk of pregnancy, because otherwise they shouldn't care about what Elliot and Ashley are doing. I'm pretty sure not only it wasn't the reason but Ashley didn't even told anyone. It was just illustration on how threacherously nice she is or something like that. I think that Dan might show two more panels with them sitting down ... and either change scene between panels or add in some other welcomed surprise like the "how parents trust Elliot" was added to two panels of today comics. Probably not more, especially considering I think they will actually at least start watching some movie first. Note: Not only Dan didn't shown Pandora kissing Blaike, the love of her lifetimes ... he also didn't shown anything else which would happen between them which we know for sure happened because Adrian Raven. Unless Pandora cheated like Q. That's standard procedure, isn't it?
  19. NP Wednesday Nov 1 2017

    Even Dan said there were 813 possible combinations, the game needs to be able to keep track of it somehow right? Once again: you proposed Hanma's game doesn't need to be sentient, it's could be enchanted with conditionals, each card probably has specific enchantments that activate when placed down. I countered that system consisting of so many separately enchanted components is likely having so big risk of failure / bug that having the game sentient would likely be safer.
  20. NP Wednesday Nov 1 2017

    Each player wouldn't have more than 3 enchantments at a time on them though, and when a player plays more transformation cards to buy another spot or gets transformed by someone else, the new enchantments would just replace the old, not get stacked so I don't think there'd be any worry about enchantments breaking the game. I was speaking about every card being separately enchanted.
  21. NP Wednesday Nov 1 2017

    Reading intent could potentially run into parsing troubles as well, especially if the player needs to leave for a reason unrelated to the game itself, as the player's thoughts might not be clear enough on leaving the game, leading to parsing error. A time limit might work, but induces a delay on deciding to leave the game and the leaving taking affect (it also imposes a time limit on fixing mistakes if the board gets bumped or a cat decides to board looks like a good place for a nap). And while sliding the game pieces is a possible rule, it's simply a work around that doesn't add much depth to the game and can still result in unwanted mistakes if a player that typically picks up game pieces to move them forgets about the rule and tries to move their piece in a comfortable manner. Ultimately it would depend on which is the simplest, least costly to implement, and best of the enjoyment of the players, a dense complicated set of conditionals to catch variation, or a sentience that is designed/trained to value player enjoyment and wellbeing. And since magic is a big part of this, I'm not sure which one would have the better balance of those traits. I would say it even more strongly: we have no idea how hard anything with magic is. Maybe parse errors are impossible when reading mind. Maybe the game will FORCE you to formulate your intent - possibly without you even realizing it. Such big amount of separate enchantments linked together could easily lead to more risks than sentient game. Like, what will happen if some of the enchantment breaks but other enchantments would still assume it works? In worst case, the pieces of game will lost the link and start working separately, so the undo on quitting the game will stop working. Sentience, on the other hand, might be very important thing you look for in something which transforms you. Sure, there is risk of it going evil, but evil is at least somewhat predictable. Something going buggy is worse. As a game designer for table top games that explicitly have a human referee / Game Master, I'm just going to say that have player rules lawyers is bad enough, much less with the game it self being in the loop. True, though ideally a sentient table top game would function as it's own Game Master (or a Game Master's assistant if it's not advanced enough to run itself). Given the mechanics of game is done by game itself, it MUST work as it's own Game Master. No amount of lawyering would help you if the person you are trying it on can't influence the rule. You can try this yourself, on gravity for example ... or, if you look on something simpler, on a computer game: even if something is completely obvious bug and game creator knows about it, the computer will not change the rule unless you install update for the game. Generally, it's preferable if game rules are so simple and clear there can be no double meaning. In reality, however, it's hard to implement, especially in open games. Personally, I consider better to simply not playing with players who are lawyers if it's not fun to you ... instead of making the game less fun for people who either enjoy the lawyering (D&D game between lawyer students might get interesting) or for people who don't but still needs to solve some situation they got into. Also, in most games, the solution includes rule like "Game Master is always right, even if he isn't", which means that Game Master have both the power and responsibility to keep the game fun. The same must be true for the game - it must EXPLICITLY be set to objective like players having fun or something like that instead of playing AGAINST the players. Or ... maybe the objective would be to that the game WANTS to be finished, that would also stop most possible problems. On a related note, http://www.semperbufo.com/media/sbseqart_three-wishes.html
  22. If she would, however, she would be very hard to stop.
  23. Story Wednesday November 1, 2017

    Adrian lost to Abraham when he let his guard down slightly to do the moral thing and let Abraham have a chance to surrender. Yes. I would say that Adrian is more dangerous but the vampires are not aware of it. I think that even as elf, Adrian is still protected by immortal laws and Voltaire is not ALLOWED to attack him directly. It would seem like there would be a chain reaction should something happen to Adrian, Pandora and Tedd have bonded recently with Pandora even worrying about hurting Tedd, if Adrian was hurt badly or killed, Pandora would be enraged, and her actions could trigger a negative response from Tedd. Whether or not Voltaire planned this is uncertain but then again it wouldn't be called Plan CM if it was straightforward. Hmmm ... I don't think that Voltaire expected Pandora to bond with Tedd, but "Plan CM" will certainly have some very unexpected parts ... I agree with all that except that it isn't set in stone that Edward hasn't met Pandora before the "hawk and egg" incident. Pandora uses other names and routinely uses different appearances. Adrian's last meeting with his mother was fourteen years before she visited him in hospital after the fight with Abraham. Which also means it was when Tedd was at least three yeas old. We don't know exactly when Noriko left,, or when Edward and Arian became estranged, and even if both of those things happened more than fourteen years before Abraham tried to kill Ellen, Adrian and Edward probably weren't totally out of communication. Dad's Government Job, remember? We don't even have any examples of Pandora taking on her appearance as Creepy Little Girl before Magus got hurled into the Moperverse. Adrian's mother (possibly without name or without the Pandora part) might indeed be in Dad's Government Business files ... but I wonder if they know how far past reset she is and if they don't think she already reset. And the few other comics creators caring about consistency are not admitting when something changes. I really like this on EGS. Seems like Dan is getting better in it, including using the "character say something as truth and later finds out being mistaken about it" tool ... but there are definitely things he's keeping secret just so he can change them. Makes speculating more fun. I think they would notice she's immortal considering they would be training to recognize stuff like that ... and more important question, what would that accomplish? ONLY way Edward already knowing Pandora in advance would be relevant for story would be if he DID know something about her, most likely her being Adrian's mother. I think Adrian's assumption as that Pandora was trying to be vague, that anyone else might not make the connection of the amulet to her, Adrian knew that the origin of the Pandora's Box myth was through a mistranslation of pithos and pyxis. Adrian knew it ... however, I suspect Pandora never learned this little fact and am looking forward to the comics where this will be used.
  24. Story Wednesday November 1, 2017

    Remember that it's main target for vampires and for Sirleck, not for Magus. IF Sirleck would tell him about Adrian, Magus would tell him his mother is THE crazy immortal who got him into this mess in first place. Sirleck would immediately change strategy. As far as Magus is avare, the vampires are JUST supposed to create distraction, noone specific involved. No vampire should be attacking Elliot. Vampires are supposed to attract attention of IMMORTALS guarding Elliot. That was basically original plan before Sirleck was informed about Adrian. Sirleck assumes Adrian is just around one hundred. Not over two hundreds and taught fighting from immortal who eradicated werewolves. There is lot of underestimation involved. Voltaire seem to hate Pandora. Also, he might count on her doing something which would bring magic reset if Adrian is hurt. He's not The Chosen One. He's just one of possible chosen ones. IF the magic reset would not be coming soon, Voltaire definitely doesn't need someone as experienced as Raven to teach Tedd magic OR making him stable. However, I still think Pandora is main target, for reason not yet revealed. Magic reset might be just step in plan to destroy Pandora. To be fair, Sirleck wouldn't mind if no vampire survives and Magus would consider it a bonus ... but they are underestimating Adrian and Pandora. Voltaire might simply assume that vampires, Sirleck and Magus have no chance surviving Pandora's wrath. Yes, it's quite obvious that he was too clever when setting up THAT trap. BUT so far Raven didn't realized AND Pandora doesn't know. Remember that they last talk ended with Raven assuming it was her doing and Pandora not even knowing what happened which might killed Noah. Also, Raven don't knows that Elliot was main target in that incident - WE know, but Raven hasn't been told by anyone yet. Neither does Pandora, although she knows at least little about the second attempt. Main eight are sharing lot of information between themselves, but Pandora and Raven currently lacks a lot ...
  25. NP Wednesday Nov 1 2017

    There is also question if you really can make game which is casting spells without it turning sentient on it's own. In some settings, magic tends to do that.