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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. It's certainly not Grace's bed. I don't think we've seen Sarah's bed in colour. There's a lack of many pillows but maybe the bed spread could be dark magenta? Doesn't seem big enough though and considering the OT3 image and Sarah and Tedd wearing watches, I doubt they would have gone to Sarah's house to play around with morphs. I also don't think Tedd's bed would look like that either, he probably would think it's something else Edward would disapprove of or something. So...maybe Edward's bed? If it still had sheets that Noriko picked out? Yeah 14 or so years is pushing it to keep bedding, though if Edward still held strong feelings for Noriko even after the divorce, he might continue to use (and buy new) things that remind him of her...it would also explain him being oblivious to Lavender's advances.
  2. Step 3 is something Sarah can do for Halloween with just a costume, step 4 is asking Ellen to hit her with a V5 beam.
  3. Yeah, and Rhoda probably just told Catalina about being worried what Diane would think of them and just left it at that because she was timid about it to at the time. Though that was before Susan and Elliot started doing their review show, I'm betting that it was Catalina that told Rhoda about the show as part of helping spread the word about it for Susan and Elliot. Maybe Rhoda did mention the similarities to Catalina, though it's also possible that her and Catalina haven't watched the shows together, when Rhoda showed it to Diane she stated "I think she looks almost identical to you" which suggests this conclusion was hers alone. So a Date showed us that Catalina can connect the dots better than most Moperville residents as she apparently suspected Cheerleadra was Elliot before Voltaire outed him, If she had any reason to believe that Diane and Susan could be related, she'd probably try to figure out how. I mean, cats and curiosity right?
  4. The OT3 could also expand into an OT5, Ashley might be down with it after she meets Grace.
  5. Story Friday July 1, 2016

    A Grace and Vladia story doesn't sound dramatic enough to require a cover page, if Dan did troll like this it wouldn't be a good kind of troll. The stuff that happened in the So a Date has "must be addressed ASAP" written all over it, to go on to something different first would be very annoying. Sorry, I might be channeling some disappointment from the recent turn that LFG took in their story, it went from "crap's going down, we have to get back to Kethenecia!" to being in a pocket dimension at the bottom of the ocean because some dolphin decided be a troll...
  6. I'm not sure Catalina knows Diane beyond the fact that Rhoda was worried about what Diane might think of her and Catalina dating. The only reason I can think of that Rhoda hasn't told Catalina about Diane looking like Susan is the fact that Catalina would have likely tried pulling an Ellen and asking Susan about a long lost relative that looks like her. She might have also tried to get them to meet.
  7. Things That Make You Happy

    And it has really weird side effects too, which apparently include inducing extreme anger. And makes your forearms all swollen.
  8. Or she just shrank Diane, Rhoda's spell doesn't just make things bigger, of course the only time it was used canonically it made the boar bigger, but if it's a contextual spell, Rhoda was likely thinking the boar was big to begin with so the spell exaggerated it more.
  9. Considering Dan had been playing Overwatch a lot, I was expecting the Tracer pose which was also based on a 40's pinup pose.
  10. I was picturing it at being at least similar to the OT3 picture, this is certainly further along. Also I'm beginning to think that Dan's changed up the colour palettes for these pinups as well, Sarah's skin is looking more pinkish than usual, though I'm not sure if that's actually the skin colour, or the fact that they're laying on bedding that's heavy on the magenta.
  11. Story Friday July 1, 2016

    Doubt it, Dan only said he wanted part 1 of the next story arc to end on a Friday. Also he stated that the title for the next arc will have a "3" in it, and the only numbered story arc so far is Sister II (please keep in mind that there is a difference between story arcs and story lines, story lines are the individual stories within an arc, Squirrel Prophet and So a Date were story lines in the Pandora's Box story arc), so Sister 3 would fit as a story arc name. Also the last story arc that got a cover page was also Sister II, the first Sister arc also had a cover page and while Painted Black had a cover page for each chapter, aside from maybe checking up on how Grace's family is doing, the Lord Tedd/General Shade Tail/Nioi/Kaoli stuff would likely have it's own story arc that's not a continuation of Painted Black. Not saying that the OT3 becoming canon can't happen in the next arc, just that the teases don't point to that.
  12. If you take this, change Tedd's and Elliot's hair to red and brown respectively, you'll get really close to Nanase and Ellen kissing in the school hallway. I mentioned in the other pinup thread that the style for these seemed different, but the more I look at them and the reference comic I linked here, the more similar they seem. It's like Dan's using a hybrid of his recent style and how he drew 5 years ago.
  13. I dunno if it's just me, or if Dan's new method of drawing as thumbnails first then enlarging and finishing is doing it, but the lines seem to flow differently. Still like it though.
  14. Last Post Wins

    No Stairway!
  15. Story Friday July 1, 2016

    Yeah, those darned ROUSes, always annoying. Odd that part 1 is only going to be 2 pages, I don't think Dan can fit a meeting with Edward into 2 pages. Maybe starting off with Elliot dropping Ashley off at home or something, before jumping to Sunday? Hmm actually I need to wake up more, reread the commentary and Dan says "end on a Friday" not "end on Friday"...so it could be in a week, 2 weeks, a month, as long as it's on a Friday.
  16. What Are You Ingesting?

    I find myself wondering if Sydney Scoville would approve, or think it's still not hot enough.
  17. Story: Wednesday, Jun 29, 2016

    I think when it was mentioned that Tedd was expected to be a powerful wizard, it was a given that it was Edward that was the wizard, Noriko being a wizard would be odd considering Nanase's magic and the fact that the griffins believed her to be royalty, Noriko would likely give off the same aura of royalty.
  18. http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2207 Either Dan never actually thought about it before, or he's just playing with us and spreading the answer out on multiple pages.
  19. Story: Monday June 27, 2016

    That was never official, Gene Roddenberry supposedly jokingly speculated that it could have been the Borg that originally found Voyager 6. But it was never canon.
  20. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    If you want help taking your mind off of that, Canada, the US, and Mexico are having a meeting called, and I kid you not, The Three Amigos Summit.
  21. Story: Monday June 27, 2016

    It'd be more believable that saying that the Borg was created when Decker merged with V'Ger and traveled back in time.
  22. Story: Wednesday, Jun 29, 2016

    I think Nanase's spell book is "The Laws of Physics: How Enforceable are They?"
  23. Story: Monday June 27, 2016

    I was suggesting that Pandora might be the source of all magic, and all other immortals are her creations. While the other Immortals are more strict about their rules for limited interference and lifespan, Pandora follows the rules much more loosely at least in the interference part, and practically ignores the lifespan rule because "flair for the dramatic". The fact that a magic system change has happened at least once before, could suggest that Pandora would have reset at some point, but it was probably either because she was forced to by a third party (humans that got powerful enough to challenge her or other Immortals) or she herself decided to reset things. As I said before, if Pandora is made up of two independent personalities, Sanity and Insanity, then maybe her Sanity could have overpowered her Insanity and basically said "this is out of hand now, time to start fresh again". Of course, maybe Sanity wants to give the people of Earth a chance to retain the current system and stop Insanity from going too crazy with magic which would explain Grace's dream.
  24. Things That Make You Happy

    I have a posturepedic twin extra long (because I'm 6'4.5" and my feet would hang over the end of a regular twin mattress) that I've had for what will be 10 years in this December, cost me $1200 but it hasn't shown any signs of wear despite putting up with my 300lbs arse every night.
  25. NP: Monday, June 27, 2016

    I dunno, there were times when my family was playing it and it got pretty heated.