Welcome! 03/05/2016
Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change. If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away. I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!
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2 points
Discussion of Military, real or fictional
The Old Hack and one other reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
https://kyivindependent.com/ukraines-robotic-army-is-bringing-the-fight-to-russia/?mc_cid=15d2b5a3f7 -
2 points
Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)
The Old Hack and one other reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Well, that means they will be leaving soon, as sirrah is incapable of STFU in the best of times. -
2 points
2 points
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
ChronosCat and one other reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
“Getting ready to jump on the desk. The Human is acting like he needs help there this morning. And I'm just the cat to help!” - Explorer the Cat. -
2 points
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
The Old Hack and one other reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
“The Human got the Dot out! I almost got it that time. I'll grab it next time it moves!” - Explorer the Cat. -
2 points
I am back. Pardon me for the long absence.
Darth Fluffy and one other reacted to The Old Hack for a post in a topic
Hello, gentles all. I have not been doing well of late and allowed myself a long leave of absence to recover. I have avoided most forums and all social media during the intervening time. I am now back, however, and intend to stay that way. I might not be very active but I will be here and available for forum needs as well as I am able. I hope you are all well in spite of everything. ~tOH. -
2 points
Things that are Strange
Pharaoh RutinTutin and one other reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
How dare you insult King Kong that way. -
1 point
What Are You Ingesting?
Darth Fluffy reacted to Don Edwards for a post in a topic
well, milking a marshmallow would probably be easier on the hands than milking an almond. -
1 point
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
“Calm down. I'll move out of the way as soon as you sit down. Don't know what you are whining about, the tea water hasn't come to a boil yet, and you don't have any kibble to put down. Mellow out!” - Explorer the Cat. -
1 point
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
“I'll just sit here for a while and look 'Heroic' as The Human puts it. Then I'll nap until it's breakfast time” - Explorer the Cat. -
1 point
Comic for Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Another thing she has in common with Susan. -
1 point
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
“I see something up there! Gonna look at it and make The Human wonder what it is!” - Explorer the Cat. -
1 point
Comic for Friday, Feb 7, 2025
Darth Fluffy reacted to ijuin for a post in a topic
The other drawback was the shorter play time of Betamax cassettes—they had only 1/2 to 2/3 of the length of VHS, which means that at high-quality speed any movie longer than 120 minutes would overrun the tape length, while VHS allowed 180 minutes at its highest-quality speed (or eight hours at low-quality speed). -
1 point
Comic for Monday, Feb 3, 2025
Darth Fluffy reacted to ijuin for a post in a topic
Consider that absorbed ionizing radiation is measured in Sieverts, where one Sievert equals one Joule of gamma rays absorbed per kilogram of body tissue. Less than ten Sieverts is enough to kill a human. For comparison, the thermal energy in one calorie per kilogram of body tissue (i.e. the amount of energy needed to warm your body by one degree Celsius) is over four thousand Joules per kilogram. Yes, you can die from an amount of radiation that would heat your body by about a thousandth of one degree. -
1 point
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
“It's math rocks day! I get to help The Human attack the party with dwarves and small dragon!” - Explorer the Cat. -
1 point
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
“Today is a good day to just hang out. It's not really that cold, but sitting on the blanket feels good. Plus, I'm close enough to The Human to help him when he needs it” - Explorer the Cat. -
1 point
Comic for Monday, Feb 3, 2025
ChronosCat reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Yes, after care is VERY important. -
1 point
Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required) (Content TV-MA)
Darth Fluffy reacted to ProfessorTomoe for a post in a topic
Turns out that the doom and gloom the three sentences implied were not as doomy and gloomy as I first thought. I spoke with the doctor's office and asked them several pointed questions about the report, and they said that it was a mild outcome that allowed them to go ahead and give cardiac clearance for my lipoma removal operation. Go figure. Anyway, I don't need to make any changes to my medications or diet, thankfully, unless I start getting short of breath or feeling chest pains. End of line. -
1 point
NP Comic for Thursday, Feb 6, 2025
Darth Fluffy reacted to Pharaoh RutinTutin for a post in a topic
Professor Adrian Raven as l'Eminence Grise (Rouge?) behind the throne? Adrian may actually have filled this role in the historic events that inspired the story. -
1 point
Discussion of Military, real or fictional
mlooney reacted to Darth Fluffy for a post in a topic
Send in the little people cavalry! -
1 point
Discussion of Military, real or fictional
The Old Hack reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
https://ua-stena.info/en/instead-of-apcs-and-tanks-donkeys-and-horses/ -
1 point
Other Random Comics
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Well, yeah. Given the state of my knees most days, I have to think about if it's worth it if I see a quarter on the ground now. -
1 point
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
“Why is The Human making crinkly sounds with his breakfast cookie? Why isn't he eating kibble this morning?” - Explorer the Cat. -
1 point
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
“The Human is up early, not making any weird noises, and doesn't seem to be freaking out. All for the good. He still needs help on the desk, but I'll wait until he gets done with breakfast. He gets cranky when I jump in the middle of his kibble.” - Explorer the Cat. -
1 point
New Music Release Thread
ProfessorTomoe reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Great! You need random good news at times. Actually, everybody should get random good news every week or so. -
1 point
Comic for Friday, Jan 31, 2025
ijuin reacted to Don Edwards for a post in a topic
I think that's more of a "stop hating yourself over it" bonk. -
1 point
Deep Thoughts
The Old Hack reacted to Darth Fluffy for a post in a topic
The comic itself has a long running skeptic biased theme of addressing an essentially Judeo-Christian God. Note the occasional "Religion Ruining everything since 4004 BC" header. Here's a sample cartoon with God in it. I have an answer for this, but first a caveat. God is not religion, and religion is not God. No more so than 'Stories and rumors about person X are not person X'. Religion is aggregation of ignorance held in common by a group; multiple groups hold mutually exclusive sets of beliefs. The odds of any group being fully correct are vanishingly small. History tracks with this; wars fought between factions that differ in details. Do Catholics and Protestants killing each other track with the teachings attributed to Jesus? Not at all. So, if you meet a person, and you are wondering if the rumors about them are true, you might ask them. This suggests that you could do the same thing with an alleged God. As a starting point, ask him if he is real. Branch out from there if you get an answer. -
1 point
Things That Are Just Annoying
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Mainly spaceships for illustrations for my space fantasy game. -
1 point
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
The Old Hack reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Explorer doesn't really understand the ins and outs of modern war game design. Can't really blame her, it's a rather niche knowledge base. -
1 point
NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 28, 2025
ijuin reacted to Don Edwards for a post in a topic
Hope will fail in her intent. The magic will help Cinderted with the chores, but they'll use that to get more done rather than to get some time to themself or some rest. -
1 point
NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 28, 2025
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Well, if it was based on a Disney version, it would summon birds and/or mice to help with the chores. -
1 point
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
The Old Hack reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
“The Human got up early this morning, said his back hurt a little and staying in bed wasn't good for it. He didn't use the flashy thing for a while, he was busy with one of his projects. He said I wouldn't understand it, so I didn't ask anymore.” - Explorer the Cat. -
1 point
What Are You Ingesting?
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Unflavored instant grits with a tablespoon of French raspberry jam added. I may have my favorite non cheese grits variant now. -
1 point
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
The Old Hack reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
“The Human got up early today, but dove right into working on “secret project Z” and didn't use the flashy thing until later. Today is math rocks day, so I'll get to help he swats them around on the desk and talk to people! That will be fun!” - Explorer the Cat. -
1 point
Things That Are Just Annoying
The Old Hack reacted to ProfessorTomoe for a post in a topic
I have spent the better part of my day today trying to figure out why my laptop succumbed to yet another Blue Screen of Death. At my son's urging, I have gathered my issues and submitted them to the gurus at the BleepingComputer forums in an attempt to debug the situation. I hope I will get a resolution to the situation soon. However, for reasons I cannot explain at the moment, I soon may not need to debug the situation too deeply. I might just be able to replace my 4-year-old workhorse with something even more powerful. Watch this space for further developments. If they happen, that is. -
1 point
Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)
Darth Fluffy reacted to The Old Hack for a post in a topic
There is a meme going around in Denmark concerning the fact that Greenland _cannot_ be 'sold' to any nation unless the Inuit themselves agree to it. Trump, master of the Art of the Deal: So, don't you Greenies want to come to the US where everything is much better? Inuit: We dunno, will we get healthcare? Trump: What? No. Inuit: That's not a really good selling point. The Danes give us healthcare even though we hate every one of them. -
1 point
I am back. Pardon me for the long absence.
The Old Hack reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Glad to see you back. -
1 point
Discussion of Military, real or fictional
mlooney reacted to The Old Hack for a post in a topic
During this very dark time I offer you this little bit of entertainment from the excellent Perun. He and a friend made a new year's game out of creating the absolutely worst possible post-WW2 air force for a fictional nation planning to attack a neighbouring nation. I admit I laughed very hard at some of their truly terrible choices and at the amazing logical fallacies they chose to convince their customer to acquire them. For example, if I had to pick a good air superiority fighter plane, I would not have gone for the Me-163. -
1 point
Comic for Friday, Jan 24, 2025
Darth Fluffy reacted to Pharaoh RutinTutin for a post in a topic
Grace, drop your academic plans. Your bold vision proves the talent you possess for interior design & decoration. -
1 point
NP Comic for Thursday, Jan 23, 2025
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
There is some evidence (mainly paintings) that two sword dancing was done “in period” (read pre-1600) but we aren't sure if it was what we would call “belly dancing” or not. I've met Emine in person twice at Pennsic, and she's a “Friend of Explorer” on the “Known World” Discord server and Facebook. She has a full-time mundane office job, does professional belly dancing on weekends, makes her own Elizabethan grab, is a frequent crown retainer and acts as a water bearer at fighting events, including wars. Oh, yeah, and she manages to post 6–10 times a day on Facebook and the server. I wish I had half her energy. -
1 point
Comic for Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
I see what you did there. -
1 point
What Are You Ingesting?
Darth Fluffy reacted to ProfessorTomoe for a post in a topic
I'm supposedly being treated to a "last supper" tonight, prior to tomorrow's lipoma removal surgery. The meal of honor will be Japanese beef curry, served with koshihikari rice (top level stuff, if it gets here in time). I definitely feel honored. Curry and rice is one of my all-time favorite meals. It'll definitely soften the blow of having to fast from midnight until 10am Tuesday for the surgery. Will report on how things go, both gastronomic and surgical. -
1 point
Cats, Dogs, Other pets.
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
“It's a good day! The Human doesn't seem to be grunting, I get to pounce on The Red Dot, and it's math rock day!” - Explorer the Cat. -
1 point
Sad news
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
As boomers and silent generation age, we are losing them at a faster and faster rate. As a boomer, granted a late one, this is unsettling to me. -
1 point
Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)
The Old Hack reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Got my NAFO pin! 2 days early for my self-birthday present. -
0 points
Things That Are Just Annoying
Darth Fluffy reacted to Don Edwards for a post in a topic
Forecast here is 75⁰F today, 58 tonight. And I just had a leaky toilet fixed a few days ago, and last night the other one sprung the same sort of leak. Only more so, and since I was already asleep it ran for longer. I'll be spending a big chunk of the day hauling things out of the basement and setting them out to dry. -
0 points
Things That Are Just Annoying
The Old Hack reacted to ProfessorTomoe for a post in a topic
The very same. -
0 points
Things That Are Just Annoying
The Old Hack reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Bolt out of the blue full on left side of the head migraine. I'm really starting to think they are related to “up” cycles. Need to talk to my shrink about this next time I see her, or maybe earlier if they keep happening. -
0 points
Things That Are Just Annoying
The Old Hack reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
My aura phase this afternoon was weird. Mainly in the right eye, not the left. Brighter colors than normal. Lasted about an hour longer than normal. Ended in a short lasting normal non-migraine headache. Confusing all around. -
0 points
Things That Are Just Annoying
Darth Fluffy reacted to mlooney for a post in a topic
Fuck my life. Migraine aura phase. Going to go to the darker room and pout. So much for working on projects.