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  1. 1 point
    Don Edwards

    STORY: Friday March 18, 2016

    I doubt it. The preferred way to get from the top of a waterfall to the bottom is not by riding in a canoe.
  2. 1 point

    What are you reading right now?

    Just about it.
  3. 1 point

    STORY: Friday March 18, 2016

    Nah, I would imagine that trying to go through a point where magic is flowing would cause a fair bit of issue, like the concentration of magic going through that point interfering with the spell or causing potentially harmful side effects to the traveler, so magic users would need to create the portals elsewhere. That's not saying they can't be connected, like the area around a point of magic flow could have spots where the barrier between the halves of the world is thin enough for a portal to be created, but those portals wouldn't be able to channel magic through or else the griffins could have just got some sufficiently powerful mages to create a large enough portal to counter the clog.
  4. 1 point

    A new Which EGS Character Are You quiz

    More or less. I've been working on possible banners: http://m.imgur.com/a/UnOeJ What do people think about it?
  5. 1 point

    STORY: Friday March 18, 2016

    I always though all those anime where several teenagers are only chance of Earth are stupid. If I will be doing the recruiting, I wouldn't stop before one hundred. Well, Disco Wizard did think that Magic wasn't terribly invested in them succeeding, and that it might only be recruiting them to fill some quota or rule.
  6. 1 point
    I'll start off by saying how nice it is to *not* see 90% political commercials, now that my state's primary is over. I dread the approach of November, even as I look forward to seeing our first woman president elected.
  7. 1 point
    Don Edwards

    NP Friday March 18, 2016

    Everyone knows hair dye in all sorts of colors is readily available and hair is easily restyled. But when that person shows up with their hair in a style far different from normal and dyed that color, it's still shocking.
  8. 1 point

    NP Friday March 18, 2016

    I could probably safely place this story happening between the breakup and New Years Eve (28th or 29th), Sarah could have come up with the idea of making MV5 as a way to get her mind off of the breakup, which goes with her reaction Ellen's sister comment. It can't be the 30th because Ellen and Elliot were together discussing Susan's birthday and when Grace had called Ellen, she looked as if she was in "just gonna chill around the house" mode and while we don't really know how much time pasted during this NP, it was probably longer than "Playing with Dolls" especially if you account for them playing video games afterwards. It also couldn't have been New Years even or New Years day cus, well parties and monsters and burnouts and such. January 2nd would be out too because of Ellen and Nanase getting together to discuss what they learned the previous couple days, as well as play with magic. Beyond that we get into Elliot Sarah and Susan working on the video revealing the breakup and then school stuffs.
  9. 1 point

    EGS Fanfiction!

    [citation needed]
  10. 1 point

    STORY: Friday March 18, 2016

    Do I get to feel a little smug for the coin metaphor now?
  11. 1 point
    Pharaoh RutinTutin

    EGS Fanfiction!

    Every word in this message was stolen from a previously existing published source.