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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!

Don Edwards

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Everything posted by Don Edwards

  1. Story Wednesday March 16, 2016

    Which is the first half of an apple?
  2. EGS Strip Slaying

    Ah, no, not on the nose...
  3. A new Which EGS Character Are You quiz

    My wife watched Star Blazers for years, so my knowledge of that one series exceeds my interest in the entire genre. The name of the ship was Yamato. Never, not once, Argo. (Unless they did a remake or something after she stopped watching it.)
  4. Story Wednesday March 16, 2016

    Seventh panel makes me think they've had this discussion before and Tara is deliberately trolling Andrea.
  5. STORY: Monday March 14, 2016

    Well, with Moperville's reputation, any magic-aware person with two brain cells to rub together should expect there'll be at least one or two wizards and/or immortals around town. Or maybe other aberrations who won't appreciate the competition for food or the increased chance of triggering a hunt. Or... lots of other possible reasons for an aberration to want his presence undetected.
  6. EGS Strip Slaying

    ALL accounts got deleted in the changeover. Or, to be more accurate about it, the list of users didn't get copied. At present the whole place has been rebuilt from scratch. We're hoping that our kind site administrators will manage to recover some or all of the old site from backups and have a way to load it in, so at least we can read the old stuff. (And maybe get back the former collection of emojis.)
  7. NP Monday, March 14, 2016

    In Stranger in a Strange Land a certain household had a sign on the inside of the front door: "Did you remember to dress?"
  8. Story: Friday March 11 2016

    I note that on no occasion has either griffin said anything about their world's human nobility in general, or about magic among humans in general. Just that the royal family is a strongly magical bloodline, and that Nanase's magic is strong enough it's hard to imagine her not being part of that family (which implies that really strongly magical people born outside that family tend to be adopted or married into it). So maybe magic-users of, oh, Susan's current level are a dime a dozen. This seems likely for the world in general, although not necessarily for humans, considering Tara was able to intimidate an Ancient into temporarily leaving our world - and she's a knight, not a wizard. As for making the little fairy appear being impressive - in itself somewhat, but the fact of its persistence more so. You see, technically there's nothing theoretically wrong with violating the law of conservation of matter and energy... temporarily. But that violation has to later (and usually not much later) be undone. Ellen's and Elliot's shape-changings get undone. All of Susan's, Dex's, and Abraham's summonings get undone. Nanase's fairydolls don't get undone, even when cut in half. And creating matter takes a HUGE amount of energy. The energy of the A-bomb explosion at Hiroshima was nowhere near sufficient to create an entire fairydoll. Flying takes energy too, but vastly less than matter-creation (and far less for a fairydoll than for a human figure or guardian form). That energy could plausibly be tapped from the environment. Or if it is created, its un-creation can be done inconspicuously. (Oh, and Ashley? Put your phone on speaker... too bad Elliot in his current condition doesn't know how to do the same and possibly can't.)
  9. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    If you can actually find any, replace the straight acetaminophen with Percogesic. It has an extra ingredient that helps the pain-killers be a little more effective. (I find it annoying how often the good over-the-counter drugs that actually do the job for us suddenly become very difficult to find. If they were being dropped due to recently-discovered side effects they would disappear completely... instead they go from being available, often in several brands, in practically every pharmacy to being a bottom-shelf item in only a few pharmacies. Percogesic for pain, chlorpheniramine maleate for allergies...)
  10. Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016

    Maybe not a pun, but it was busting out.
  11. Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016

    That already happened before you posted. For example:
  12. Story: Friday March 11 2016

    Nanase has another interesting expression in reaction to a griffin going all fangirl on her. (Can't say I blame her.)
  13. STORY: Wednesday March 9, 2016

    {cough}Ellen{cough} I thought we had named her Velma, after the character from Scooby-Doo.
  14. STORY: Wednesday March 9, 2016

    I'm pretty sure that was among the twenty or thirty possible explanations we came up with. I love Nanase's expression in the last two panels.
  15. STORY: Monday March 7, 2016

    Wonder if it's possible for one person to have two angst-induced awakenings.
  16. NP, Wednesday March 9, 2016

    I suspect that Grace is way ahead of Ellen and Sarah in regard to gender being non-binary. Considering that she lives with Tedd and has (possibly, depending on just when this arc is set) known about Sam for a while.
  17. NP: Friday, March 4, 2016

    Better a drag queen than a cold mime.
  18. Things That Make You Happy

    Yeah, that would qualify as sending you a mess. (Not much of one now, but I'm sure we'll fix that soon enough.)
  19. EGS Fanfiction!

    If you want to see a rather impressive collection of webcomic fanfic, take a look at the Wapsi Square Fanart subforum. It's mostly fanfic, many of them collaborative. A few of the most recently completed ones have been bundled as PDFs; one of them runs about 500 pages. The canonical comic is really just a jumping-off point. (I've contributed... let's see... a sentence to the 500-page one; the concept and second half of an addendum to another one; and I'm the main author of one that is currently in slow progress.) Addendum: This post contains a recommended-order-of-reading list for the (31, including the two the original list-builder left out) Wapsi fanfics. I will mention that if you haven't read the comic, the first one won't seem to have much of a point. It's an author-insert of the writer visiting Minneapolis and encountering some of the locations and characters that are canonical in the comic but don't necessarily exist in reality.
  20. NP: Monday, March 7, 2016

    I think he could do it with his existing "any woman he can imagine" spell - he just needs the possibility pointed out to him, followed by maybe practicing it enough that he can easily get it right.
  21. Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016

    Justin apparently wasn't even marked yet, let alone awakened, when that was going on. He's had no obvious reason to think that has changed, other than Luke's word - and Luke thought he was marked, which at that time he wasn't because by then he was already awakened.
  22. Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016

    Since the things are apparently created on demand by immortals (and maybe wizards, or else Mr. V keeps a stock on hand), they really SHOULD come up with a better way of notifying the owner of changes. After all, simply adding or removing a three-letter word (particularly "not"), or exchanging one three-letter word for another (example: "one" to "two" or "six"), can be a HUGE upgrade to a previous spell. And it isn't something likely to be noticed in casual observation. For that matter, even if the owner does re-read the entire book every week it could easily go unnoticed.
  23. Check in here -- Welcome back!

    I'm back. If you don't remember me, it's probably because (I'm pretty sure) this is one of several sites where I was using the screen name "Warrl". I decided this is a good time to change it.
  24. NP: Monday, March 7, 2016

    Elliot, if he's still dealing with energy buildups, could use an FV-M form. Make himself female but look exactly the same in pants.
  25. Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016

    The spellbooks don't just magically materialize in the possession of people who've just awakened. Jerry gave Susan hers, Mr. V gave Elliot and Ellen theirs. How they get the spellbooks is unknown; maybe wizards and immortals can create them. (Nanase has had hers for a while, if how she got it was shown then the Immortals gave it to her in France but I don't think it was shown.) Nobody has given Justin one yet because nobody except Pandora knows he's awakened and she mostly isn't being that obvious. (HE doesn't know he's awakened - if Pandora gave him a spellbook, he would know.) So he's currently in the clear regarding keeping up with changes to his spellbook.