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  1. Yesterday
  2. NP Comic for Thursday, Jul 25, 2024

    Don't enlarge yourself. Shrink the shelves.
  3. What Are You Ingesting?

    Just put cashews & reeses pieces in the same snack cup. Rethinking previous trail mix preferences. Also. I just had a V-8
  4. Comic for Friday, Jul 26, 2024

    Acting is work. Pretending to be somdthing you are not is mentally, emotionally & physically draining. Also, the only one who sees Susan live on camera is Elliot. She knows the show can be stopped or edited before anyone else sees it on line.
  5. NP Comic for Thursday, Jul 25, 2024

    We have seen her enlarge parts of objects (such as Miss Kitty’s sleeves), but we don’t know yet if she can enlarge only parts of living beings.
  6. What Are You Ingesting?

    Nice turn of phrase at the end . . .
  7. NP Tuesday July 23, 2024

    The thing I saw was a miniature equine, about the size of a German Shepherd. Shetland ponies are about that size, that could have been what it was, I don't recall.
  8. NP Comic for Thursday, Jul 25, 2024

    Given her control on resizing things it's possible she could just enlarge her arm. And wouldn't that be nightmare fuel to see.
  9. Comic for Friday, Jul 26, 2024

    Susan's mom has already expressed the opinion that Susan should date a girl. She'll be cool with Jay moving in.
  10. NP Tuesday July 23, 2024

    I'm not quite sure I want a pony as a service animal. Even ponies are a bit large to live in human spaces. Now maybe a miniature horse would be small enough to live within human spaces.
  11. Comic Wednesday July 25, 2024

    Oh, yeah, that's one of the reasons he gave for not going to the tournament right after he got his spell.
  12. Comic for Friday, Jul 26, 2024

    Jay and Susan need to just skip ahead to the rent a uHaul step in their relationship.
  13. What Are You Ingesting?

    For the amount of Assam tea I put in my Bodum tea pot, 6 minutes seem like a better brew time than 4. Will keep doing this.
  14. What Are You Ingesting?

    I think I have a bag of "steam in bag" corn right now. All this talk has made me hungry for corn. Having it for lunch I think.
  15. Random. Just Random.

    Until one of 5 moves in 10 years made me lose track of it, I had a nice sealing wax set. Had a nice signet ring to go with it. Mhh. Need to find out if any one will make a ring with my real signet on it. Of course that would assume I ever used dead trees to send messages with.
  16. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "Between you getting a late start this morning, and me wanting to take my morning nap early, well yeah, I'm in my nap box now" - Explorer the Cat.
  17. Other Random Comics

    While I'd like to think I ID with Pig most of the time here, today is a Rat day.
  18. Comic Wednesday July 25, 2024

    Is Sam even aware that George is observant? In the last panel, he appears to be.
  19. Comic for Friday, Jul 26, 2024

    Comic for Friday, Jul 26, 2024 Jay is working on becoming a more likeable character. We need more backstory, why was she kind of a jerk in earlier comics? 'Susan is exhausted' suggests Susan prefers to be genuine. Some folks thrive on being phony; I think it energizes them. Is Jay even aware of Susan's aversion to touch? Will it kick in when Jay attempts to hug her?
  20. What Are You Ingesting?

    I've heard that as well. I think it's hyperbole, but it would probably be actually amazing. Honestly, very fresh and use it right away is so good already. I don't know what the problem is here, but I bet it is supply chain issues and the corn spends to long getting to me, the consumer. I should probably pick some up at one of the nearby farmer's markets.
  21. NP Comic for Thursday, Jul 25, 2024

    Now I want to see a sketch with Rhoda doing exactly that.
  22. What Are You Ingesting?

    The way I heard it, you take the pot of boiling water out into the cornfield with you. Grab an ear of corn, peel the husk back and take the cornsilk off, then bend the stalk over so you can put the ear in the water.
  23. What Are You Ingesting?

    I tried the awful so you don't have to. I wandered into a new (to me) Asian store that had recently replaced some store in an strip mall I do not frequent. Turned out, it was Burmese, a bit unusual here (and we have a butt load of Asian markets; you cannot throw a stick without hitting an Asian market.) ((I am also within a few miles of the only Hindu temple that I have seen in the flesh. I can walk to Bollywood movies, if I wanted to.)) (((I am not highly motivated to do so. I've seen two, I think, ages ago, maybe three, but one and the maybe were slanted to be palatable to a Western audience. The other wasn't bad, but nor was it great, and subtitles are generally a sub par experience.))) ((((OTOH, I am not generally in the mood to assault Asian markets with tree parts. It's just a saying about how crowded the landscape is.)))) So, at this Burmese market, I found little to get excited about. But there was a shelf area with cans of a canned vegetable, Curcuma Zedoaria. I bought one to try, and looked it up. "White Tumeric' - generally, you eat or grind up the tubers. This was a can of the plant tips, kind of flowery. I tried them today; the good news is they were edible. The bad is they had no discernible flavor. Mine was in rice and pork that I had made (did not grow the pig, just cooked a bit of him or her) and had sauce on it, so I did not gag on it. It was like a flavor void in a forkful. Is it good for you? There is a nutrition label, they seem to have food value. Nothing notable I could see. Not my culture, I don't know the lore, can't read half the label. Would not buy again.
  24. Random. Just Random.

    I have seen it for sale as an affectation, ages ago, along with small single initial seals. It was in the form of a tough, thin candle-like object that you could light so it would drip sealing wax. It would be of far less use today; people send far fewer physical letters. Per Google, you can still buy it, Walmart online carries it, for example. The search also popped up white parafin wax bricks used for sealing canned goods. This also seems archaic, most folks use the above mentioned rubber gaskets. I have purchased wine that had a wax seal over the cork.
  25. NP Comic for Thursday, Jul 25, 2024

    That was going to be the gist of my response, thank you. I can see the incident in the grocery store: "Mommy, that lady just got taller so she could reach the shelf!" "That's it, young lady, no treat for you if you're going to make up lies about other people."
  26. NP Tuesday July 23, 2024

    They are supposed to be great service animals for the blind, when properly trained. Something about being more task focused than dogs.
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