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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Story for Wednesday, September 28, 2016

    At the end of "so a date" Sirleck talks about sending vampires after Adrian, so either there are more vampires in Moperville that hadn't been found before Tara and Andrea left, or Sirleck isn't aware that the vampire's he called in have been killed. Sirleck: "I will rain hell down on Moperville!" ::after some time on the phone:: "Where are all the vampires?!?! I can't rain hell on Moperville without the vampires that I called in!"
  2. Story for Friday, September 30, 2016

    Oh also, Tensaided might have offered to give Susan the day off, but we don't know for sure if she actually took it, yeah there's a possibility that if she didn't hear about what happened at the mall until Tendsaided told her she might want to see if he's ok. We don't really know how the conversation went afterwe briefly saw them, but it's possible that Susan might just be texting Elliot to warn him about Tensaided knowing, she probably doesn't know that Elliot's already talking to Edward. Ashley on the other hand, Elliot might have told her that he'd have to talk to someone about the incident. Sarah's likely wanting to tell Elliot about her recent visit with Pandora and how magic needs to be saved, hopefully we'll see how much Pandora told her, though will she be willing to talk about it with Edward?
  3. (+/-Bad) Jokes Thread

    You know that new cemetery that just opened up? People are just dying to get in.
  4. NP, Friday September 30, 2016

    Either that or the crack team Dan had working on the issue was greater number than Grace's birthday party attendance and it required multiple delivery people from maybe multiple pizza shops, to deliver the amount of pizza required to feed them.
  5. Story for Friday, September 30, 2016

    Justin's going to miss meeting Ashley if he doesn't. Also Grace gets to meet Ashley now so here's hoping her relationship senses jiggle in a positive way.
  6. Story for Wednesday, September 28, 2016

    Or off being distracted by vampires?
  7. The Association Game

    /me does a Triple Rimmer Salute Or....well....whatever this is...
  8. NP Monday September 26, 2016

    That depends on if the signal isn't changed in some way, outgoing signals are likely boosted by magic and could bypass conventional jamming techniques, incoming signals on the other hand might not be received as easily unless the Cheerleadra form generates some sort of field that acts as a large antenna. One way to find out would be to have Elliot go into a parking garage or something with a lot of concrete and metal and no wi-fi nodes inside.
  9. Story for Wednesday, September 28, 2016

    There could be a few possibilities for how the warmongering horde obtained magic, one could be that becoming a wizard was more simple than just being born with the distinction, another could be they were marked but that would mean either they all managed to psyche themselves up enough that everyone yearned the same kind of magic, or the marker was able to just give whatever spell regardless of innate talent or yearning. I wouldn't at all be surprised if it was Pandora that caused the last system change considering she was able to recall it in that much detail, and her reaction might be indicative of "Dammit, I'm about to do it again!"
  10. EGS Fanfiction!

    And Dan's got it canon that it's Skwur-uh-dey so 5 then?
  11. More Speculation.

    Fixed that for you. Also, Grace didn't sense that, she likely used her ability to analyze physical structures in human bodies to tell the difference between males and female, like size of the Adam's Apple, or maybe despite the pockets, Grace could tell Sam had breasts. Or maybe Grace did sense a difference in the form of the type of scent Sam gave off, Grace's squirrel quarter could give her heighten smell even in her human form. Either way it wouldn't have been a magic sense.
  12. Story for Wednesday, September 28, 2016

    Yeah, like we know how vows work after an Immortal resets properly with Jerry being reminded, but if an Immortal has an improper reset, the vow might not be clear. Helena and Demetrius were uncertain as to why they'd be following Elliot if it was something that happened to Tedd that caused him to zap Elliot. Then later when they remembered Nanase and Susan, they couldn't remember why they were in France to begin with but thought they might have been either following Nanase or Susan. I actually wonder, if they did have a vow, maybe it covered the protection of Tedd and his friends and family, which would have been at the time, Elliot and Nanase and likely Sarah too, but when they were improperly reset, the only part of the vow that stood out was Elliot.
  13. NP, Wednesday September 28, 2016

    Pharaoh mentioned it too, but if it was, her hair should be even longer and have asymmetrical bangs.* *link is to the closest I could recall to transformed Diane that would highlight the differing hair style, it's not chibi but I think the style would still be recognizable as Diane's regardless.
  14. Story for Wednesday, September 28, 2016

    This is something else to think about, Helena and Demtrius watching over Elliot would have to be because of a vow they made wouldn't it? It would explain why they still continue to do so even after an improper reset. We haven't seen any real evidence that a vow is driving them but then they haven't really tried deviating from it either like Jerry almost did. Going off to deal with vampires isn't breaking the vow if they believe they're trying to do both at the same time, especially if they think that this many vampires in Moperville is a threat to Elliot.
  15. NP, Wednesday September 28, 2016

    You say it as if that would prove anything. The hair also looks like Sarah's. Yes, I know the sketchbook of cowgirl Tedd has long blonde hair too, but cowgirl Tedd's bangs don't fall past her chin like Sarah's would if they weren't tucked behind her ears.
  16. Story, September Monday 26 2016

    That's what I was saying, Voltaire was controlling Dex to the point where he summoned the fire golem, then released him with no memory of doing so, Dex was likely heading over there anyway so he it wouldn't strike him as "wait, what am I doing here?" like he was at the dojo.
  17. Story, September Monday 26 2016

    He had to have been controlled, Dex was only capable of summoning fairies without being pumped with extra energy to summon greater entities like the fire golems and bulldog dragon, if he accidentally summoned the first fire golem himself with no help, that would suggest he had a larger energy reserve than expected, but...and this might be a stretch but I think it's worth noting, just prior to the fire golem's appearance, Dex shows up in the comic store looking like he's just woken up and hadn't had any coffee yet, his speech bubbles are all wibbly-wobbly, when the cop shows up and everyone's talking about the videos they uploaded, Dex's speech bubble is more normal. Then at the dojo, when Dex is talking about bringing an apocalypse, there's the wibbly-wobbly speech bubbles again, and after Dex regains consciousness, he's certainly more coherent.
  18. Story, September Monday 26 2016

    Considering Voltaire claimed both instances of Dex summoning fire golems as 1 attempt, then Voltaire would have been responsible for the first case, I stated before that Voltaire could have had Dex summon the one, then released him with no memory of doing so immediately after, Dex would then become a natural witness and people wouldn't suspect him.
  19. Miscellaneous Questions

    Who's doing the magic research that's soo close to figuring it out that the Will of Magic is considering changing the system to prevent it? Disco Wizard has already ruled out Tedd despite the fact that Tedd's research is in figuring it out, it's possible that what Tedd's learning is stuff that Edward and DGB already knows and Edward at the very least can prevent Tedd from going too far if he deems it too dangerous. As it stands Edward probably allows Tedd to do his research because it not only gave him something to focus on when he was in his withdrawn phase, but Edward probably believes that despite Tedd's apparent lack of magic potential, his talent for understanding magic and technology might make Tedd worthy of a position in DGB. Who else could be doing research into magic then? Luke's group? Don't know too much about them yet, at a glance it looked like they were trying to find out more about magic but then it turned out they might have been more interested in meeting Cheerleadra. Charlotte? She's got forums dedicated to spooky stuff, she might be inadvertently aiding in research into magic, though I am thinking after the Not_Tengu incident and hanging out with Ellen and Nanase, she might have decided to lay off posting stuff to the forums, though I guess any of the forum members might have picked up the torch and continued the work. After the incident with Abraham and Pandora's appearance on TV shortly after there was an increase in the number of tourists and paranormal enthusiasts to Moperville, any of them could be doing it. Fortunately, I don't think it's Rich and Larry. What about Rhoda and Catalina? They've been marked, they know about each other's spells and have had a few months to figure out stuff by now, we're only now seeing the extent of what they know and learn 3 months prior to the current events and it's suggested that Catalina might be approaching Elliot about it at school soon. Rhoda might approach Ellen, heck Rhoda might be thinking that if Elliot is magical, Ellen probably is too, and the fact that her and Grace showed up on the same day might make her think Grace is special too, especially considering Grace abruptly changed the subject after Rhoda asked why Ellen was going to MSHS instead of MNHS with Elliot. Anyway, I'm not entirely serious it's Catalina and Rhoda but who knows.
  20. EGS Strip Slaying

    Can I put in a request for a spammable "like" button?
  21. Story: Friday, September 23, 2016

    We should also account for the fact that just having a link to the other side of the world might be enough to have a history of weird stuff going on, the increased energy levels seem to be a thing that's been happening for roughly 14 years with a complete saturation due to the clog happening within the past year, BUT there could still have been frequent instances of creatures or mages from the other half of the world peeking into this half for decades or even centuries.
  22. NP Monday September 26, 2016

    Mainly because it looks like there's a plate, some sort of flatbread or tortilla and seasoned ground beef on top.
  23. Things That Are Just Annoying

    They need someone like Hack moderating the debates, I say someone like Hack and not Hack himself because I like Hack and wouldn't want him suffering through that.
  24. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Could be worse, I live on a street that has grain elevators and a concrete operation at the one end, so there's either large mixer trucks or tractors/transports pulling trailers back and forth all day and even into the night, especially this time of year with soybeans and soon corn coming off. My apartment is pretty much on the corner of this street and main street so I hear all the stop and go noises. Plus during the summer and weekends when the weather is good, I can hear all the kids running around and drunks yelling, and the neighbouring apartment has their living room on the other side of the wall from my bedroom so I hear the parties, kids screaming, dogs barking, etc...
  25. NP Monday September 26, 2016

    Looks like an open burrito.