Welcome! 03/05/2016
Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change. If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away. I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!
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OzLionHeart reacted to CritterKeeper in Last Post Wins
Now, now, let's not let this turn into a domestic disturbance.
(We had a hard enough time getting the cats turbed in the first place....)
OzLionHeart reacted to detrius in NP: Friday 3 February 2017.
On the other hand Dan ~could~ end this storyline right now with a single picture of Catalina and Rhoda (in their normal forms, wearing big game hunter outfits and wielding butterfly nets) chasing after a pride of hobbit-sized catgirls in the mall.
OzLionHeart reacted to banneret in Fifteen Years of EGS
El Goonish Shive is the only comic I was reading fifteen, or even ten, years ago which I am still reading today. As I grew old and tired, other media failed to grow with me, but El Goonish Shive has. That is all I can say, for the moment.
OzLionHeart reacted to The Old Hack in NP: Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Trigger warnings and content notes are there to protect readers and users who may suffer from trauma related to the topic. The fact that certain people mock them or deliberately misuse them in an attempt to discredit them does not change that. I have friends who benefit from and appreciate properly applied content notes and I am convinced that if properly used, they add to the safety and comfort of vulnerable users.
OzLionHeart reacted to Pizzaboy10 in NP: Wednesday, May 25, 2016
I feel like trigger warnings are kind of dumb nowadays, as people use them to describe things they don't like (Which I'm fine with), but then try to pass it off as something that'll send them into a PTSD attack (Which I'm not). That's an actual serious condition that you're trivialising, and makes those with the actual condition look bad.
OzLionHeart reacted to ProfessorTomoe in Waffle House #4741
:Vern walks over to the rowing team and examines the orange juice, finding a pair of very small pants floating in it:
Vern: "Waiting to be zipped up."
OzLionHeart reacted to InfiniteRemnant in NP, Monday April 4, 2016
...yeah, that's not how alchohol works at all. It doesn't make people universally social, it weakens their inhibitions and shuffles around their motivations.
how those changes manifest depends on the person, their mood, and how much they drank, and can be almost anything including; thinking everything is inexplicably hilarious (me apparently, I'm told i'm prone to giggling like a deranged lunatic when I drink), hitting on everything in sight, becoming the undisputed lord of snarky comments, deciding the entire world is your enemy and taking it out on whoever's closest, suddenly becoming everybody's friend, to throwing todler-esqe tantrums, just to name the reactions I've seen in person.
OzLionHeart reacted to exterminator in NP Monday March 28, 2016
The guy probably thought it was worth a shot...
OzLionHeart reacted to partner555 in Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)
Every time I see a terrorist act committed by people who claim to be of the same religion as me, I die a little bit inside.
OzLionHeart reacted to Scotty in STORY: Monday March 7, 2016
I can see the conversation being something like this:
Diane: So how did you and Elliot get your magic?
Ellen: Well, towards the end of January of last year, Elliot was accidentally turned into a girl by Nanase's cousin. In an attempt to turn himself back to normal Elliot went and touched a magic diamond, him gaining the ability to change forms at will was one side effect of that.
Diane: That explains Elliot, but what about you?
Ellen: Well....You could say I was the other side effect of him touching the diamond.
Nanase: That's right! Your '1st Birthday' is coming up in a couple weeks isn't it Ellen?
OzLionHeart got a reaction from Matoyak in Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016
This is useful information, and should probably be in a separate thread, maybe in the General section.
OzLionHeart got a reaction from Matoyak in Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016
This is useful information, and should probably be in a separate thread, maybe in the General section.
OzLionHeart got a reaction from Matoyak in Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016
This is useful information, and should probably be in a separate thread, maybe in the General section.
OzLionHeart reacted to Matoyak in Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016
Unknown at this moment. We'll probably get clarification in the next page.
This would be nice.
Hah, I seem to have figured out a way to force nested quotes. (You have to multiquote both posts, then drag one quote inside the other in the WYSIWYG editor). Also, I agree with Changer.
This post is an example of why we need the nesting quotes. Is this even possible to understand in context without following the linkback three different times? Now what if we had an entire chain going on, with multiple multiquote responses? Anyways, I think the GPS, Internet, SMS integration would be a cool thing.
ALSO, just so everyone knows: On these boards hitting enter adds a new line in between the line you're writing on and the next thing you type. Like so:
: See? No need to hit the enter button twice to spread paragraphs out. Now, if you need merely a carriage return and not an empty new line between them, hit "shift+enter" to get the next line without excess spacing. Like so:
: see?