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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Story Wednesday December 18, 2019

    This time the click doesn't appear to come from the door knob, unless the door knob just fell off the door, but then it'd make a noticeable :thud: rather than click. Is there something in Tedd's lab coat? You know... it's a good thing Sarah didn't mispronounce it as Amplio DeCrisco, or else she would have ended up with a different kind of shortening.
  2. Monday, December 16, 2019

    It's more like jokes at the expense of. In this case Andy's making comments towards Tex "pretending to be female", also some misogyny in there too. I mean Andy was intended to be extremely offensive, which is crazy considering the voice actor for him was said to be completely the opposite.
  3. Monday, December 16, 2019

    So...was gonna link a video from Red Vs Blue about Andy the Bomb, I had totally forgotten the transphobic comments that were part of his dialog, so....
  4. NP Monday, Dec 16, 2019

    Based on Twitter conversation, Rhoda's counterpart in Fable is the hero that the player can recruit, but considering the description given of the priestess is more appropriate for Lucy (they called her an "Intimidating mountain of a woman"), this definitely seems to fall under Dan parodying the games and so the hammer wielding hero could either be Rhoda, or someone else. I guess Dan could be planning a bit of a twist in that Rhoda is normally shy, but can be fierce when fired up.....wait, is that a twist? she's already been shown to be that in canon...hmm maybe that is why Dan chose Rhoda over Lucy.
  5. Monday, December 16, 2019

    "It's only fair I let Tedd seduce Elliot then." Maybe not exactly that but hey, it's gotta be something that allows for Super Hero Science to be canon right?
  6. Monday, December 16, 2019

    Funny, Nanase's never seen Ashley blush like that, but it seems like what she's got planned might end up making Ashley blush. I wonder if we'll see Nanase be like "Oh no, I've been seducing my ex boyfriend's girlfriend this whole time!?!"
  7. Monday, December 16, 2019

    1/4th scale isn't 1/7th that Rhoda made Catalina, but Grace doesn't know what her limit is so she might be able to got further than this. And Ashley, are you still just keeping it at "friend-shipping" here?
  8. Story Friday, Dec 13, 2019

    I tend to go Coors Light most times, as long as it's nice and cold it tastes good, but I imagine that's like most mainstream North American beer, once it gets to near room temp it starts tasting skunky. For the higher end stuff I usually get something like Alexander Keith's IPA or Red Amber Ale, though apparently the IPA isn't the same as they used to make it due to a change in formula to preserve it longer as it was shipped to soldiers during either WWI or II. I've also had some Mill Street Brewery coffee porter which is pretty much like drinking a Guiness without the creaminess.
  9. Story Friday, Dec 13, 2019

    I'm also recalling Elliot's initial experience being female.
  10. Story Friday, Dec 13, 2019

    I was mainly referring to the "this is part of who I am!". and while Magus mostly based his assertion that Ellen should be male based on how much Elliot wanted to turn back, I think Elliot's motivation wasn't because he didn't like being female, but because he didn't want to deal with the social aspects of it, being treated differently, especially if people had to know he was transformed.
  11. Story Friday, Dec 13, 2019

    Based on Elliot's last major introspection, it's quite possible Magic was right all along, and that it was Elliot that was confused.
  12. The coolest thing I've seen in a while.

    The Space Shuttles used Reinforced Carbon-Carbon, but it was applied in tile form with some form of wading between them which, as we know from the Columbia accident, made it easy to break off in the event something impacted against it. SpaceX currently uses PICA X as their thermal ablative material on the Dragon capsules.
  13. NP Friday December 13, 2019

    This is a great callback to Ellen's ability to sing. I don't think Dan's really ever touched on it again in the main comic since Grace's birthday and that's a shame. Also I believe it's my headcanon that the sage NPC here is Phill(with a longer beard though), which would be another good callback if true.
  14. Story Friday, Dec 13, 2019

    I wasn't trying to suggest the WoM is obsolete, just that it might not have to worry about creating randomness for a bit since there's plenty of opportunity for people to create it themselves. Heck depending on how things pan out, the WoM might have to step in and place restrictions again if it becomes apparent that humanity is in danger of going overboard.
  15. NP Wednesday December 11, 2019

    I got the impression that in-universe then entire legal system is corrupt (except for Commissioner Gordon who's been in a losing battle trying to clean things up) and Arkham Asylum has basically become a place for the villains to regroup and plan for the next time. Actually, just thought of something, Wayne totally missed an opportunity when Edward Nygma proposed a device that tapped into people's minds, might have been able to use it to reform criminals or something, and at the same time prevented Edward from turning criminal.
  16. Monday Dec 9 2019

    I think the /list is giving you all the coal this year....
  17. Monday Dec 9 2019

    And of course, because it's that time of year:
  18. Story Friday, Dec 13, 2019

    Huh, this got me wondering, would there still be "flair for the dramatic" aspects in how Magic works? If the WoM was responsible for any of the unexpected results in using magic, it might just be content with just watching how people learn about magic in general or how old systems might get discovered or how Uryuoms react to getting access to it again.
  19. Story Friday, Dec 13, 2019

    Is she even finished shrinking herself though? She might very well be squirrel size the next time we see her.
  20. Story Wednesday December 11, 2019

    And he did a great job of it too.
  21. NP Wednesday December 11, 2019

    The game's probably like "See, what you just did will only lead to the bandits getting out and causing more problems later cus they're bandits and that's all they'll ever do, it would have been better in the long run to just kill them" Even Dan said on discord that the game is punishing Susan.
  22. NP Wednesday December 11, 2019

    There was an ooooold roguelike game called Castle of the Winds that different types of storage ranging from bags (3 sizes), backpacks (also 3 sizes) and chests (you guessed it, also also 3 sizes), the all had set weight and bulk (volume) limits but could generally hold more than the external space they took up, which mean you could nest several large backpacks in a large chest and essentially carry more than the chest would on it's own. also the storage items come in enchanted flavours too which had increased capacities.
  23. Story Wednesday December 11, 2019

    You basically saved me the trouble of finding the Elliot example. Though there really is no shortage when it comes to Elliot.
  24. Story Wednesday December 11, 2019

    I think this proves the glove is still useful Tedd. Being able to fine tune what a spell does rather than just putting the raw spell on the wand and leaving it entirely up to the caster would prevent embarrassing moments like this. Of course in a wizard training situation, having the raw spell would be best for teaching a caster control of their imaginations, picturing exactly what they want to happen instead of just... Well it probably would have gone exactly how Nanase pictured if Tedd hadn't set a minimum looseness. Maybe Diane's seen Sword in the Stone as well?
  25. This Day In History

    Between that and "Les Habitants" all other suggestions weren't anymore original. Anyway, you can knock the name, but you can't knock the 24 times they've won Lord Stanley's Mug.