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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Pharaoh RutinTutin

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Everything posted by Pharaoh RutinTutin

  1. This Day In History

    Don't want it? We NEED it! The more obscure and esoteric, the better. Unless you start covering the history of bread making... In that case, we knead it.
  2. NP Friday, Mar 29, 2019

    I have a device that brings me knowledge and amusement at my command. It also causes me to get far less sleep than I need. Is my computer "Cursed"?
  3. Q&A / Story Friday, Mar 29, 2019

    Sometimes I wonder if, perhaps, an "abnormal" mind is a prerequisite for creativity.
  4. NP Wed March 27 2019

    If cheap, quick acting, reliable, reversible, and safe transformation magic was readily available, the acres of "Self-Help" in the bookstores would need to be reallocated to something more useful. I'm thinking Vampire / Tentacle Monster Romance Manga.
  5. Notice: Temporary absence

    I already asked about returning the planet to the manufacturer. But it seems the warrantee has expired and the factory stopped making original equipment parts for our model long ago.
  6. Story, Wednesday March 27, 2019

    I am someone who lived with an undiagnosed borderline Autism Spectrum disorder (something like Asperger's) for over forty years. I don't blame my family, schools, or physician. If kids like me weren't disruptive or lagging too far behind the rest of the class then there really wasn't too much any one could do to or for us. That type of condition just wasn't a concern in a small town out in the middle of nowhere. There are aspects of myself I see in several of these characters. No. I can not turn into a super powered cheerleader or understand what animals are saying. Most of the time I can not understand what people are saying. But other than that...
  7. Notice: Temporary absence

    Here's what happened so far... First the Earth cooled. And then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil...
  8. Sketchbook Tuesday Mar 26 - Mall Figure Magic Nonsense

    I'm surprised that Kevin would tolerate Mittens using his power so frivolously.
  9. Q&A Monday, Mar 25, 2019

    Interesting. It seems the lying liar who lies is fond of unnecessarily complicated plans. So much so that he doesn't even consider the simpler options. Granted, regularly working his way around the letter and spirit of Immortal Law may have made this kind of behavior habitual. One potential threat when dealing with Tedd that wasn't mentioned was Lord Tedd. I know that guy seems intent on destroying the other Tedds of the multiverse. But Lord Tedd may resent freelancers interfering with his prey.
  10. NP Monday, Mar 25, 2019

    Beware averaging characteristics. You may end up with characters who are average.
  11. This Day In History

    If any of the English monarchs had made their claim to the throne of France stick for more than a generation, England would have become France's Scotland.
  12. What Are You Watching?

    I was watching a SciShow video that made me worried. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsaJdS3OgV4 The first half was a simple observation that we need more psychological research into the interpretation and use of Emoji. The second half made me worried. Apparently labs have been breeding / engineering mice to become more effective and aggressive hunters and killers on demand. What the host failed to mention is if there is a way to turn these mice off. How worried should I be? Is this a Heinz Doofenshmirtz? A Drakken? Or a Lex Luthor?
  13. Story Friday March 22, 2019 Q&A#8

    So a Photon checks into the hotel The Bellhop asks if the Photon has any luggage The Photon replies "No. I'm traveling light."
  14. Things that make you worried.

    I was watching newsreel footage of a parade where the Royal Horse Artillery passed in review. What worries me is that the name Royal Horse Artillery made me think of horses fired out of cannons. They wouldn't actually do that. Would they?
  15. This Day In History

    I hate to nitpick, but... (Oh, who am I kidding?) Lipinski won the World Championship in 1997. She would not win the Olympic Gold Medal until 1998 as a decrepit fifteen year old fossil.
  16. Story Friday March 22, 2019 Q&A#8

    Light has no mass, therefore it has no weight.
  17. Story Friday March 22, 2019 Q&A#8

    Those who write comedy have always been ahead of the rest of society when it comes to recycling.
  18. NP Friday March 22, 2019

    I can neither confirm nor deny that... Actually, I can confirm that Tom Cruise is overrated as a performer and a poor substitute for Peter Graves
  19. Story Friday March 22, 2019 Q&A#8

    Sarah HAD a magical ability all along! When people look at her, they "see" someone else. If this can be controlled...
  20. NP Friday March 22, 2019

    It is all a part of Top Secret activities this organization is undertaking on behalf of Department of Justice that will be disavowed by the Attorney General... No?
  21. Things That Are Just Annoying

    If animals (including other humans) make a lot of noise in their mating rituals, we can complain. But when plants broadcast their reproduction through the atmosphere, we are supposed to sit back and accept it?
  22. Story Wednesday March 20, 2019 Q&A

    Is it possible that the local cable service in Moperville is so BAD that video rental is a more attractive option?
  23. NP Wednesday March 20, 2019

    Lucy may not be "Hiding it". Some people have a "Squee" deficiency. I wonder if a transfusion from Grace can be arranged?
  24. What is the SPF for FV5 Sunscreen?
  25. This Day In History

    Lest we forget, 20 March is the International Day of Happiness. THIS IS A UNITED NATONS MANDATE!!! BE HAPPY!!!