Welcome! 03/05/2016
Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change. If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away. I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!
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ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required) (Content TV-MA)
Turns out that the doom and gloom the three sentences implied were not as doomy and gloomy as I first thought. I spoke with the doctor's office and asked them several pointed questions about the report, and they said that it was a mild outcome that allowed them to go ahead and give cardiac clearance for my lipoma removal operation. Go figure. Anyway, I don't need to make any changes to my medications or diet, thankfully, unless I start getting short of breath or feeling chest pains. End of line.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in New Music Release Thread
Great! You need random good news at times. Actually, everybody should get random good news every week or so.
ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from The Old Hack in Things That Are Just Annoying
I have spent the better part of my day today trying to figure out why my laptop succumbed to yet another Blue Screen of Death. At my son's urging, I have gathered my issues and submitted them to the gurus at the BleepingComputer forums in an attempt to debug the situation. I hope I will get a resolution to the situation soon.
However, for reasons I cannot explain at the moment, I soon may not need to debug the situation too deeply. I might just be able to replace my 4-year-old workhorse with something even more powerful. Watch this space for further developments. If they happen, that is.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to The Old Hack in I am back. Pardon me for the long absence.
Hello, gentles all.
I have not been doing well of late and allowed myself a long leave of absence to recover. I have avoided most forums and all social media during the intervening time. I am now back, however, and intend to stay that way. I might not be very active but I will be here and available for forum needs as well as I am able.
I hope you are all well in spite of everything.
ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in What Are You Ingesting?
I'm supposedly being treated to a "last supper" tonight, prior to tomorrow's lipoma removal surgery. The meal of honor will be Japanese beef curry, served with koshihikari rice (top level stuff, if it gets here in time). I definitely feel honored. Curry and rice is one of my all-time favorite meals. It'll definitely soften the blow of having to fast from midnight until 10am Tuesday for the surgery.
Will report on how things go, both gastronomic and surgical.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
Today is Explorer's “Gotcha” day. Can't believe it's been 5 years now.
ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from Don Edwards in Holidaze
*ROAR snarl growl rowr*
...oh, sorry, make that...
pacman -syu ROAR snarl growl rowr
ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from mlooney in Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
Our female tortoiseshell cat, Pretty Girl (we didn't pick the name, she was a rescue from a hoarding situation) and me, relaxing together in my recliner,
ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from mlooney in Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
Our female tortoiseshell cat, Pretty Girl (we didn't pick the name, she was a rescue from a hoarding situation) and me, relaxing together in my recliner,
ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from mlooney in Things That Make You Happy
It's not much, but Mrs. Prof and I hope you still enjoy them. Maybe they will help you hit your daily calorie goals. Om nom nom. In any case, If I don't hit up FB today, have a very Happy Birthday, kind sir. You deserve one, by all means.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Things That Make You Happy
I got a package from the River Store, with a gift inside. Thanks @ProfessorTomoe. I'm gonna open it on my birthday, the 11th, and not wait for Christmas.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in What Are You Ingesting?
I, due to a migraine preventing me from cooking, had a thing of Campbell's kettle crab soup and a glass of milk. Gonna do the pork cutlets today, however.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in What Are You Ingesting?
While I've liked my various “no milk” teas, and the chia I was drinking with the self stable “not quite milk”, I'm delighted I'm back to unflavored black tea with milk and sugar. I may have a 2nd pot this morning!
ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required) (Content TV-MA)
Well, shit. I hope you get better.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
It's working a lot better than the one that broke. It's "keep warm" setting keeps the water at boiling, not just "hot". Which is a good thing because it's 'beep' isn't as loud as the old one was.
ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in What Are You Ingesting?
Mrs. Prof made an Aldi trip yesterday, and brought home several refrigerated (i.e., not frozen) 4-pack trays of seasoned crab cakes. They had an expiration date on them of December 5th 2024, so we all joked about whether or not I'd be able to finish them off in time. I cooked up a tray this morning, thinking I'd only make it through 2 of the 4 cakes.
As it turns out, December 5th is going to be a breeze of a deadline to meet.
The crab cakes force me to invoke the "larrapin'" descriptive once again. They were most definitely larrapin', in every sense of my grandfather's word. Slightly crispy, with a smooth texture to the stuffing that held the cake together, and just enough real crabmeat (the #1 ingredient) to beat down the obligatory fake "surimi" crabmeat filler into the background. The whole experience was rounded off well when each bite was dipped in the enclosed seafood cocktail sauce, which had some definitive body to it. It wasn't just watery tomato squeezings augmented with a dash of horseradish extract. I wound up eating all four crab cakes, which is my only gripe - they were just a bit on the small side, leaving no leftovers. I'm going to wind up doing in the three trays in a very short time.
I normally prefer my crab cakes with tartar sauce, or with drawn butter. However, I think I'm going to stick with the enclosed cocktail sauce this go-round, unless I decide to make a crab cake sandwich. If I do that, I'll probably switch to either the tartar sauce or to just plain mayo (we use Japanese-style Kewpie brand mayo in our house), with a slice of Velveeta cheese or two to go with it.
Forgive me for waxing rhapsodic over a smegging tray of crab cakes. My emotions are going wacko lately. Gomen nasai.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to ijuin in What Are You Ingesting?
Although I have never comprehended how whiskey is in any way a desirable thing, I congratulate you on your purchase.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in What Are You Ingesting?
There is one good Mexican restaurant in Small City, Kansas. Fortunately, it's within walking distance of my house.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to ijuin in Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)
Two reasons:
First, they think that they themselves will be exempted from the persecution that they voted for, as long as they continue to demonstrate their loyalty/usefulness.
Second, they are hateful enough that they are willing to take a punch in the face as long as the people whom they hate have it even worse.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to Darth Fluffy in Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)
Yes, this seriously bothers me. One demented fool is an anomaly. Half the nation is a cancer. I'm afraid we have metastasized.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to Darth Fluffy in Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)
To quote several people that I don't specifically recall, "What the actual fuck?"
Well, I totally didn't call this result.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)
I'm staying off of Social Media, other than to post Explorer photos, for at least a month. I feel physically ill.
ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in New Music Release Thread
I had a hell of a thing happen tonight (well, last night, around 9pm). I got to talk to the author of a series of band orchestration books that I've been using when I arrange pieces for concert band / wind ensemble. Bret Newton is the guy's name. We discussed a lot of different things, but mainly orchestration, of course, and mainly my attempts to arrange Anton Bruckner's 2nd and 6th Symphonies for band. He agreed to take a look at what I've done, to see if I've been doing it "right" (i.e., using voicings, doublings, etc. that work). It'll be a couple of days before he gets to what I sent him, but he said he will get to it. Based on our conversation, I trust him.
The whole conversation was very cool. I'm very glad I got to do it.
ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in What Are You Ingesting?
You have inspired me. I'll have a brat or two for lunch. Horseradish sauce on them I think