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Pharaoh RutinTutin

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Everything posted by Pharaoh RutinTutin

  1. Comic for Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024

    I am beginning to think that Grandpa Arthur has never talked to Jay about Magic. Jay has been forced to learn about magic from every unreliable source and has never known that she has a Wizard in the family. But Arthur's insistence on keeping "The Secret" kept him from talking about it with a relative who needed to know. By the time he appeared on the news attempting to accelerate the Magic Reset, Jay would have already dismissed him as a crazy relative she barely knew. This seems like quite an effective way to ensure the girl has trust issues.
  2. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    I saw that phrase on a novelty pin back in the 70s. If Explorer is posting material like this, is she not also subject to notation in a certain book?
  3. NP Comic for Tuesday, Jul 16, 2024

    If Diane & Lucy had been out with a pair of boys, they would not be surprised if one of them had no coherent thought in his head. But when Catalina was overwhelmed with emotion and was unable to think and feel at the same time, it threw the Dating Duo. Now will the gutter girls be offended that Catalina was not thinking about them?
  4. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    So she is not a Pepper? Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too?
  5. The Weather.

    A nice(?) thing about costal Florida is that while "feels like" over 100f is common, actually over 100f is extremely rare.
  6. Random. Just Random.

    To be fair, when cows jump over the Moon, the landings don't tend to be graceful.
  7. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Classic Private SNAFU cartoons regularly drove home the point that the details you, the service man, found so fascinating and wanted to share with the folks back home (or the girl who let you buy her the whole bottle) were in fact not that interesting to most civilians. But they would talk about it. Then enemy spies and sympathizers would hear that civilian gossip and report the details up their chain of command. - - - - - Although not related, I do believe Private SNAFU was the first animated character passing through the Warner Brothers studios who attempted learning piano by playing "Those Endearing Young Charms".
  8. Things That Are Just Annoying

    They aren't calling you. Explorer has a side hustle under the alias "Kevin".
  9. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Do you realize how much authority and influence a Cat would be required to surrender to hold a mere human office like President? Also, Congress refuses to recognise Kibble as legal tender.
  10. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    We do not need to make Martyrs from the current batch of politicians. Is there any way we can enforce the William Henry Harrison precedent?
  11. Comic for Saturday, Jul 13, 2024

    Diane & Lucy You are being judged fairly. You have behaved badly. If the boys you dated were able to use math in the presence of atractive girls, you would have been called out long ago.
  12. Comic for Friday July 12, 2024

    Welcome to the Masquerade of Salty Crackers! Where no one is quite as they seem and all card game accessories are affordably priced at twice (at least) the publisher's suggested retail.
  13. Comic for Thursday, Jul 11, 2024

    The Bobcat Catalina forms strong bonds with her favourite humans and does not deal well with seperation.
  14. Comic Wednesday July 10, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-085 Tedd & Tensaided have developed a banter that could serve them well for mutual support as they find themselves on the bottom rung of their respective academic ladders next semester at the University. Have we determined if this tournament is before or after Rich's RPG with Ellen et al? That will make a big difference in how he treats Susan. Can I trust my memory? The last time Rich encountered Susan was with Larry in Salty Crackers where they were severely hammered, by Catalina with a plastique replica of Mjölnir.
  15. Comic for Tuesday, Jul 9, 2024

    Catalina, it seems to me, does not like the disposable way Diane & Lucy seem to treat people. You went out of your way trying to be close to them, and now you can't even remember their names? Will you even recall me when I see you next week? Of course, I could be wrong and Catalina just ate a hot dog with Crazy Larry's funky ganja relish they keep behind the snack bar for after the kids leave.
  16. Technology that works or doesn't

    Is 2038 the next big end-of-the-world event? Are there other events to ignore in the meantime? Y2K & 2012 were such letdowns.
  17. What Are You Ingesting?

    Instant can be good The slow way can also be good I have a favorite way of making Oatmeal over night in a crock pot using pinhead oats that I learned from Good Eats Good, but pretty much requires making at least half a gallon. Not exactly a single serving. Also, Grits are OK. But even though I live in Florida, I would rather have Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat or White Rice with lots of butter and sugar.
  18. Things That Are Just Annoying

    That is a relief. Velocipede activity does not combine well with Vertigo.
  19. Generic Table top gaming.

    So it was "Sneaky" the way Tsar Peter the Great was "Incognito" when he traveled across Europe with half of his Royal Court in tow. If the Assassin says he's sneaky, then he is sneaky. If the Tsar says he's incognito, then he is incognito. If the Assassin kills the intended target, he is an effective Assassin, regardless of what his critics may think. If the "Assassin" is killed or captured before killing the intended target, then he wasn't an Assassin. He may have been a Tsar.
  20. Comic for Monday, Jul 8, 2024

    Sarah wants to play games without spending a lot of money? That kind of thinking will destroy the game industry.
  21. Comic for Friday, Jul 5, 2024

    Who hurt Susan? Her father. French vampire. French immortals (with good intentions). Her mother (also good intentions). Princepal V (like a charging, blind & stubborn goat). . . . . . So who hurt Jay? I'm guessing Arthur was involved, like Edward with Nanase. But did he hurt Jay by doing too much, or not enough.
  22. NP Comic for Saturday, Jul 6, 2024

    Rhoda has spent too much time at this snack bar if she can review it like a favourite restaurant. Still, if the bun steamer works and they foil wrap the sandwiches, this is a business that cares about the details.
  23. Comic for Friday, Jul 5, 2024

    Who hurt Susan? There was that viscious slap fight she had with Tedd. But that was nowhere near as bad as the way she emotionally shattered Jeremy.
  24. Comic for Wednesday, Jul 3, 2024

    If the deck analysis spell is not as useful as expected, is there somewhere AJ may lodge his complaint?
  25. NP Thursday June 27, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-040 If Moperville has not yet adopted a City Flag or Seal, may I suggest A Deer In Headlights? It seems everyone in that town adopts that look from time to time.