Welcome! 03/05/2016
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Tom Sewell got a reaction from Pharaoh RutinTutin in NP: Monday, July 25, 2016
The properly phrased question is "How many charts for this does Edward have?"
Tom Sewell got a reaction from Pharaoh RutinTutin in NP: Monday, July 25, 2016
The properly phrased question is "How many charts for this does Edward have?"
Tom Sewell reacted to mlooney in Story: Monday July 25, 2016
I fear not the polyester leisure suit, for I have stared in to that abyss and won.
I was even a bit bored by the whole thing.
School pictures, roughly 1975 or 76.
Tom Sewell reacted to Pharaoh RutinTutin in Unsolved Mysteries of Susan and Diane
If Susan formally started that club as a Freshman (i.e. before hammer time) I would guess that she probably did so at the urging of her mother. This would be more likely if the club was required to have an adult volunteer. A roll for which Mrs Pompoms would graciously volunteer.
Second option, Susan and her friends may have formed an informal clique that spent their free time bashing men for all the world's problems. One day they realized that there were enough girls in the group to qualify as a sanctioned school club. So they stuck Susan with filling out all the Paperwork, thus earning her the status of "Club Founder". This could have happened before or after the hammers.
The third option is that Susan attempted to form a club from the ground up by actively recruiting potential members before presenting the club proposal to the administration. This would have required the most work and initiative on her part. If this was the chosen path, I strongly suspect that the club would not have been officially acknowledged by the administration or the yearbook until her Sophomore year. This is mostly on the idea that a Freshman attempting to rock the boat would have been shrugged off long enough until the-powers-that-be could say "it is too late to do anything this year".
Tom Sewell got a reaction from mlooney in Story: Monday July 25, 2016
I don't think so. It would surprise Pandora, and Pandora likes surprises. Which is a big reason why Sarah is still alive after sassing Pandora.
Of course, having either Pandora or her son take a special liking to you is not necessarily entirely a good thing...
Tom Sewell got a reaction from mlooney in Story: Monday July 25, 2016
I don't think so. It would surprise Pandora, and Pandora likes surprises. Which is a big reason why Sarah is still alive after sassing Pandora.
Of course, having either Pandora or her son take a special liking to you is not necessarily entirely a good thing...
Tom Sewell reacted to mlooney in Story: Monday July 25, 2016
Do not piss off either wizards or disco. And never piss off the Disco Wizard.
(Of course as a 70's rocker I have to add the obligatory "Disco sucks" remark here)
That would be, well, screamingly funny. Until Pandora gets free, then it would just cause screams.
Tom Sewell got a reaction from Myranuse in Story: Monday July 25, 2016
Perhaps I'm channeling Ashley again, but so many questions.
Is the Disco Wizard lying? (If he is, I think we can all guess his true identity.) Is Grace going to catch on to this and get into the fray? Is Disco Wizard crazy? Threatening Pandora? No one in the Moperverse has been shown to be more powerful than Pandora. Is Disco Wizard's plan to manipulate Grace into attacking Pandora? Grace is so powerful she even scares Pandora's son. Is it really an Immortal rule not to intrude into mortal dreams? Seems to me that would fall well within the "empower and guide" limits. -
Tom Sewell reacted to mlooney in All Things Ashley
Pretty sure. Ashely doesn't look like like any cat we have seen as yet. Which is not to say it could be another cat, but my Ashley doesn't talk (or at least not human) and doesn't have a collar, so the change back might be awkward.
Tom Sewell reacted to mlooney in All Things Ashley
Ashley is sitting on my bedroom desk cleaning her self.
Oh, sorry that's my cat Ashley. I get confused some days.
Tom Sewell reacted to Scotty in All Things Ashley
This one fits pretty well as we've so far seen.
While it's certainly hard to say whether or not Elliot will end up proposing to Ashley and them getting married and having kids together, I think they have enough chemistry together for this to last for a while, people (mainly Ellen) had been telling Elliot that he needed to loosen up and Ashley's been able to do that for him, she made him feel comfortable with the whole transformation stuff (it was kind of a sore spot with Sarah) so I'd think Elliot would want to hold onto that for as long as possible. Probably the only surefire way this won't last is if Ashley becomes overwhelmed by all the magic stuff and drama that the main 8 have been dealing with, she may feel like a liability considering she doesn't have much means to defend herself (the soccer ball trick probably won't work again) and wouldn't want to be a burden to Elliot.
Dan had enough trouble with writing and drawing the page that mentioned Blaike's death, there aren't enough Seymours in the universe to allow this to happen.
Ashley's stated that while she doesn't know exactly where her family originated from, she knew for certain it wasn't Japan, Nanase's family did originate from Japan though.
It would have to be a pretty identical universe for her and her parents to be unaware of shifting over, I don't think it's possible to have 2 completely identical universes, it would have to have very subtle differences that they wouldn't know about.
Even Dan mentioned hearing about the theory that Pandora was pretending to be Ashley and thought it was ridiculous.
I think Voltaire tried to manipulate Ashley though, when he stopped her briefly at the escalator. He gave her information about the Tara being a knight from another world and mentioned "pawn of chaos", either he was trying to dissuade her from interfering with Tara attacking Elliot, or he wanted her to use that info to put her in a situation where she might end up failing to live up to any promises or something. I dunno if Ashley will play a large role in Sister 3 though, if we do see her, it would likely be at the lunchtable at school with Elliot, Sarah, Susan and Tedd.
There was one thing you left out in the list though:
Ashley's mysterious internet girlfriend.
Dan claims that he knows who this person is, which means she's someone we already know about, or someone Dan plans on introducing at some point. I honestly can't see Dan introducing a new character to fill this role, the only plot device I can think of would be the ex took the relationship seriously and somehow tracked Ashley down to Moperville to confront her. That's just too crazy, we already had Diane obsessing over Elliot, bringing in a new character that had obsessed over Ashley doesn't seem right.
That leaves a high possibility of the ex girlfriend being an already existing character. Ashley did say they were "barely old enough to date" so it's likely this happened several years ago, probably early junior high, let's say...4-6 years ago, who do we know of would have wished they had transformation powers? Tedd. 4-6 years ago would place Tedd just before being given the TFG (Tam et Tedd marked 4 years of Tedd working on the TFG), he'd still be in his "mopey, silent nerd" stage but he might have been more open on the internet, and it is evident that Tedd's gender struggle has been around longer than he's had the TFG so I can see him one day looking through forums regarding transformations and possibly experimented with having a female identity for the first time when he met Ashley.
As to the possible plot for this, I can see Tedd being initially embarrassed and ashamed at the fact that he technically lied to Ashley about his gender, I say technically because Tedd didn't know what transgender or genderfluid meant back then, in his mind, it was just some made up persona so Tedd might expect Ashley to be mad about it which probably won't be the case, though I would see Ashley learning more about Tedd and the TFG and getting further into the circle through a plot like this.
Tom Sewell reacted to Amiable Dorsai in All Things Ashley
Ashley's been in Moperville long enough to form a close friendship with Liz and to have gone to the movies with her the previous summer. She seems to have been so focused on impressing Elliot that the weather was, at best, a secondary concern. Which is an interesting aspect of her personality--she can get so focused on something (the date, a book) that everything else fades into the background. Just a quirk, or does Dan have plans?
Tom Sewell got a reaction from HarJIT in Unsolved Mysteries of Susan and Diane
I'm assuming, given the title and their prominent (though not foremost) positions on the cover page of Sister III, The Shive will cast some light upon the questions I'm about to bring up.
Why Are There So Many Differences Between Susan and Diane?
The short answer: Different upbringings.
Diane was raised with an older sibling to compete with; Susan wasn't.
Susan has become embarrassed by how much her mother spoiled her. Diane might have been spoiled to some extent, but her desire to get men to spend money on her doesn't bespeak being raised in a mansion.
However, we have no clue about the Diane's adoptive parents other than they don't seem to be as well off as Susan's mom. Are they a mixed couple? Are they together?
That last one is really relevant. Susan and Diane have different approaches to handling men, but the underlying attitude is fear of getting hurt. Susan tries to avoid men; Diane tries to control them. Now neither of these suggests a strong, reliable father figure. Diane just wouldn't have this attitude if she was satisfied with the father figure she grew up with.
Well, I'm interested in this, but I'll move on to something I think more of you might be interested in.
Who Are Susan and Diane's Biological Parents?
The Shive has put in a few clues, or maybe red herrings, that might lead to answers. Sometime. Maybe.
First, in a dream and then a flashback, Susan remembers the woman she found with her father. In the flashback, The Shive actually titles the strip The Woman With Susan's Face. Susan tries to cut off her hair and then her mom dyes it so she won't look like that horrid blond woman. This kind of implies that Susan realized the woman was her birth mother. She hasn't said a thing about it in any strip since, but that is quite consistent in her nature. As of now (7-22-2016 in realworld time), we still don't know if Susan knows or even suspects she was adopted.
I hope we don't get adoptichlorians.
Susan's dad? Well, her adoptive dad's face is never shown—it's actually blacked out. Now if adoptive daddy was seeing birth mommy, it's not really a stretch to think that adoptive daddy is also biological daddy.
Diane wasn't introduced yet. If Susan's dad arranged the adoption of one of his own kids, why not both?
The Raven Factor
In Death Sentence, Grace notices that the disguise spell Adrian Raven uses to hide her three-tailed form makes her look exactly like Susan. Although Raven tells her half-immortals can't have children, he doesn't say that he doesn't have children. The Shive is very cute about maybe denying that this is more than an amusing coincidence in His commentary. What's your call? Remember, by this time we know that Raven can morph to change his appearance. It would have been a necessity to have maintained the same identity as a (somewhat) normal human for as long as he's been teaching at Moperville South.
Also, why exactly does Raven choose to let Diane off when he finds her AWOL from her class in Sister II? He knows Diane isn't the ditzy valley-girl she's channeling; he tells Ellen and Grace right after Diane is gone—but doesn't call out Diane on her ploy to her face. Not proof he has special feelings for Diane, but it would fit very well if he does.
Also, in the flashback strip with Noriko and baby Tedd, Raven's face is blacked out just about the same way as Susan's dad was. This time it wasn't in Susan's mind, so the connection is spider-silk-thin. Still...
Third Sister?
I think The Shive likes ambiguous titles and titles that have multiple meanings. Do Susan and Diane have a third sister?
I don't think I would need Alien Space Bats to posit that the third sister is the mysterious sibling of Tedd, whether or not she's Susan and Diane's sibling, and whether or not Adrian Raven is her father. What, surely I'm not the only one that thought that perhaps that's the reason Tedd's parents split up and Tedd's dad hates Adrian Raven? And why Noriko can't face her son? Come on, how many of you out there aren't panting to finally get Full Frontal Noriko?
Another candidate for a third sister would be Ellen's Second Life doppelganger, possibly along with Kaoli. They're supposed to meet eventually; maybe eventually is coming up soon.
Vladia is Grace's sister, and if she's Gregs New Girlfriend, it gives an excuse to get Greg involved more.
Carol Brown is Sarah's sister, and given not one but two Immortal schemers behind the scenes (that we know of) plus Sirleck, it seems pretty likely that Carol will finally get to the scene of the latest weirdness in time to (choose one or more):
Find out little sister Sarah knows what's going on
Find out little sister Sarah has magic
Find out vampires are real in the worst possible way.
Get The Government much too interested. Hey, you didn't think Grace's siblings were the only people confined “for their own protection,” did you?
So, anyone want to add their thoughts?
Tom Sewell got a reaction from HarJIT in Unsolved Mysteries of Susan and Diane
I'm assuming, given the title and their prominent (though not foremost) positions on the cover page of Sister III, The Shive will cast some light upon the questions I'm about to bring up.
Why Are There So Many Differences Between Susan and Diane?
The short answer: Different upbringings.
Diane was raised with an older sibling to compete with; Susan wasn't.
Susan has become embarrassed by how much her mother spoiled her. Diane might have been spoiled to some extent, but her desire to get men to spend money on her doesn't bespeak being raised in a mansion.
However, we have no clue about the Diane's adoptive parents other than they don't seem to be as well off as Susan's mom. Are they a mixed couple? Are they together?
That last one is really relevant. Susan and Diane have different approaches to handling men, but the underlying attitude is fear of getting hurt. Susan tries to avoid men; Diane tries to control them. Now neither of these suggests a strong, reliable father figure. Diane just wouldn't have this attitude if she was satisfied with the father figure she grew up with.
Well, I'm interested in this, but I'll move on to something I think more of you might be interested in.
Who Are Susan and Diane's Biological Parents?
The Shive has put in a few clues, or maybe red herrings, that might lead to answers. Sometime. Maybe.
First, in a dream and then a flashback, Susan remembers the woman she found with her father. In the flashback, The Shive actually titles the strip The Woman With Susan's Face. Susan tries to cut off her hair and then her mom dyes it so she won't look like that horrid blond woman. This kind of implies that Susan realized the woman was her birth mother. She hasn't said a thing about it in any strip since, but that is quite consistent in her nature. As of now (7-22-2016 in realworld time), we still don't know if Susan knows or even suspects she was adopted.
I hope we don't get adoptichlorians.
Susan's dad? Well, her adoptive dad's face is never shown—it's actually blacked out. Now if adoptive daddy was seeing birth mommy, it's not really a stretch to think that adoptive daddy is also biological daddy.
Diane wasn't introduced yet. If Susan's dad arranged the adoption of one of his own kids, why not both?
The Raven Factor
In Death Sentence, Grace notices that the disguise spell Adrian Raven uses to hide her three-tailed form makes her look exactly like Susan. Although Raven tells her half-immortals can't have children, he doesn't say that he doesn't have children. The Shive is very cute about maybe denying that this is more than an amusing coincidence in His commentary. What's your call? Remember, by this time we know that Raven can morph to change his appearance. It would have been a necessity to have maintained the same identity as a (somewhat) normal human for as long as he's been teaching at Moperville South.
Also, why exactly does Raven choose to let Diane off when he finds her AWOL from her class in Sister II? He knows Diane isn't the ditzy valley-girl she's channeling; he tells Ellen and Grace right after Diane is gone—but doesn't call out Diane on her ploy to her face. Not proof he has special feelings for Diane, but it would fit very well if he does.
Also, in the flashback strip with Noriko and baby Tedd, Raven's face is blacked out just about the same way as Susan's dad was. This time it wasn't in Susan's mind, so the connection is spider-silk-thin. Still...
Third Sister?
I think The Shive likes ambiguous titles and titles that have multiple meanings. Do Susan and Diane have a third sister?
I don't think I would need Alien Space Bats to posit that the third sister is the mysterious sibling of Tedd, whether or not she's Susan and Diane's sibling, and whether or not Adrian Raven is her father. What, surely I'm not the only one that thought that perhaps that's the reason Tedd's parents split up and Tedd's dad hates Adrian Raven? And why Noriko can't face her son? Come on, how many of you out there aren't panting to finally get Full Frontal Noriko?
Another candidate for a third sister would be Ellen's Second Life doppelganger, possibly along with Kaoli. They're supposed to meet eventually; maybe eventually is coming up soon.
Vladia is Grace's sister, and if she's Gregs New Girlfriend, it gives an excuse to get Greg involved more.
Carol Brown is Sarah's sister, and given not one but two Immortal schemers behind the scenes (that we know of) plus Sirleck, it seems pretty likely that Carol will finally get to the scene of the latest weirdness in time to (choose one or more):
Find out little sister Sarah knows what's going on
Find out little sister Sarah has magic
Find out vampires are real in the worst possible way.
Get The Government much too interested. Hey, you didn't think Grace's siblings were the only people confined “for their own protection,” did you?
So, anyone want to add their thoughts?
Tom Sewell got a reaction from The Old Hack in Story Friday July 22, 2016
Not that I'm objecting to your attitude because these griffinfants could grow up to be as hellishly dangerous as their dad, but I'm reminded of an almost-forgotten Disney movie from 1981, Dragonslayer, and in particular two scenes. Galen, apprentice of one of the last wizards and would-be dragonslayer, tries to save the king's daughter but finds her dead with a bunch of hatchling dragons eating her corpse. He kills them. And later, in what I think was the greatest scene in the movie, the mother dragon finds them dead. Somehow ILM managed to convey that this maiden-eating monster was mourning.
Tom Sewell got a reaction from Pharaoh RutinTutin in Story Wednesday July 20, 2016
Gee, you're kinda trashing the grand tradition of all those Nightmare on Elm Street movies.
Tom Sewell got a reaction from Pharaoh RutinTutin in Greg's New Girlfriend
Somewhere (I just can't find it right now) after Family Tree, one of the Gang of Eight announces that Greg has a new girlfriend that he met on New Year's Eve, which is, of course, when Family Tree takes place. I'm going to propose some possibilities. Share your thoughts and any new candidacies, please.
It's already established that Pandora can look like anyone or maybe anything she wants to. She doesn't have to have any reason better than "it might be fun," but better reasons might include that Greg's as much of a good guy and oddball as Blaike, and that being Greg's g/f gives her a stealthy way to blend in with the gang she's invested so much in observing.
Hey, know any other female in EGS that's as tall as Vladia? And since Greg knows Vladia's sister Grace has a weird background and powers, Greg would be a member of the very small group of "men I might date safely." (And also "men who might survive dating me.")
Susan's (Adoptive) Mom
We have no idea how old Greg is, but we do know high school and maybe college coeds are out of his strike zone. I don't think it's likely at all; what would bring Susan's Mom and Greg together on New Year's Eve? Match.com? But it has massive comedy potential after Susan learns about this new ship.
Susan's (Biological) Mom
If The Woman With Susan's Face Who Isn't Diane turns up dating Greg, we have the potential for complications which could register on the Richter scale.
The Voice Actress Who Played Lucky Bunny
Could be either the original Japanese seiyuu or the one who did the English dub.
Noriko, Tedd's Mom
Noriko could have been in Moperville on New Year's Eve. Even if she can't face her ex or her son, she could have come to check up on Tedd and is likely to have ninja as well as magic skills. And it's not entirely out of the question that she voiced Lucky Bunny in both Japanese and English (and probably French too; France has a lot of anime fans.)