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  1. 3 points
    Okay, I suppose you have a point there, but if the situation were that desperate i would expect more active effort towards recruiting individuals known to have powers. to go with your superhero metaphor, where's the JLU? The kids have been seen saving the day, it's shown up online and on tv, some of the incidents are weeks or months old at this point, DGB supposedly keeps tabs on them, and Susan has experience 'hunting' yet there hasn't been a peep in canon. I dunno, maybe refusing to accept Xeno's theories is just me being cynical or stubborn, but they're full of holes and what if's, and every answer I've been hearing to those holes just raises more questions... It just doesn't add up for me. I know there's nothing concrete, but at-least to me, It makes more sense for it to be false than true.
  2. 2 points

    NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    on that note, supposedly intelligent characters in games doing trigger-guard-spins of pistols and revolvers as an idle animation is equally stupid.
  3. 2 points
    The Old Hack

    NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    SECONDED. The very minimum that should be required of ANY gun owner should be knowledge of basic gun safety. And while I do not belong to the school that says that video games are the cause of all of today's violence, I do feel that it could improve the genre a lot as a whole if shooter games became more aware of this. Not necessarily to the degree of being sermonising -- but it would be nice if gun owning heroes got small reminders of the fact that it is not necessarily a good idea to wave your gun around like a bollocking toy.
  4. 2 points

    Story: Friday, April 1st 2016

    A thought: one reason why Pandora is trying to sow distrust of Edward among Tedd's friends is so that they will gravitate towards the second-most-knowledgeable magical authority that they know of--Adrian. Thus, Adrian would have the "Next Generation Magical Heroes" team that he had been wanting.
  5. 2 points

    More Speculation.

    My own pet theory I want to carry on in the new forum context is that what lead Pandora to go overboard and skip "dying" was that she was deeply in love with a mortal, probably Adrian's father, and couldn't cope with only knowing of him instead of directly remembering him.
  6. 1 point

    NP: Monday, April 11, 2016

    Well, if she was smuggling knives, then she would be a Blade Runner.
  7. 1 point

    NP: Monday, April 11, 2016

    I love the Philip K. Dick reference.
  8. 1 point

    Dream a little dream.

    about 15 years ago I was working in a produce facility that handled silverskin onions, they'd come in off the field and get the greens and roots removed by machines and then be sorted by size onto shaker tables where we'd have to pick out any imperfect onions. Normally I'd be at the ends of the tables handling the barrels for brining or boxes for fresh pack, but there were times when we'd get a load where the majority of the onions are similar size and so it floods one or two of the shaker tables, so I'd get up there and help pick through them, this involved a large amount of arm flailing trying to get all the bad ones before they go into the barrel or box. There were many nights where I'd wake up with my arms going as if I had been dreaming about being at work.
  9. 1 point
    Don Edwards

    Story: Friday, April 1st 2016

    So could Ellen, but she'd probably choose not to use that label.
  10. 1 point
    If there's a page every MWF, then one month is at least 12 pages (most Februaries), usually 13 pages (most other months, plus a February about once every ten years on average - leap years where February begins on a comic-release day), and, twice a year on average, 14 pages (a 31-day month beginning on Monday or Wednesday). It doesn't take much to make 13 pages take more than a month.
  11. 1 point

    Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Yeah, I can understand that, I just thought it was odd that Nanase being there wasn't a strong enough, I guess we can assume that Ellen weighed the pros and cons of it and felt that she was spending enough time with Nanase already and didn't want to make Nanase feel smothered?
  12. 1 point

    Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Does Elija's comment on this page count as being wrong-genre savvy? i mean, he figured out something was going to happen, but assumed it would be a murder mystery...
  13. 1 point

    NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    Agree fully. While I'm not a programmer, such features should be able to be implemented without much trouble. Perhaps have the character lower their gun automatically when the crosshairs are pointed towards a friendly NPC (many games have something similar in which you simply can't fire your gun if it's pointed against someone friendly). Or have character refuse to talk to the main character unless they holster their weapon first.
  14. 1 point

    Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    I suspect Diane is going to need to get smacked a little to get along with Tedd. Kinda not looking forward to that, cause I think he's still a little fragile. Though it could be funny to watch Diane get death glares from basically everyone.
  15. 1 point

    NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    Characters pointing their guns at each other willy-nilly is something that tends to annoy me in video games. If you are not going to use your gun, don't point it at something ( a rule that every reasonable user of guns follows). So it's nice to see Grace have a reasonable reaction to it in panel one.
  16. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    Story: Friday, April 1st 2016

    A friend of mine once ran a superhero game where a team named the Ex-Men appeared. It consisted of a group of disgruntled divorcees of the superheroine Not Too Bright Phoenix. It developed that all the poor sods lived on the edge of financial ruin due to her alimony demands and we ended up feeling sorry for the idiots.
  17. 1 point

    Dream a little dream.

    Here's a dream I had back when I was a university student: I dreamed that I was at an exam for history, and I realised I didn't study. While freaking out, I slowly realised, "Hang on, I'm an accounting student. I don't have history classes in the first place!" It's about then I woke up.
  18. 1 point

    Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    If its regular enough, there could be a certain sense of comfort in its predictability.
  19. 1 point

    Story: Friday, April 1st 2016

    Better than the Ex-Men.
  20. 1 point

    Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    Panel 3 is the best one. that expression...
  21. 1 point
    I think this is Ellen trying, once again, to differentiate herself from Elliot. By deliberately not going to the dojo she establishes another difference in their behavior patterns. It might be reaching a bit, but given how desperate she was to not just be female Elliot locked out of her old life, it is rather understandable to me.
  22. 1 point
    Let me see. Tedd has a transphobic father who has repeatedly harmed him with heteronormative microaggressions. He no longer trusts his father, which is absolutely tragic but an all too common consequence of this sort of thing. Sarah has a very unusual spell that would instantly put her on the map of not only the DGB but ANY intelligence organisation with awareness of magic. If she tells Mr. Verres about this, he tells the DGB. If the DGB finds out, potentially any mole in there may relay that to other intelligence organisations. Rinse and repeat. Once she lets that one out, she is a target for life. Or in very short form: Three can keep a secret if two are dead. Ellen is very concerned for Tedd and is terrified that letting the old secrets about Tedd's mother out may -- may -- hurt him and set him back years of growth. She is not by any means sure of this but does not wish to take the chance. Nanase is no longer staying silent. She is with Elliot in this. Justin is not that close to Mr. Verres, and an earlier conversation between the two indicates that Justin is somewhat leery of fully trusting him. As far as I know, Susan has no secrets she has withheld from Mr. Verres. She is at most respecting the requests of friends not to blab, which is not quite the same thing. Grace does not have much in the way of secrets. She does, however, have a very strong attachment to Tedd. If Tedd asks her to be silent about something, she is. I hope that answers your question.
  23. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    Sketchbook: April 7, 2016

    It's the first time I've heard it, too, and I am a lot older than that ad.
  24. 1 point

    NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    It's comparable to Rock-Paper-Scissors. Power is not linear. The creature may possess some special attack which will be super effective against the dragon but not against you. Or the creature may be immune against some of Dragon's powers, say hypnotism and you are not (that would explain why you can't attack him, it's not just because developers are lazy :-) ). Not speaking about the possibility you will kill the creature in unfair way. (EDIT: Him or her. Is it a lady dragon? It is possible that you won't attack the dragon because it's against your honor to attack ladies, while the creature is not bound by such stupid rule? Or is it the dragon who is bound by- wait, that creature is the dragon's ex, isn't it?)
  25. 1 point

    NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    It's comparable to Rock-Paper-Scissors.
  26. 1 point

    Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Success! It's true that Tedd's "I'll never have a spell of my own" provides great example of how denying something can be hint. On the other hand, remember that Susan is natural blonde, just like Diane, while Grace's disguise had black hair just like Raven. Also, they don't show any signs of being Seyunolu, and Noah's counterexample notwithstanding, them having earth magic talent is NEGATIVE sign for them having anything to do with Uryuom. WAIT. What if them being ADRIANs kids is just red herring? They may be related without them being Adrians daughters. He directly say that he would like to pass Grace as niece, not daughter. What if Susan and Diane are PANDORA's kids and Adrian half-sisters? (And before thinking about Pandora giving birth, remember that she might just as easily be their "father".) Or actual nieces, with Raven's sibling being the parent who found how to get over the "half-immortals can't have kids" rule.