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Everything posted by ChronosCat

  1. Crazy Counting Guy

    Wow, Ashley's closing in on Diane. At this rate it shouldn't be too long before you'll have to consider whether to count her as one of the main characters.
  2. EGS Strip Slaying

    Well, he did tend to have himself portrayed in an androgynous fashion in art, so that might not be completely inappropriate.
  3. Story Friday April 20, 2018

    We already have one parent hiding that they know magic from their child who wound up learning about magic another way (Mrs. Kistune and Nanase), another would be redundant from a meta perspective and a strange coincidence in-universe.
  4. This Day In History

    April 20 in EGS History: 2003 - Dan enters "The Messed Up Zone". 2004 - Grace's Omega form is revealed.
  5. NP Wednesday April 18, 2018

    I can't recall having any arguments with my characters, but that's partially because I generally just let them do whatever they want, and partially because when I do have a particular outcome in mind I'm not afraid to go back in time and play around with the course of history (i.e., rewrite/revise) until I find one with the results I want. (Although changing history does have it's risks; it's amazing how easy it is to create plot holes that way...)
  6. Story Friday April 20, 2018

    We definitely can't judge threats and morality until we have a lot more info, but my current read on the situation is that Kevin is abrasive and a bit insulting but he means well, while the Golem is confused and upset but probably not malicious. The problem being that the Golem looks built for strength and/or battle, so if it feels threatened or is inclined to fall back on violence in uncertain situations, things could get messy. I don't think Kevin is an immediate threat unless he somehow escalates the situation or gives Ashley a dangerous spell he doesn't have time to properly teach her to use. It's possible he's able to change shape, though in that case he had to have just done so before appearing before Ashley, which raises the question how he knew to do so and why he bothered. On the other hand, an incompetent magic teacher has a lot of potential for comedy, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was leading up to Ashley somehow getting to keep Kevin (or being stuck with him, depending on how you look at it) leading to wacky hijinks as he tries to teach her magic.
  7. Story Wednesday, Apr 18, 2018

    There are two problems with that. First of all, in the real world, after over half a century of searching we have yet to find any alien radio signals. Now this could be because our equipment isn't sensitive enough or we haven't looked closely enough at the right stars (and there are so many stars that it will take a very long time to check them all), but it could also indicate that for some unknown reason life forms that send radio signals into space are fairly rare. (Of course this may be different in the world(s) of EGS, but for the purposes of understanding a fictional world I find it easiest to start with what we know about the real world and then make only those modifications necessary to account for what is seen in the story.) Secondly, radio signals travel at the speed of light through a vacuum, meaning depending on how far away the star in question is, the signal could be hundreds, thousands, or even over a hundred thousand years old (and that's just if the star is in this galaxy). This is fine if all you want is to know if there's anyone out there, but if you're actually hoping to hop in a FTL spaceship and visit them, that delay could prove a bit of an issue.
  8. This Day In History

    April 19 in EGS History: 2010 - Susan fails to summon a hammer, but Catalina proves herself worthy by lifting the mighty plastic Mjolnir in Susan's defense. 2016 - We get a possible preview of Rhoda and Catalina's wedding. ... On a more somber note, this is the anniversary of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing...
  9. NP Wednesday April 18, 2018

    You mean you don't believe he's really part squirrel? Still, I suppose he can't bee too similar to Grace when he when he went out of his way to say that he's not Grace.
  10. Story Monday April 16, 2018

    Same here. While we're talking Diablo memories, my favorite part of the first game was walking through floors I'd already cleared seeing the bodies of all the monsters I'd slain still lying where they fell. Even if the enemies had simply vanished, the empty halls would have been a nice change of pace from all the games where the enemies respawn endlessly (pretty much every other game I've played), but actually seeing the bodies was surprisingly satisfying. Sometimes I would trek back down to the floor I left off on the long way just to admire my trail of destruction... I was very disappointed when I discovered that the enemies respawn in Diablo II. (It might have even contributed to my not getting into it as much as the first one.)
  11. This Day In History

    April 18 in EGS History: 2009 - Nanase & Ellen get in their first fight. Isn't love grand? 2011 - Cheerleadra hits the Bulldog Dragon with her head, and discovers that her powers do not include an invulnerable head. Talk about a slow news day!
  12. NP Wednesday April 18, 2018

    Interesting that Dan felt the need to remind us that characters in non-canon stories have already agreed to transformations off screen. I wouldn't have thought much of it even if he hadn't mentioned that; I imagine that even in canon Catalina and Rhoda have given each-other permission to transform each other pretty much whenever they want, at least within reason (i.e., so long as it doesn't put them in danger or risk revealing their powers to people they don't want to know about them). At the very least, that's the impression I've gotten of the sort of relationship they have.
  13. Story Monday April 16, 2018

    I think one of the Sketchbook entries had an homage to Deckard Cain; at the very least I remember Dan quoting "Stay a while and listen." from the first game. Of course if it was a Sketchbook I suspect it was a Patreon request, but I still got the impression Dan was familiar with the character. This warehouse is for stuff that is considered "of little use to anyone". Even aside from the fact that the Ark is useful for frying people, it's extremely valuable as a religious symbol - so I don't think they'd put it in a warehouse meant for stuff the government considered junk.
  14. This Day In History

    April 16 in EGS History: 2008 - Victor Von Hip gives Grace a pamphlet on "Why Censorship Leads to Freakouts". 2010 - Justin and Catalina meet for the first time. 2014 - We and Justin get our first look at Tedd's new haircut, and his pink hair. (I miss the pink hair. ) April 17 in EGS History: 2003 - Sarah shows off a sketch she did of a squirrel-guy named "Dan". 2006 - Ellen scores a flawless victory in Karaoke. 2015 - Elliot realizes he doesn't know what he wants to do when he gets out of school; Ashley reveals she had an internet girlfriend once. Also, I have little interest in cars unless I need one to get from Point A to Point B or they transform into giant robots, but I like to channel flip in the morning as I'm waking up, and one of the morning talk shows was going on about the Ford Mustang, which was introduced to the world on April 17 at the 1964 New York World's Fair.
  15. NP Monday April 16, 2018

    I thought I was over my impatience with the pacing of this chapter. I was wrong. Still, if I ignore my impatience... I love how Susan is examining her thoughts and feelings about the situation in such a dispassionate manner. I've always liked stories where characters go about their ordinary business despite being in extraordinary situations (as an example, I really love the ending of the first Goonmanji), and while this isn't quite the same thing, it has a very similar feeling.
  16. Story Monday April 16, 2018

    So, it looks to me like the shards are giving off energy as they "evaporate"; perhaps that's powering up some of (or at least one of) the artifacts? But what I find really odd is how one of the sets of fumes in panel four looks like a bird, and another like a simplified version of either another bird or perhaps a ghost. Rorschach's fumes, or are the shards actually releasing spirits? Would this have to do with the Dewitchery Diamond's powers, or some properties of the crystal before Abraham enchanted it? Meanwhile, that is probably one of the silliest and most rambling of all of Dan's commentaries. It's practically a work of surreal art.
  17. NP Friday Apr 13, 2018

    http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=756 Yay for starburst background in panel 3! (Yes, the background's my favorite part of that panel. What other reason could I have for looking back at it so many times. )
  18. This Day In History

    April 15 in EGS History: 2003 - Sarah announces her plan to make out with Elliot in the Janitor's Closet. 2004 - Nancy vanquishes the evil dragon and rescues the beautiful Ellaine. 2011 - The battle between Greg, Cheerleadra, and Shade Tail versus Dex's Summons begins! 2014 - George names a Cyndaquill after Justin. 2015 - Ashely reveals that she plays ballet and dances soccer. 2016 - Grace pushes over a giant lizard.
  19. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Pretty much the same thing for me, except it was my father who was the alcoholic, and he managed to stop before it completely ruined his life - though it took a number of tries over several years (not to mention a lot of help from Alcoholics Anonymous). As those years constituted a large chunk of my childhood, it made a big impression on me.
  20. This Day In History

    Apr 13 in EGS History: 2002 - Sarah takes off her shoes. 2016 - Voltair renames "Plan B" as "Plan CM". Apr 14 in EGS History: 2002 - Sarah learns of Elliot's Inner Demons. (I wonder if anyone ever remembered to tell her they were erased by retcon?) 2003 - Sarah, Elliot, Susan, and Tedd sit together at the lunch table for the first time. Sarah and Elliot think it's nice, the other two not so much. 2004 - Ellen zaps Vlad. 2006 - Dan dares to make another Sheep Filler.
  21. Story Wednesday April 11, 2018

    It seems likely to me that once magic has come to be well known in the main EGS universe, police will be equipped with wands capable of casting "stun" spells (much like the stun setting on Phasers) that only those with the most powerful of magic resistance can withstand. They probably won't need deadly spells - if deadly force really is needed, it's canon that guns work just as well on magic users as on everybody else...
  22. Story Friday April 13, 2018

    Plus quite a few things it can't. Those are the ones I am really worried about. I don't know, it seems to me it would have to be something Dan's imagination could come up with.
  23. Story Monday April 9, 2018

    Good for you! Should I ask your permission if I want to visit that day, or just pay my respects when I get there? That reminds me, I don't think I've mentioned it since I returned to the forums, but I used to call myself "Master of Time" because I'm the best time traveler I know.
  24. Story Friday April 13, 2018

    If I remember correctly, Dan mentioned (possibly in a tweet) that Occam's Razor applied to the situation in the Facility.
  25. Story Monday April 9, 2018

    The only evidence we have for Lord Tedd having a position of political power is his title of "Lord" and Shade Tale's title of "General" - and without having encountered anyone from that world not a part of Lord Tedd''s group, we have no way of knowing under what authority (if any) they assumed those titles. Personally, I'm not ready to assume that Lord Tedd rules anything.