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Pharaoh RutinTutin

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Everything posted by Pharaoh RutinTutin

  1. NP, Monday, August 1, 2016

    In an Introductory Psychology Class, I remember the Professor telling us that one hundred people willing to answer your questions at the mall is not necessarily representative of the metropolitan area. Then he told us of the assignments that required the advanced students to go to the mall and try to get one hundred people to answer their questions. As for her appearance? I recall a lot of students putting a lot of effort into their appearance in early September. But by October, there was little attempted beyond basic hygiene (and for more than a few, not even that much). P.S. Are you sure this is BEFORE Goo? I thought this was the October in the time skip.
  2. NP, Friday July 29, 2016

    I thought this was the October AFTER Goo. In the time skip between Hammerclorians and Squirrel Profit. The opening note in this arc mentions this taking place in "Late October the Previous Year". I took that to mean last October, not October two years ago.
  3. Anubis told me that scale was ONLY for weighing souls and feathers. What else was that old dog hiding from me? Of course, the scale actually belonged to Osiris, but Anubis was the one who had to use it every day. If he never used it outside of work, he may not have known the device could do anything other than what his bird brained boss told him. On another matter, did this event precede Sarah's trip to the convention?
  4. Susan obviously needs to spend more time in the sun because she is starting to burn while Sarah isn't even tanning.
  5. Pinup: August 1, 2016 (Téa Apron)

    What bothers me is that she is serving food without wearing shoes. This may require a complaint to the health department.
  6. So this is too much. But not much too much? Actually, this raises an interesting possibility. This Uryuom Worker's Suit is lavender. Could it actually be Lavender's? If so, that would mean Lavender is at Edward's house often enough that she is leaving her clothes there. Perhaps Edward isn't as lonely as I thought...
  7. Discussions regarding Pacing, Scheduling and Fanservice

    I just had a most evil thought. The current NP story arc that began in late July, 2016 is set near Haloween. Does this mean Dan is planning on having this story run to late October in real time?
  8. The Association Game

  9. Story Monday August 1, 2016

    She is planning on Tedd and Grace giving her Great-Grand-God-Babies with Blue hair and bushy tails. I know mortal relatives can exercise a LOT of influence in these matters. Do the Immortal-Rules make exceptions for relatives? It looks like there will be no epic magic battle today. I'm guessing Dan is waiting to write that scene AFTER he has secured the studio green light for EGS : The Movie. http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1831 Yes, that does present a con on drum. As for using a phone? Could Disco Wizard conjure up a cell phone while inside Grace's dream, dial out, and leave a message on Grace's voice mail? If the Emissary does attempt contact via cell phone, will his first question be "Can you hear me now?" Now, does he tell Pandora everything he was attempting to tell Grace? If he does, will Mrs Raven Believe him? And I think we have all been assuming that Pandora's apocalypse plan is part of the change in magic. Is Pandora changing magic, or is magic using Pandora to make the changes it wants.
  10. All Things Ashley

    ASHLEY ≠ ΚΑΛΛΙΣΤΙ After consulting my pineal gland, I am confident that this is correct.* *Of course, Eris may reveal another truth to another observer that would be equally correct. For further information, consult your pineal gland.
  11. NP: Wednesday, July 27, 2016

    What about the Birmingham versions?
  12. Terrible movie thread

    Not too long ago, I saw this film with an audience. There was one loud person making rude comments about how it was so "cliché and predictable". The movie had nothing "original" at all, according to the freelance in-house critic. This film was from 1929. The reason it seems cliché now is because every comedy director, writer, and actor for the last 90 years has been imitating Laurel & Hardy. The move itself is not terrible. It is actually a classic. But it does show how art can seem so different to different people.
  13. The Association Game

    Mr. E
  14. NP, Friday July 29, 2016

    Can you serve Molotov Cocktails to minors?
  15. What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I haven't seen any close to having perfect pitch since Mariano Rivera retired.
  16. NP, Friday July 29, 2016

    According to the commentary, Pandora could get in trouble if she were to TP a house. But she could show a group of trouble making kids the house of someone who deserved to get pranked (guide), and then provide those kids with eggs and toilet paper while coaching them in the best way to aim and throw those missiles (empower). Great way to tie up loose plot threads I forgot were dangling.
  17. NP: Wednesday, July 27, 2016

    I'm sure someone would say something legalistic in Dan's direction if he started talking about 525,600 minutes.
  18. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted. You can have all the power you want that you can not imagine. If you can't imagine it, you can't understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't use it. I wish that the edit function on this forum was completely intuitive and user friendly.
  19. Story Friday July 29, 2016

    It is a cliché that villains do not see themselves as the bad guys. From an Obi Wan point of view, both Pandora and the Emissary are wrong and both are justified. I am no longer sure which one is really the good guy, or which one I should support. Disco Wizard, your opponent has effectively made the opening statement in the debate by telling you to make the opening statement. Your argument better be amazing. And what would happen if Grace was to wake up right now?
  20. What's in the Lost and Found?

    Turtles and Snails. That is why they tend to move slowly. Anyway, recently turned into the Lost & Found is a map to a city where you have never before been but will soon be compelled to visit, The map is out of date, inaccurate, damaged, and largely illegible. But whoever holds it will believe it despite all evidence to the contrary.
  21. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    A question was raised on the Last Post Wins thread in the Games forum. Why doesn't Tedd write papers about his experiences with changing gender? While the philosophical, psychological, and sociological insights Tedd could potentially provide by letting himself be studied are significant. The reality is that he could never release those papers even if he did write them. When Edward Verres first considered allowing Tedd access to the Uryuom tech, the first question was if Tedd could use this without violating national security, Edward's need to keep secrets has kept Tedds observations from getting to people who could really use the new perspective. While a lot of comments have been made about the parenting skills of Edward Verres, I do not believe that this was done out of malice. It is just one more unintended consequence. It would take a drastic change in public awareness and perception of magic to make Edward seriously reconsider his position. To bad there is almost no chance for a big change in the rules of magic any time soon.
  22. Story: Wednesday, July 27, 2016

    Actually, it is not all that odd for someone or something to act aggressively, determined, or overconfident when they know that they do not have the advantage. Ever see a Dachshund chase a German Shepherd out of the yard? A little noise can substitute for a much greater quantity of muscle. I'm thinking that the Disco Wizard fired a shot across Pandora's bow because, depending on how outclassed he is, she might not have even noticed a direct hit to the broadside.
  23. NP: Wednesday, July 27, 2016

    Weren't you paying attention? 168 hours means sleep is for the WEEK. So she can sleep for several days at a time. How much does she need to sleep overall? Humans spend about one third of their day sleeping. Does Pandora spend a week sleeping and is then up for a fortnight? Can she vary the frequency, one month asleep and two months awake or one day asleep and two days awake? Or is the Immortal internal clock cycle around the week like human metabolism cycles around the day? Or does she get so bored with the world that she occasionally knocks herself out for extended periods just to see if anything surprising has happened while she was sleeping?
  24. NP: Monday, July 25, 2016

    It has been a while since we have seen Pirate Grace in the Canon Cannon sketch. When can we see Pirate Grace in another context?
  25. All Things Ashley

    Étienne de Silhouette hasn't been active on this forum since 1767.