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Showing most liked content on 02/21/2018 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    EGS Strip Slaying

  2. 3 points

    Story: Wed Feb 21, 2018

    Someone call the Vatican, the Imperial Omyouji, the Van Helsing family, all the shamans, the Freemasons, the priests of all major religons, and reconvene the Round Table. And prepare to reopen the crypt of Merlin. We MIGHT have an emergency here.
  3. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    The Weather.

    I guess I'd better mobilise my army of hate-trained attack duck-billed platypi, then. *sigh*
  4. 1 point

    Story, Friday February 16, 2018

    Palpatine said that an entire legion of his finest stormtroopers were lying in ambush down there. My own headcanon is that some bureaucratic screwup sent that legion to the other end of the galaxy by mistake. Subsequently some terrified bureaucrat dispatched a couple battalions of green recruits barely able to tell their left feet from their right in their place, hoping no-one would notice the difference. You are underestimating the situation. That legion of finest stormtroopers did never existed except on paper. It was created by bureaucrats reporting better results of training than what really happened because they feared they would be punished otherwise ... and unaware that their reports are exaggerated even more by others.
  5. 1 point
    Pharaoh RutinTutin

    EGS Strip Slaying

    Is there any way that slay can be made canon?
  6. 1 point

    Story, Monday February 19, 2018

    Nice theory, but we were SEEING how Pandora have trouble staying in focus. The "seeing humans as insignificant" may play some role, but not major one, and not in all cases. Jerry was getting MORE empathy, not less, and I repeat that main reason Helena and Demetrius didn't accounted for how it will traumatise Susan was that based on what was normal in time they were fifty, they already considered her adult. Also tunnel-vision, yes. It is possible, of course. But Magic still cared enough to tell Tedd that Pandora had reset so as to remember him as family. Though this might just have been relating what it saw as 'possibly pertinent information', or some similar clinical reason. It's more other way around: magic DO see humans as worth caring about, but doesn't know HOW (or more exactly, has trouble with the caring itself). Although it's true it's attempt to care are more for humans as species than individuals ... I still think that the idea behind telling Tedd Pandora will remember him was more like "I'm not sure why are you angry, but you have incomplete information ; if you will still be angry after having complete information, it would at least be for correct reason". Yes. Magic was clever enough to realize that the conditions WILL change at some point, but logically needed convincing it already happened. Yes. It was obvious he wants Pandora to do something stupid, but it wasn't clear why ; there was option he simply didn't liked her, or that it was just because it was surest way to cause the magic reset. But seems he EXPECTED she will do something eminent enough to trigger "Constitutional Convention".
  7. 1 point

    EGS Strip Slaying

    I think what I like most about that one is the rapid ups and downs in his intensity.
  8. 1 point

    Story, Monday February 19, 2018

    Greater power causing a person to see those without power as less significant is something that happens in humans as well, but only when empathy is lacking or missing all together, and there are examples of Immortals at the end of their life showing empathy. Pandora certainly did, at least when she was putting forth the effort to keep her mind coherent, and I would argue that Jerry should quite a lot of empathy towards people. Even when he made the hammer to encourage inappropriate comments(which was done when he was considerable younger), it was due to guilt from women being offended by the comments. I doubt power is the reason for Magic's thinking and difficulty with humans as much as perspective. Every piece of magical energy across the globe is apart of the same gestalt entity. It is simultaneously a single entity, a collective of countless number, and an empty set. It doesn't perceive the world like humans do. The solid, singular, squishy bags of water that are humans are just as alien to Magic as Magic is to them. Magic required the Seers to convince it not to make major changes, because the cycle of change and secrecy had persisted for thousands of years, since the dawn of man. It simply didn't understand why this time would be any different. Sure the world was more crowded, but from Magic's perspective that wasn't really a significant difference. The same basic patterns, just more of them. The major thing that was different this time was technology, more specifically the internet, which was something Magic had little to no knowledge of. Without that important context, the argument that secrecy is doomed to fail seems illogical. That's why Magic said the logic was insufficient. The logic it was presented simply didn't add up from its perspective.