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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Showing most liked content on 06/23/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Raven has had magic long enough to have unlocked it on an Atari 2600.
  2. 2 points

    Greasemonkey forum scripts

    Wait, testing what might as well be my default OK Rage works, what about happy, happy, joy, joy? So close. How about my standard stuff? :/me: :the_list: Oh, wait There we go. :gruntled: :less_than_gruntled: :not_my_happy_face: OK @HarJIT, you see what you need to fix now Plus :my_cup_of_joy_overflows: All kidding about my mutant brain aside, good work dude.
  3. 1 point
    Oh, man, can I ever sympathize with you there. All the medical feels, mate.
  4. 1 point

    NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    I like her fine as a brunette but anything for SCIENCE!
  5. 1 point

    Things that make you go WTF

    I'd be really ticked off if I spent however much money it cost to get a cat prepped for adoption, only to find out it had to be put down as part of a broad retaliation over the fact that a parent didn't follow posted rules and kept their brat away from the cages. Oh, the story gets better. Read on. The brat mentioned above was the child of an Animal Control worker, as I've said. That worker was one of a group who recently had reprimands placed in their files for failing to properly take care of a group of four kittens over last weekend (claimed they didn't know how to syringe-feed—were told they could have Googled it and learned in five minutes). Two of those kittens eventually died after being taken out of the Shelter. The other two kittens? They wound up at our house. You may have seen pictures of them. Mrs. Prof saved their lives. Retaliation? Methinks it's a probability. Anyway, Mrs. Prof's sponsored cat is now out of harm's way and at the vet, but not before she paid $70 to the Garland Animal Shelter ($10 tacked on for quarantine fees, and $20 for I don't know what). Mrs. Prof is now at the GPAC, helping to clean it to prevent a possible outbreak of some sickness (not sure what). It's been a rough day for her, but hopefully one with good consequences. Hopefully.
  6. 1 point

    Story, Friday June 23, 2017

    He may want to do some additional experiment? Maybe the "what's the point" question is why he's not exactly enthusiastic about it. I think she wanted to talk with him, so yes she intended to reveal herself. PS: Anyone having link to where it was said? I though it was sometime around Susan mentioning she's Tiffany but seems it wasn't. I think it was mentioned once on "lunch" in school and once much later Grace used whole name addressing Tedd. PPS: Found it.
  7. 1 point

    Greasemonkey forum scripts

    More stick poking That worked. Seems that a restart of Firefox may have been in order :mutant: Damn. Hoped that last one would go "Grrr Arrrrg" :-)