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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story, Wednesday July 12, 2017

    Yup, although I suspect it would take him some time to process anyway. (Hour later: "Wait. Did she said parentS? Was Adrian Raven friend of my mom?") ... actually, maybe it was good way how to distract Tedd from mentioning his mother. Hmmm ... Pandora seem to forgot "Chaos". After her scaring Tedd of being evil, I'm not sure if it was wise or unnecessary. If she would be there for Tedd, I think we would see much more exotic and weird TF gun forms. I mean, that's the only POSITIVE thing which could came from that ... And regarding the poll: do those who wanted Tedd to be told though of Tedd's good or just drama? I mean, the labelling is not completely clear ... although I personally agree. I'm not sure he will need to fake it. Also, it's still night, right? Tedd is probably not going to get much sleep now. Both him and Sarah would be sleeping in class. Just like Nanase on the Friday morning before the tournament ...
  2. NP, Friday July 7, 2017

    Heidi was also able to talk about Cheerleadra in third person without single slip thanks to magic enhancing Elliot's normally negative abilities to lie convincingly.
  3. Story, Friday July 7, 2017

    To be fair, I don't really feel that Shakespeare can be blamed for his lack of knowledge about modern media. Not unless he show up on job interview falsely claiming he has that knowledge.
  4. Story, Friday July 7, 2017

    I doubt that. If it failed just at the worst possible time for that horde, it suggests the WoM was waiting for the best time to take the shot. I doubt the horde was behaving unpredictably. Even mere human would be likely to guess correctly when they attack days in front. Also, hitting the best time exactly might just mean the process was possible to pause for few hours despite being already days in progress. Again: remember Disco Wizard and his hald-heartedly fulfilling some ... it may be impossible to activate the reset without fulfilling some "...", which takes some time. What, spin doctors? They had them in the 16th century. One of them went by the name "Shakespeare", maybe you've heard of him. Well, for start, spin doctors which have more knowledge about modern media (especially social ones) than Shakespeare. Also, money ; while they did have that in 16th century as well, I don't think it would be safe to go to politics with campaign financed by unspecified amount of gold coins with unclear origin. On the other hand, they are people who got into politics with money with similarly unclear origin, so maybe ... Also, you need to update your list of poisons.
  5. Story, Friday July 7, 2017

    If it made the same sound for everyone, why didn't someone try to fix that? A digital readout that says "YUP" is pretty sophisticated as wands go, isn't it? And after fixing that, maybe you should fix the jackhammer to be less noisy. Removing the sound may not be so easy. (Also, technically, the detector made the same sound even before being pointed to anyone ... probably has some moving parts inside and the sound is them being moved.) What a wonderfully evil thought! Thought of going into politics? That kind of thinking was sufficient for politics in 16th century. You need more to succeed NOW. The mechanism of magic reset might be impossible to activate quickly. While removing the magic just on start of battle was effective and dramatic, which would both be good enough explanations by itself, I also suspect that it was close to first opportunity when reset might've happened, because magic is NOT thinking in same way as humans. Possibly, there was someone like Grace visited by Dream Wizard who had the last opportunity to stop the reset but failed.
  6. Story - Monday July 10, 2017

    Adrian is totally the kind of person who would blame himself because he tried to taught her two things and she understood one of them better. Although the formulation "why there was no chance of reconciliation" sounds like there is something more to it. Possibly his next attempt to keep the family together backfired horribly.
  7. Story - Monday July 10, 2017

    Pandora might not even really look at Tedd at that time, but yes she only needed to look to recognize there is something unusual about him. So yes, if she would be there BEFORE Noriko left she might actually PREVENT Noriko leaving ... Family is why she stayed around. To always be there for Raven. Now, her family has expanded. She is owning up to having some responsibility for Tedd. And if our speculation is correct, and Raven has fathered children, then her family has really expanded. Is this why Immortals lied to themselves about half-immortals not being able to have children? Too many Immortals sticking about for family and slowly going insane? Or going insane(r) quickly and take their family with them. Right. Pandora with her limited understanding of humans is not the best person to defuse Tedd ... she has the best intentions and I don't think Edward's strategy of not talking about it forever is good, but it needs to be done carefully ...
  8. Story, Friday July 7, 2017

    Maybe the magic detector wand makes that scary sound because magic doesn't want it to be easy to detect seers. 1) The magic detector makes the same sound on EVERYONE. Tedd is just more scared of it because they were using it to him often when he was child. 2) Wouldn't pretending that seers are normal magic users be more useful than pretending they have no magic?
  9. NP Monday July 10, 2017

    Sooo, Dr. Physics professor will be crying again?
  10. Story - Monday July 10, 2017

    Nickname? Obviously, back then, in Verres home Adrian was referred simply as ADRIAN. It may soon become plot point that Grace might not even know Mr. Raven's first name, and she certainly never used it. It would even make sense if PANDORA now referred to her son as Adrian, effectively telling Tedd who it is without making him connect it immediately. If Pandora just tells him her son is his godfather, he will have the same information as Sarah about him being Raven - namely, "hey isn't it suspicious we already know about one half-immortal around". They don't KNOW anything, they might just suspect and putting their informations together wouldn't confirm anything.
  11. NP Monday July 10, 2017

    Possibly. Her music career probably wasn't involving any advanced acting. Note that she was obviously playing along in the previous strips as well. Especially here. Note: I would totally say both "scan" and "paste" are beams, but I understand the logic why the hand gestures don't work on them. Although paste without influencing clothes MIGHT work ... wait. Actually, already "copy" does change clothes and "paste" doesn't.
  12. Story, Friday July 7, 2017

    Just because it will be less violent it's not better idea. If you do change like that, it makes you sort of responsible if it turns out badly ... DO Tedd wants this kind of responsibility? Maybe for one other Tedd, just for experimenting, but doing it on mass scale? That would be pretty hard to do, appearing between Edward and trying to explain something like this He would likely be more interested in who you are. I mean who Tedd is. Not without first observing how exactly it happened. Lot of work with lot of potential for emotionally hard scenes ... Hmmm ... messing with the detector might be most compatible with what Tedd actually CAN do and while it doesn't guarantee Noriko will stay it has quite good chance. Presumably, non-seer wand makers are registered by wand ; he should be able to modify the detector to fake-report him being normal wand maker, which might not be exactly what Noriko expected but much easier to accept for her.
  13. Story - Monday July 10, 2017

    Great Godmother? Personally, I find Sisko more sympathetic. But yeah revenge is not exactly good ... it may be justified and sometimes necessary but not good. The justice system is not about being good, it's just necessary. Also note that I personally find less evil turning people into girls than killing them. Considering killing is definitive ... And yes, Tedd is aware that he is good mainly due to Elliot. He was there sooner and after all, Grace might be good but she may not exactly know how it works, her moral compass is basically "don't be like Damien".
  14. Story, Friday July 7, 2017

    Marry - or sue him for sexual harassment and get the money that way. Or, she planed to say she have child with him, no matter if true or not. But in any case, I doubt anyone would be surprised if she got the money, so yes, good host. (I suppose even the marriage is an occupation hazard for woman who try to sue for sexual harassment.) Susan got into the group by dint of being Sarah's best friend, not solely becuase she knows Nanase. True. That's not what he has been told. The power to bend worlds to his will doesn't necessary mean ability to change history (also, specifically said to be impossible in EGS, as Scotty reminded). That said, the speculations are funny so I would comment: Would be funny if Tedd met Elliot in ASMA dojo because Noriko would pressure him to do some martial arts. ESPECIALLY likely if Noriko would realize ASMA dojo works. Tedd would be unlikely to be good in it anyway, but it would be another group activity ... Remember it will be TEDD doing the changes. He would certainly make sure there will be some other reason why he would end up with TF gun - he might overlook some things but he would definitely pay attention to this one. Especially considering TF gun was reason why he started researching magic which lead to him finding out being Seer. Convincing his father would likely be harder, but on the other hand, maybe non-shy Tedd would be better at convincing. He might however be stabler and not experiment on friends so much, or at least test it first. Alternatively, it might be NORIKO who would totally support Tedd getting TF gun as way to give him some way to compensate for his lack of magic abilities. First, why should it happened with different outcome? Second, again, Tedd would pay attention to Grace. Third, Grace might have other reason to end up with Mr. Verres. But it would be truly interesting what would Noriko's opinion on her son practically marrying alien shapeshifter be. Would she welcome shapeshifter in family or would she worry about her grandchildren having harder access to magic? Would it MATTER to her with Tedd not having magic according to tests? ... would Noriko have other child meanwhile? Main reason for Ellen is Magus. I already mentioned that TF gun would likely stay. It would be more work for Magus to convince stabler Tedd, also with Noriko in picture it's less likely Tedd would be alone home to have opportunity to go for DD ... unless, of course, Noriko even when technically home would be out of work even more often than Edward, which is quite likely, so ... I think he WOULD adopt Noah BUT he would make sure Noah and Tedd know each other. In fact, without Noriko leaving, Adrian would take an active role in forming and training main eight equivalent. Wait. Maybe Grace would still arrive at Edward's house but it would be NOAH she would start dating. Or, alternatively, she would find and kill Damien AFTER his attack but long before the story, recovering Grace and her siblings. Which could ALSO end up with Grace being Tedd's adopted sister - especially if Tedd would pay attention to Grace when changing reality but forgot about Westermarck. The probability of Grace dating Noah RISES. Also, better relationship with Sarah and less shy Tedd in general might mean Tedd will be dating SARAH. And you forget that IF Mrs. Kitsune opinion on Noriko was result of her abandoning family, they might be still on speaking terms and Nanase and Tedd would be closer. I think he does have magic ; however, I think he has considerably less magic than Edward, possibly not being wizard, which leaves the factors in behaviour you spoke about. I already said that his reason for not liking Adrian Raven might be that he is jealous he didn't had so good teacher when young ; especially if he blames his teaching and not his lack of talent/affinity for his limited magic.
  15. NP, Friday July 7, 2017

    It doesn't have to fit her affinity, that mainly determines the initial spell a person gets when marked, and I imagine if someone learned magic the old fashioned way (as in trained for it) they might have gained different spells first then somewhere along the lines unlocked a spell based on their affinity. Agree - most likely the first spell you get is related to training, although you probably get something of your affinity quickly unless it's totally unrelated. Rhoda didn't had any training and her mark spell matched her affinity, which makes very likely more spells will also be for affinity but eventually non-affinity spells based on what she needs will appear as well. Rhoda disagrees. It may be moderately effective when you are able to convincingly pretend you are someone else, but it's very ineffective if your strategy is to not attract attention of people knowing you at all.
  16. Story, Friday July 7, 2017

    The same would work for the secretary, wouldn't it? I think it's not about degrading but about the fact it's harder to buy sex for lesbians than for men. Secretary working for rich old man wouldn't be surprised by sexual harassment - and, if the pay is good, many might not even complain (although less than it used to be ; Sirleck certainly miss those "good old times"). But sexual harassment of woman from woman would surprise, even today. (This would be in addition to the "identifies as male" part.)
  17. Story, Friday July 7, 2017

    If he would know he's Pandora's son he would call off the action. What? Eleventh month in calendar? Or the lobster-based dish? He is probably outside Andrea's action radius, so Helena and Demetrius wouldn't be able to turn him into anything even if they knew about him ; although I think they don't. He died properly, therefore he likely retained important knowledge like this. You are consistently missing the last -a of Helena. There is Helen of Troy, but she's named after Helena from Midsummer Night's Dream.
  18. NP, Friday July 7, 2017

    And sex change. (Granted, Ellen can only do it in one direction.) That "certainly" was joke, therefore the "". Of course with how little we know about Rhoda's magic, we can't be certain of anything. It is true that neither sex change nor flashlight would fit her affinity, however I suspect that disguise doesn't exactly fit her affinity either.
  19. Story, Friday July 7, 2017

    How many little kids have you told there's no Santa today? But, yes, it could be just a dream, unless Dan decides otherwise. Well ... sometimes it's not his decision but his forgetfulness.
  20. Story, Friday July 7, 2017

    Ellen's knowledge of Japanese is limited to calling her attacks with weird names, as taught by sensei Greg. She doesn't have vocabulary to understand what Akiko was saying, and might have problem following spoken language anyway. Yes, plausible and kind of neat, maybe, but I'm not married to the idea or even going steady. In the middle of his rant Voltaire talks about luck, how lucky he was to find Dex, how lucky to find a gullible griffin (Tara). Even if Voltaire travels to other universes, there are lots of other possible and plausible universes, even as GURPS alludes in its core sourcebook about alternate history, world hopping, and time travel, Infinite Worlds. I'm not sure if that's what you were heading to, but personally I don't think Voltaire did it because while it would match his modus operandi I don't think he is able to. Based on how bored he is, he either can't travel universes or is very limited in that travel. I still suspect that he lied about being from the other half of universe. (Wait - did he even said he is? Or was that just something we speculated about?) He may also be English jerk or whatever else. He didn't shown that much french and was speaking English most of the encounter. Ellen accusing him of being French monster could've been just jumping to conclusion. Or, well, the dream was just random dream which hinted Lord Tedd history just for narrative purposes. He already realized how important it will be in second edition of Hobbit, but yes. I think Dan had said at one point that he lost the notes he had on the language which is why he hasn't bothered to use it for a while now. But someone did create an English to Uryuomoco translator. Though it's not completely accurate. I think someone had posted a translation of the dialog in Tedd's dream but that might have been before the great server crash. And I would add that this dictionary is likely based on what Dan said in forums/commentaries which are lost now. Uryuomoko wasn't supposed to be undecipherable and second reason why Dan stopped using it was that he realized it doesn't really add anything to the comics when he uses language people are supposed to translate back to English. It's hot and I'm tired here. Could you help me out by pointing out where there's a Dan-definitive Seyunolu is? I'm not sure if they're a type of hybrid or another alien race. When a Uryuom egg is used to house multiple DNA sources, the resulting child is a 'seyunolu', 'chimera' in english. I suspect that it's actually Uryuom term for ANY hybrid, but the prophecy was definitely related to chimeras created from Uryuom eggs. That might be relatively safe bet considering we may never learn about more than five universes. Six if you count AF4. And we may never know enough about Beta universe or Magus universe to confirm if our Grace exists there.
  21. NP, Friday July 7, 2017

    Grace: "Uh ... Mr. Verres can explain it much better than me."
  22. Story, Friday July 7, 2017

    Pandora? Seriously, I too was just thinking that it was the goo that started everything, thus Lord Tedd would have been the catalyst to getting everyone together. But then I remembered that Pandora catching Magus predated the goo, and it was Pandora that told Magus how to get a physical body again. Of course getting Tedd to zap Elliot and then finding out about the dewitchery diamond would have happened differently because Grace wouldn't have been around if the goo never happened. Maybe Pandora knew about Lord Tedd and timed things to happen when they did? Maybe she set up Helena and Demetrius to follow Susan and Nanase to France because she knew there was an active vampire there that would pick up on Susan's affinity and try to kill her, I dunno if she'd go as far getting the vampire itself to attack Susan though. Actually I was thinking about Helena and Demetrius but you're right about Magus being also sort of important. Pandora doesn't need to know about Lord Tedd directly: how long was Lord Tedd's demon nuclei searching for outer shell and for Tedd? Maybe she "catched" it as well. Maybe she was ready to do something else newsworthy to help Grace find Tedd and then the goo showed up and she used the opportunity. Or, well, maybe it's just narrative. Beta Tedd believed that Lord Tedd was trying to kill other Tedds. If Lord Tedd realized that he was a Seer with the ability to bend the world to his will, the fact that he knows about alternate universes makes me think he believes that his alternates are also capable of such power, "weak Tedd" could be referring to the fact that our Tedd hadn't realized his potential yet and thus he was assumed to be vulnerable still. I also think that Dan might have got the idea of Lord Tedd wanting to kill all other Tedds from the movie "The One". Beta Tedd might be mistaken - Nioi, for example, has different opinion on Lord Tedd. Also, well ... maybe Dan originally made Lord Tedd based on The One movie, then got better idea and retconned it. Eh ... while the theory that they are unable to recognize if two humans are similar unless they can detect their magic potential is technically possible, you might also consider alternative. Not necessary. There are ways how to have siblings without having parents or childs (although I can't remember anything really popular usable as example). Alternatively, just because immortals CAN have all of that doesn't mean they have. In any case, Earth doesn't seem to be flooded with immortals, which suggests they don't multiply much if at all. (Not speaking about fact Griffins might've been mistaken, of course.)
  23. NP, Friday July 7, 2017

    Quite likely even Rhoda can't target Grace and her clothing with single spell. She can obviously use multiple spells and target the clothes separately. You mean this didn't? Rhoda is also S-class talent and quite good in resizing various body parts. I'm not sure if there is something Ellen can do and Rhoda not. Except flashlight, Rhoda certainly can't do that.
  24. Story, Friday July 7, 2017

    Elliot didn't even know Nanase was Tedd's cousin until after they broke up, and when Edward first saw her, it was like he hadn't seen her in a few years, so it's safe to say the three of them never hung out. But that's mainly due to Elliot keeping the fact that he was dating Nanase a secret from Tedd and Sarah, Elliot's parent's apparently knew about Nanase though as Nanase knew Brownie and the fact that she was able to make a fairy doll inside Elliot's house means that she had been there before, so way to be a jerk in leaving your friends out of the loop Elliot! Hmmm ... and it was actually SUSAN who called Nanase into the battle with Goo. Sure, Elliot was preoccupied, but it's possible that without LORD TEDD of all people Nanase would never become part of main 8 (and Ellen might go crazy). Well ... ok, they MIGHT meet later when Grace would be going into school - wait. Grace only found Tedd because the news about Goo. Although we know that general Shade Tail found Tedd as well, it might've been later. Ok. I'm ready to suspect some immortal helped the main eight to form. We don't know which doesn't mean they don't have anyone else. "Pretended to fill"? It's not official job position. He filled it, but with different outcome. Yeah ... it would be quite a jump but not an impossible to make considering what Sarah managed to jump. (Or leap) If Beta Tedd took her up on her suggestion, it likely wasn't first time (remember how often our universe Edward is out of town - enough for Tedd to learn to cook in female form) and it was likely with protection, just like in previous cases. Yeah ... Dan likes red herrings almost as much as real foreshadowing. Well yeah, even we have no clue what Voltaire's end goal is, but it that it does require a seer with a unique condition, despite the fact that there are other seers, Tedd was chosen for a reason, maybe of the other seers, Tedds the only one that's for now still eligible for the second purpose. Heka had stated that if Pandora's assessment of Tedd wasn't favorable, he'd have sabotaged Tedd's eligibility. So my guess is Lord Tedd was eligible for the second purpose and General Shade Tail is exploiting it. Voltaire might want to exploit it as well. Other eligible seers might be harder to manipulate in direction Voltaire needs - for example, because they don't have so much experience with magic already. Quite likely, seer with little to no knowledge about how it works now will make little to no change to status quo. Meanwhile, if no seer would be eliglible, it would mean the failsafe failed, so I don't think that would happen. And then not doing anything for centuries? That would make him very bad at planing. ... ok, it is possible. Well ... maybe we interpret the "kill weak Tedd" incorrectly. Maybe killing Tedd is not only option. Maybe the goo is supposed to be some sort of test, to kill weak Tedds and force the others to start powering up. Lord Tedd's criteria for which Tedd is weak might be flawed, but his goals might actually be related to magic reset and relatively good. So how confident is Voltaire that he can withstand this, or at least avoid Pandora long enough to get the unspecified "they" who are supposed to finally listen? Well ... he might feel his chances are better with Pandora furious instead of Pandora calm but still angry at him. I would assume that Tara and Andrea can judge human relationship similarly well. Also, Tara identified Ellen as Elliot's twin, so she isn't completely clueless. But there must be some reason WHY. I mean, if it's Voltaire's motivation, it's pretty generic. Why would Dan make Pandora Voltaire's sister? Just because the storyline name?
  25. Story Wednesday July 5, 2017

    No. I want my unawareness to reproduce, Multiply until the world is filled with unawareness. World is ALREADY filled with unawareness. Yours will have it hard against all the competition.