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    • Robin

      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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  1. Like
    ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from The Old Hack in Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)   
    Made this earlier today out of another meme I had on hand:

  2. Like
    ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from The Old Hack in Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)   
    Made this earlier today out of another meme I had on hand:

  3. Like
    ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in New NVMe Drive   
    The NVMe saga has apparently come to a happy conclusion. The screws arrived today, and they were indeed different from the ones I got from Amazon. My son installed the 4TB NVMe drive using them, and we then took a few moments to do a slight bit of case dusting before reassembling the laptop. A few hushed prayers and crossed fingers later, we booted up the system, ran Disk Management to set up the drive, and voila! The drive worked.
    For anyone interested, it is indeed running at PCI-E 3.0 speeds, according to the Crystal Disk Info/Benchmark suite. It reads a tad slower than my Samsung C: drive, but writes just a bit faster. Crystal reports it's built to the NVMe 2.0 standard, whereas the Samsung 970 EVO is merely NVMe 1.3 compliant. Go figure. It's also running cooler than the Samsung, probably due to the graphene heatsink ribbon on top of it.
    Regardless of the differences, at the moment, I'm happy.
  4. Haha
    ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from ijuin in What Are You Watching?   
    Watching The Daily Show, a rerun from the last day of the RNC. Pretty biting stuff. In reality, I'm only watching it as a test of a Paramount+ install on my new Fire Stick 4K. I've migrated Paramount+, peacock, Disney+, Prime Video, FloMarching, and last but hardly least, YouTubeTV, to the Fire Stick 4K. It's running sweetly on a v6 WiFi connection, better I might say than the base Samsung TV ran with a wired 10/100 connection (the max wired speed it supported).
    I've also installed pluto tv, and quickly found the Sailor Moon channel, to the chagrin of the rest of the household. I am chaos personified. 
  5. Haha
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Random. Just Random.   
    Meanwhile in California
  6. Haha
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)   
    Gotta tell somebody. might as well be y'all
  7. Thanks
    ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Random. Just Random.   
    I saw a Tesla Cybertruck in the wild for the first time yesterday. Good lord, those things are ugly. They look like something a first grader would come up with when tasked to draw a vehicle.
  8. Thanks
    ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Random. Just Random.   
    I saw a Tesla Cybertruck in the wild for the first time yesterday. Good lord, those things are ugly. They look like something a first grader would come up with when tasked to draw a vehicle.
  9. Haha
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to The Old Hack in Random. Just Random.   
    So today while driving near the University of Copenhagen I encountered a car with a vanity plate reading OBAFGKM. I was highly amused. I do take joy in encountering someone who is not only a huge nerd but also openly and proudly embraces it.
  10. Like
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Things That Are Just Annoying   
    The stone passed! No pain and I had a little blood in my last pee.  Yeah!
  11. Like
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to Darth Fluffy in Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)   
    FWIW, I think Biden has done a basically good job since he was elected. Dealt with COVID, recovery, unemployment, and is rebuilding long neglected infrastructure.
  12. Like
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in The Weather.   
    It's raining.  forecast to rain all day tomorrow,  I'm not currently in pain, hopefully I will stay that way. 
  13. Like
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)   
    That really sucks.  Hope you get better.
  14. Like
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)   
    While ace bandages are good at compression, they don't seem to stay in place very long, at least on me.  You have my sympathy
  15. Like
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)   
    That sucks.  Particularly the bladder issue.
  16. Like
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to The Old Hack in Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)   
    I feel very tired.
    Trans visibility day always falls on March 31. Easter happened to fall on March 31. Certain Republican douchevolcanoes decided to pretend to be angered by this and demanded an apology from trans people in a blatant attempt to stir up outrage among their voters.
    This is offensive in so many ways. Just to mention a few:
    1) They are demanding that trans people apologize for existing. They know perfectly well we won't and plan to use our refusal to further outrage their befuddled and frightened voters.
    2) Their pretense that it is somehow the responsibility of trans people that a holiday that falls on a different day EVERY YEAR happens to coincide with an unrelated holiday this year.
    3) Their use of a holiday meant to honour a man who preached tolerance and acceptance as a tool to further promote hatred and intolerance.
    4) Their assumption that their voters are so blisteringly dim-witted so as not to know how calendars work.
    5) The possibility that a number of them actually are that dim offends me personally.
  17. Thanks
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to The Old Hack in Happy News   
    Thank you!
  18. Sad
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)   
    I fell of the stoop yesterday (had issues with getting the bike out and closing the door) so I have a bruise on my right hip and left shin.  My left arm still hurts. It's raining so I have knee issues. Going to go back to bed in a few.
  19. Like
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)   
    I got a flu shot and pneumonia shot today.  My left arm hurts and I expect to feel like crap tomorrow.
  20. Sad
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Things That Are Just Annoying   
    Yesterday sucked and not the good way
    1) rode my ebike to Walgreens to get a gallon of milk. They were out.  This is a total of 1.6 miles.
    2) Due to it being good weather and forecast to rain over the weekend I decided to ride to Braum's, the local ice cream and dairy store.  It's about 1.5 miles to the store.  Got to the store.  Felt a little dizzy when I got of the bike.  Went in and bought 2 gallons of milk because they had 2 for $6,
    3) Put the milk jugs in my backpack. I've done this several times before.  Strained my right arm a bit getting the pack on.  Also a common thing.
    4) Started to get out of the parking lot.  Felt a little trouble going out the driveway.
    5) Tried to turn to the east on the side rode.  
    6) Ended up going west for about 10 feet and fell over. 
    7) Could not stand up.
    8) A guy who I didn't get his name saw me fall and stopped to help.  He had a pick up, so I asked if he could give me a ride home.  As it happens he was going north, so it would only be 2 block side trip for it.  He agreed.
    9) Tried to stand up.  Could not.  Asked him to help me get up.  Didn't help.  My legs were like rubber.  After a few tries I asked him to call 911 as I didn't have my phone on me.  Note to self, never go out with out it.  He had a conversation with the 911 dispatcher, found out the ambulance could only take me to the hospital.  Decided on getting the fire rescue people
    10) They show up.  Ask me a few question to establish that I was functional.  I answered  all of them correctly.
    11) They take vitals to include blood sugar level.  It was a bit high and my pulse rate was high even for me. I normally have a 100-103 rate, was 125.  The waited 5 minutes and took them again.  They noticed that I was "sweating bullets".    They were not quite sure that I shouldn't go to the hospital ED.  After some back and forth we decided that I should because I still couldn't stand up.  Called for ambulance.  Also called police to take my bike home and put it on my porch.  Would not fit in the police car, so he left.
    12) Ambulance arrived.  Fire guy said they would take the bike home. Got loaded on the the ambulance.  Still couldn't stand up.  They got me loaded on there bed thing and went to the hospital.
    13) Got put in a room.  Nurse comes in and takes vitals, again with blood sugar level.  All about the same.  Doctor comes in, asks the same questions as the fire rescue guys did.  Poked and prodded me. Did the strength test where you pull on her hand.  Left the room
    14) About 3 minutes later a nurse come in and says the doctor says I need IV fluids.  Started drip. I asked for some thing to read.  She came back with a novel about Burma.  I had problems holding the book up. 
    15) About this time I could move my legs and if I didn't have an IV,  the blood pressure cuff, and the blood oxygen meter attached to me, I felt like I might be able to stand up.  
    16) Took me in for a CT scan.  Had issues getting on the bed of the scanner.  After I got back I had control of my arms enough read novel
    17) After about 5 minutes after the scan a nurse came and gave me a meclizne pill, for vertigo.  Legs felt normal, but I was still dizzy AF.  Was left alone for 10-15 minutes.  Got to page 108.
    18) Was feeling more or less normal.
    19) Doctor comes in and says my CT scan was normal.20) Waited a few more minutes and the nurse comes in and disconnects me from all the tubes and wires. Says I can check out.  Had a copay of $37.50
     Asked her about how I could get home.  She reminds me that the bus stops here. Little did I know at the time that it was the last bus running for the night.
    21) Waited about 20 minutes for the bus.  He arrives, asks me where I'm going, then starts blasting the local rock station on the radio.  He turns it down and ask me if I wanted to get off at the justice center as it's only a few blocks from my destination and would save me 30 minutes.  Passed on this as it's actually 6 blocks and I didn't feel like walking that far as the destination I asked for is literally across Pine from my house. Starts blasting rock again.  Good thing I like rock.
    22) Got home.  The bike and back pack was on the porch blocking one of the doors.  I tried to open the other locked door with my key.  Had trouble getting key in hole, so I curse a bit and  so I moved the bike and go in the unlocked door.  Unknown to me I dropped my wallet/keys on the porch.  Took bike into the living room where it's normally at.  
    23) Got in and freaked out about my wallet not being in the pocket of my hoody.  Spent 30-45 minutes looking for it.  Did not find it.  Decided to look on the for it in the morning as my porch light was burned out.  
    24) Went to bed.  Tried to pick up my Chromebook.  Dropped it.  Picked it up.  It's bricked.  Cussed some more and went to sleep thinking I would look for in the morning.
    25) Got up in the rain.  Went out and found the wallet/keys.  
    And how was your day?
  21. Sad
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in Cats, Dogs, Other pets.   
    Due to the fun and games I had yesterday (short version.  Massive vertigo while on a bike, ended up hospital) by the time I was up for taking pictures of Explorer she went into her midday hide mode.  Maybe tonight.
  22. Sad
    ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)   
    Now that you mention knees, it's time to bring you up to date on a situation with my own, that being my left replacement knee. I got up to get something out of the kitchen about 10 days ago, and I damned near didn't make it. My left knee felt like it was going to go through an explosive disassembly on me. I grabbed my cane, made it back to my chair, and sat down, but the pain didn't subside - it got worse, climbing up to a 9.5 on the 0-to-10 scale. It made me sick to my stomach and drew tears.
    I managed to get an appointment with the knee surgeon's office two days later. They didn't see any structural problems on the X-ray, but they were able to tell that the joint was loose when they gave it the side-to-side shake test. They suggested doing surgery to put in shims to tighten up the mechanical joint, to which I agreed. They've already called to schedule. I've got a cruise-convention that I can't miss at the end of March, so the surgery won't take place until April 2nd. Until then, I'm using the cane 100% of the time, as opposed to just outside of the house before the incident occured.
  23. Like
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney in New Music Release Thread   
    Not my kind of music but I played while I was doing my morning chores.  It made them more pleasant.  Explorer jumped on the desk while it was playing, but I don't know if that was due to her normal jump on the desk or not.
  24. Like
    ProfessorTomoe got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Task Avoidance Thread   
    Well, whatever it was, it was somewhat alleviated by reseating the dressing. The nurse had put it on in a sideways orientation. I had her put it on in the more conventional top-to-bottom orientation, and I felt immediate relief. It still itches a little bit just by being there, but not nearly as much as before.
    The sleep situation is still there, albeit not as bad. I guess. I've been asleep most of today. We shall see what the night brings.
    Tomorrow is going to be interesting as well. We're doing a "down-and-back" to the Georgetown area to finally have family Christmas with the rest of Mrs. Prof's kinfolk. We'll be driving in excess of 3 hours down and 3 hours up, plus we'll have the party at one of her brothers' homes, so who knows how I'll respond. One thing is for certain - I'll be doing an IV infusion while we're in transit on the road, since the cefepime plus the vancomycin usually takes about 3 hours to infuse. My morning infusion is scheduled for sometime between 9:30 am and 10 am, so we'll probably have to pull over down just north of Waco to get it started. My nighttime infusion starts 12 hours later, so I'll most likely be home before we start it up.
    No, it's not TMI, I'm just planning for myself. Gotta get this crap laid out in my head before we leave. Besides, if I get back and find the house ransacked, I'll know to whom I should point the cops at. 
  25. Like
    ProfessorTomoe reacted to Darth Fluffy in Holidaze   
    Low though my expectations for 2024 be, still, wishing you all a happy new year!