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    • Robin

      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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  1. Like
    Stature got a reaction from Scotty in NP, Wednesday, September 7   
    "Escape from the Mall"
    Lemme guess, they started it (the commotion).
    Ack, do not jinks it!
  2. Like
    Stature got a reaction from Scotty in NP, Wednesday, September 7   
    "Escape from the Mall"
    Lemme guess, they started it (the commotion).
    Ack, do not jinks it!
  3. Like
    Stature got a reaction from Scotty in NP, Wednesday, September 7   
    "Escape from the Mall"
    Lemme guess, they started it (the commotion).
    Ack, do not jinks it!
  4. Like
    Stature got a reaction from Scotty in NP, Wednesday, September 7   
    "Escape from the Mall"
    Lemme guess, they started it (the commotion).
    Ack, do not jinks it!
  5. Like
    Stature got a reaction from Scotty in NP, Wednesday, September 7   
    "Escape from the Mall"
    Lemme guess, they started it (the commotion).
    Ack, do not jinks it!
  6. Like
    Stature got a reaction from RainbowWizard in NP Tuesday August 23, 2016   
    Would it not be odd if everyone in the EGS-verse had an evil twin/twin of opposite personality?
    (Do we also know what the citizens of Moperville are called?)
  7. Like
    Stature got a reaction from The Old Hack in Story: Wed, Aug 10, 2016   
    I cannot help but just cackle at Pandora's temper tantrums like the kid she is (sorta).
    In the back of my head, I picture magic as electricity. And it is not half bad.
  8. Like
    Stature got a reaction from The Old Hack in Story: Wed, Aug 10, 2016   
    I cannot help but just cackle at Pandora's temper tantrums like the kid she is (sorta).
    In the back of my head, I picture magic as electricity. And it is not half bad.
  9. Like
    Stature got a reaction from The Old Hack in Story: Wed, Aug 10, 2016   
    I cannot help but just cackle at Pandora's temper tantrums like the kid she is (sorta).
    In the back of my head, I picture magic as electricity. And it is not half bad.
  10. Like
    Stature got a reaction from rhjason in NP, Thursday August 4, 2016   
    Mark my woof - if it will not be a red herring later on, it has no paw-pose.
  11. Like
    Stature got a reaction from Ser Pentrose in NP, Friday July 29, 2016   
    And now, I shall merrily continue to sing "This Is Halloween".
    Although, I would like to have a store that sells Halloween stuff in January 
  12. Like
    Stature got a reaction from Ser Pentrose in NP, Friday July 29, 2016   
    And now, I shall merrily continue to sing "This Is Halloween".
    Although, I would like to have a store that sells Halloween stuff in January 
  13. Like
    Stature got a reaction from RainbowWizard in Story: Wednesday, July 27, 2016   
    Scratch it - even DW has some funny business (it seems to be). So everyone has their own ulterior motive/s, but at what cost?
    Heck, what is it even good for? Absolutely nothing!
  14. Like
    Stature reacted to mlooney in All Things Ashley   
    Well, that explains a lot.
    Right now, I'm down to two that work, unless you count my rather large smart phone that can't be a phone, in which case I have 3.

    Or do you mean the soap filled things that dishwashers need?  I've got a good sized bag of those.
  15. Like
    Stature got a reaction from mlooney in All Things Ashley   
    Summoned because the dishwasher needs more tablets.
    And all I have are kitchen sinks. It stinks.
  16. Like
    Stature got a reaction from RainbowWizard in Story: Wednesday, July 27, 2016   
    Scratch it - even DW has some funny business (it seems to be). So everyone has their own ulterior motive/s, but at what cost?
    Heck, what is it even good for? Absolutely nothing!
  17. Like
    Stature reacted to mlooney in Story: Monday July 25, 2016   
    I fear not the polyester leisure suit, for I have stared in to that abyss and won.
    I was even a bit bored by the whole thing.
    School pictures, roughly 1975 or 76.

  18. Like
    Stature got a reaction from inqntrol in Story Wednesday July 20, 2016   
    Yanking enough chains to stop a bus, sheesh.
    Expect anything devilish, but what I am looking for is her ulterior motive. Yet, no major character REALLY dies, rite?
  19. Like
    Stature got a reaction from Aura Guardian in NP, Thursday July 14, 2016   
    Now the cover-up is just fishy.
  20. Like
    Stature got a reaction from mlooney in Story Wednesday July 6, 2016   
    Minor edits in HTML are a breeze. Major, jeezy kableezy.
  21. Like
    Stature got a reaction from Wixelt in Story Wednesday July 6, 2016   
     And thus, a star is bored. In this case, the greatest plot line is born.
    Imma go in my bunk and whine about youth for a while now.
  22. Like
    Stature got a reaction from Wixelt in Story: Monday July 4, 2016   
    Nah, the previous Sister arcs had some color comics, especially the first chapter.
    As much as I am hoping that Diane will not have any powers by the time this storyline is done, I am bracing more for a looong duration of the comics altogether.
  23. Like
    Stature reacted to Pharaoh RutinTutin in NP: Wednesday, June 29, 2016   
    This got me thinking...
    In the alternative timeline that is the EGS Universe, the Cola Wars barely avoided becoming a global thermonuclear exchange.  The treaty ending the conflict left both Coca Cola and Pepsi hobbled and castrated.  Labels were required to emphasize flavors and ingredients and downplay manufacturer.
  24. Like
    Stature reacted to The Old Hack in NP: Wednesday, June 29, 2016   
    Hence the truly Pharaonic cola with high alligator content and a bite to it, Croco-Cola.
  25. Like
    Stature reacted to Pharaoh RutinTutin in NP: Wednesday, June 29, 2016   
    Are you kidding?  Carbonation is the WORST thing for the taste and texture of a crocodile based beverage.
    But for breakfast on a chilly morning, it is hard to beat a steaming mug of hot crocolate.