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Pharaoh RutinTutin

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Everything posted by Pharaoh RutinTutin

  1. NP Saturday April 27, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-016 Careful Diane You are less than thee steps Significant Other logic from comparing Lucy to a giant boar
  2. Comic Wednesday April 24, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-055 Hope, don't mess this up. Slightly off topic, perhaps it is time for Ted et al to create a code of ethics regarding independent magic research There needs to be a way of helping a novice magic user come to terms with their abilities that falls some where in between fending for yourself and turning you in to the nearest shadow government agency
  3. Comic Thursday April 25, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-056 The date in the title is not incorrect. This comic was dated Thursday instead of Friday. Reasons unknown to any of the voices in my head. The Line Cutter makes his return. And without even meeting him before, Hope knows he intends to cheat. Unless he is here as a justifiable target, his presence does little to enhance my enjoyment of the story. I deal with far too many people possessing this attitude on a daily basis.
  4. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Cats can not be reliably used as a nocturnal heat source like two to four canines
  5. Comic Thursday April 25, 2024

    Rich has demonstrated himself to be comicly over the top.
  6. NP Tuesday April 23, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-014 Should Professor Diane become a regular feature whenever exposition is needed? And regarding panel two. Is anyone in this comic aware that Sitcom Hijinks can be avoided?
  7. Comic for Monday, Apr 22 2024

    Tedd, at this point you should be on the lookout for magical shenanigans at all times
  8. NP for Saturday, Apr 20 2024

    Tip 1. The balls are deliberatly not balanced. The centre of mass is not the centre of the sphere. 2. The lanes are waxed or oiled unevenly. Balls rolling down the lane move or remove some finish each frame. 3. Better to use a ball too light than too heavy. You may loose some power, but you are less likely to hurt yourself. 4. Rental shoes? Disposable socks.
  9. NP for Saturday, Apr 20 2024

    Don't bother watching online tips, Catalina Until you pick up a bowling ball and roll it down a few lanes, the tutorials won't make any sense But if it turns out you are a natural, you might make your own bowling tutorials as the "Alley Cat" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GL9aLYExM_c
  10. NP for Thursday, Apr 18 2024

    Thinking about the big problems instead of sleeping One of the worst things humans can do to themselves and how I spend most of my time in bed
  11. Comic for Friday, Apr 19 2024

    At this rate, it will take one hundred ninety eight out of her two hundred years just for Hope to reconcile who she is vs who she was
  12. NP Tuesday April 16, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-011 You can't share that ability without telling her about it Now remind me again why you have not yet chosen to tell Lucy and Diane about this ability . . .
  13. Comic Wednesday April 17, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-052 No, Hope Don't push Tedd away I know you are confused and overwhelmed by the plans and Ideas Pandora had near the end, and some of those plans involved tedd But none of them matter now What she could or should have done was all lost in the Mall incident Learn from her dreams and mistakes if you wish, but at this point you will need help if you want to implement or correct anything And where are you going to find a sympathetic magic user to help you realize your own plans?
  14. Comic for Monday, Apr 15, 2024

    Hope, if there is anyone with whom you may be honest . . . Now may be the time.
  15. Comic for Saturday, Apr 13, 2024

    Lucy, you are making this too difficult. Just find every woman from 15 to 30 between Chicago and St Louis who is larger than you. Then have them wander Moperville when you hang out with Diane. Simple.
  16. Comic for Friday, Apr 12 2024

    With so many themes and elements from earlier referenced and repeated, I feel like we are approching the creschendo for the Hope movment in Symphony EGS
  17. Comic Wednesday April 10, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-049 How many people know you, Jay? You deliberately give yourself a distinctive appearance in a smallish school. Almost everyone (student, faculty, staff, parent, vendor . . . ) who deals with your school on a regular basis has a good chance of recognizing you. Your grandfather is powerful figure in public service. There are many who may see you as a way to control or punish him. Even if the magical "don't I know you" effect might have affected more minds than you would like, most people in Moperville recognizing you will be able to produce a mundane-ish explanation.
  18. NP for Thursday, Apr 11 2024

    No worries, Lucy. No matter how feline Catalina may seem, she is most assuredly NOT a scaredy-cat.
  19. NP Tuesday April 02, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-007 The interesting thing is that Susan really does not care what anyone else thinks about her. That is why she give off the ultra-cool vibes. Anyone else think Diane should try the Nerd-Girl look for a while?
  20. Comic for Monday, Apr 8, 2024

    If you're a pre-bronze age peasant, or a figurehead politician, it can be hard to tell the difference
  21. Comic for Tuesday, Apr 9, 2024

    Diane, don't over think this. Your best friend and the girl who saved her life may be hiding magic secrets from you. Meanwhile, you've been keeping searets from them. Healthy all arround!
  22. Comic for Monday, Apr 8, 2024

    When you argue with your brain, where is the thought that is not your brain located? This was easier when we pulled the brain out through the nose and put the other organs in jars to keep them quiet.
  23. NP Saturday March 30, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-006 How common is it to let your friends see pictures on your phone? Not sure myself. Phones with cameras were not a thing when I was in school. But if Rhoda and Catalina still have not admitted to Lucy & Diane that they have magic, it could be embarrassing.
  24. NP Thursday March 28, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-005 Ok. If YOU really want to. I guess we can do what I wanted in the first place . . . . Being from a small city in the Midwest in the 70s & 80s, I can confirm that most of those things would have been available. But not all at the same time. For real date night fun, try combining the activities. ROLLER BOWLING!
  25. Comic for Monday, Apr 1, 2024

    A big button labled "DO NOT PUSH" that produced random results could be part of a university study.