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Pharaoh RutinTutin

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Everything posted by Pharaoh RutinTutin

  1. Random. Just Random.

    Back in the 70's I had a small plastic toy that looked a lot like that Thing? My toy had a notched plastic rod you could insert through a hole in the roof and pull out quickly causing the wheels to spin. Does this contraption have a similar accessory?
  2. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    So many animals seem to enjoy the sensation and interaction when humans scratch them. But humans don't know where the other animals itch. How can we be more effective scratchers for our companions?
  3. NP Saturday June 15, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-035 Since simply talking about your feelings with the concerned person is never an option in this comic, I suspect that Lucy and Diane will follow Rhoda and Catalina out to the parking lot where they will all encounter Camdin and crew on their Super Quest.
  4. Comic for Friday Jun 14 2024

    A casino can and will eject a player for suspicion of cheating without incontrovertible evidence. But that hardly seems likely in a small time tournament like this one. If Tedd knows AJ is cheating with magic, he might be inclined to arrange some magical "justice".
  5. Comic for Thursday, Jun 13, 2024

    Presuming that Rhoda did not tell Catalina any lies about Lucy, or anything incriminating, what could possibly be so embarrassing? That is, of course, not including everything. - - - - - A lot of people, like me, who fail to pick up on social cues and often make the wrong guesses regarding what to say or do in public situations can become introverts. Avoiding contact and fading to the background, if they go out at all. Catalina fails to pick up on social cues, but plows ahead with the first thing to enter her calico cranium.
  6. Comic Monday May 13, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-062 Wizard Sarah with Pirate George is an interesting match. And I think we know enough about each of them that a single highlight is sufficient. Unless there actually is more. As for the commentary? There are THREE Dragons!
  7. Comic Wednesday June 12, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-074 Jay, you are not blushing. You are reflecting Justin.
  8. Comic for Monday, Jun 10, 2024

    Susan's Super Villain Checklist just got another mark. She already called dibs on Elliot for her henchman/minion. She has a twin to create confusion. Between her father and Paris, she has at least two thirds of a required tragic backstory. Now she is learning the value of psychological masks. - - - - - The one thing this is not helping her accomplish is coming out of her shell. If anything, the lesson of the masks is giving her even more shells.
  9. What Are You Ingesting?

    An orange shake from Arby's. The flavour resembles the old creamsicle. This is not healthy or natural. It does not resemble anything growing on any tree in Florida. But I can't walk into Arby's without buying one. Hopefully this promotion will end soon.
  10. Comic for Friday, Jun 7, 2024

    Susan never lowers her defences. Talking about movies while hanging out with Elliot is about as relaxed as anyone would ever see her. I recall a comic where 2 people were discussing the show. The one who didn't know her thought she was stiff and cold while the one who did thought she seemed more responsive than normal. Fear not, Susan. We may still be able to preserve your android illusion.
  11. NP Thursday May 16, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-024 Again, has Camdin's companion been named in Canon? I don't want to keep ignoring him in the tags. Is Panthera Catalinas supposed to look bigger in the flashbacks? Soon Moperville will be flooded with rumors of Giant Cat Girls threatening the innocent guys going about their daily lives of harassing women.
  12. NP Tuesday June 04, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-032 I am not likely to put my faith in Rhoda. Adorableness alone is not a good foundation for a belief system. Otherwise, Chip 'n Dale would have overthrown the Mouse as the dominant rodent of the Magic Kingdom years ago.
  13. Comic for Thursday, Jun 6, 2024

    Did Miss Manners ever publish a guide detailing when head pats are acceptable? I've been avoiding them for decades. But if there are acceptable conditions . . .
  14. Comic Wednesday 05 June, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-071 Didn't Susan confront her retroactive stage fright a long time ago? Or perhaps she takes steps to avoid thinking of it. But it still hits hard every time she lets that thought cross her mind. I wonder if Dan will seriously explore the plight of people who become famous without wealth or institutions that can protect them? Those can be some of the scariest and most miserable tales ever.
  15. Comic Monday June 03, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-070 First, if I remember my Trek Lore correctly, Picard used the "Picard maneuver" when fighting Ferengi. Does a fight against Ferengi that does not involve Latinum actually count? - - - - - Next, I need some help identifying the last panel party - - - - Outgoing is a relative term If Sam's experience with gender questions has largely centered around concealment, then a genderfluid individual with Tedd's level of confidence must seem outgoing.
  16. Yes, No, Maybe

  17. NP Saturday June 01, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-031 Lucy is Diane's friend. Rhoda is Diane's friend. Diane often spends time with Lucy and Rhoda simultaneously. Lucy and Rhoda often spend time with Diane while avoiding interaction with the other person. - - - - - As for the background? I know of a few bowling alleys that were decorated in the 60s with that kind of tile in Technicolor and nothing has been changed since then.
  18. NP Thursday May 30, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-030 Remind me. Who was it that decreed "Thou Shalt Not Incorporate Pockets In Women's Clothes?"
  19. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    So politicians are unbearable? Not exactly news, even in 1815.
  20. NP Tuesday May 28, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-029 You roll sixteen pounds And what do you get? Another lane over The hustler puts you in debt Lucy, go ahead and start juggling You want to do it Catalina is not afraid and wants to see it
  21. Comic Monday May 27, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-068 is it just a coincidence that a comic about Memory is posted on Memorial Day in the United States? Probably. Pandora had good intentions. But she should have anticipated that simply putting up barriers would only feed the curiosity and determination of a being much like herself.
  22. NP Saturday May 25, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-028 Is Catalina going to reveal her knowledge-of and access-to magic by asking Rhoda to adjust the size of the rental shoes? Actually . . . . That may not be such a bad idea. It might be even worse.
  23. Comic for Friday, May 24, 2024

    If it worked, Hope built the deck with Pandora's suggestion. As it did not work, Pandora built the deck. Haven't you ever been through a change in management?
  24. Sketchbook for Wednesday, May 22, 2024

    This is not the craziest self defence idea ever . . .
  25. NP Thursday May 23, 2024

    https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-027 Diane and Lucy do have transformation abilities You would never know they weren't real deer in headlights - - - - - Of course, certain philosophies would have us reject ownership We should, instead, rent everything we can INCLUDING SHOES