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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by ijuin

  1. What Are You Ingesting?

    Antihistamines and decongestants without tea would be anihisamines and decongesans.
  2. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Oh yes, I know about getting sidetracked. I try to keep myself on a single task and get annoyed at being pulled away from it because I know that it will be extremely difficult to get BACK onto that task once distracted.
  3. Things That Make You Happy

    Yay for non-toxic pest removal!
  4. NP Monday August 29, 2016

    "Beware Tedd in Gendo pose". LMAO
  5. Story, Wednesday August 31, 2016

    Ok, but how about mid 1980s-mid 1990s Illinois (when and where Diane would have been born, depending on what year is the "present" in EGS)?
  6. Story Monday September 5, 2016

    Yes--the first one coming to mind would be that Susan doth protest too much in claiming that Elliot is not her boyfriend and that they might indeed be giving in to teenaged hormonal excess that often happens when two teenagers who are strongly attracted to each other get some alone time together . . .
  7. Story Monday September 5, 2016

    That might just be a bit more Avant Garde than the audience is willing to take . . .
  8. Story Monday September 5, 2016

    Well, she seems to have been preoccupied with her spellbook and faeries before bed last night, as seen in http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=253, so she probably didn't see the "film at eleven". Also, I think that Tensaided is trying to be more like Perry White to Elliot and Susan than J. Jonah Jamison.
  9. Story, Wednesday August 31, 2016

    Susan's mom probably already knew of Nanase anyway. What I find most amusing on that page is in the last panel, apparently that big TV is a Cathode Ray Tube set instead of a Plasma or LCD, both of which would be too thin for Ellen to sleep on.
  10. Story, Friday September 2, 2016

    Nanase has proven herself able to face medium-strength threats (Abraham, not-Tengu), so she doesn't need close supervision as long as she can call the cavalry in a hurry. Akiko definitely falls under the "defenseless sidekick" category however, until she can get power of her own . . .
  11. More Speculation.

    Kreeptonite is deadly to creeps?
  12. Earthquake 2016-09-03

    All right, but I was speaking of intensity within the zone of effect, rather than extent of the zone of effect. Rattling the windows and shelves is barely worth noticing. It's when things start falling OFF the shelves that there is danger (in which case you want to duck and cover so that none of it hits you).
  13. Miscellaneous Questions

    Dan has made it pretty clear that Wolf and Cranium are supposed to be a parody of Mulder and Scully. Note Wolf/Fox (Mulder) and Cranium/Skull (Scully).
  14. NP: Friday, September 2, 2016

    It's a goooooood life. Anyway, yes, in the days before high school became a requirement for most non-menial jobs, people were mostly regarded as adults by the age of sixteen (though a few things such as voting age in Europe and America required twenty-one years).
  15. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Apologies for double post, but the usual workaround for the invisible text is not working on my iPhone. Anyway, by "filters", I meant the little filter screens inside the aerators, not any other filters that you may have upstream from them.
  16. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Your filters may be partially clogged, especially if you have mineral-heavy water and the filters are at least a couple of years old. If so, then it's best to replace them--and if you want high flow, then choose the ones that reduce the flow rate by 35% or less.
  17. Earthquake 2016-09-03

    Having lived in earthquake country all of my life (California, then Japan, then California again), My instinct is that unless there's a danger of something falling down (e.g. those fragile vases on your shelf), then it's hardly even worth a second thought.
  18. All Things Ashley

    Trivia: in Japan, as in many societies, the liver is regarded as the metaphorical seat for courage (like how we call a coward "lily-livered).
  19. Miscellaneous Questions

    It may also be that Immortals are invisible to one another unless they actively scan for each other, and normal courtesy is to avoid scanning without having a good reason.
  20. NP, Wednesday August 24, 2016

    Also, Pandora said/thought that she could only give Ashley the most minor of healing spells (healing small scratches and such) to start with.
  21. Story, Friday September 2, 2016

    Yes. Considering that Nanase admits to being five feet four inches, if she isn't wearing shoes higher than his, then Edward is not more than five feet seven. Now we know where Tedd gets his shortness genes from.
  22. Miscellaneous Questions

    It may be that an Immortal's magical aura is SO undetectable that they look like a magical "void" (i.e. a space where there is too LOW a magic level to possibly be a living humanoid). Scanning for magic and coming across an Immortal would thus be kind of like viewing the scene in thermal-band infrared and seeing that she has NO body heat.
  23. So basically, the first enchantment is dispelled before the second one activates. That would be a good safety feature for preventing them from overlapping with unexpected results.
  24. If your sanity can handle it, look up the entry "Most Common Superpower" on TV Tropes.