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    • Robin

      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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  1. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from ijuin in Comic for Saturday, Sep 7, 2024   
    ...Is it just me, or does it look like her hair didn't shrink?
  2. Haha
    AFNB got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Story Friday, December 22nd, 2023   
    I have never met this "Holly" person, but she must be a great warrior if we are encouraged to deck our halls with her bowels. 
  3. Haha
    AFNB got a reaction from ijuin in Story Friday, December 22nd, 2023   
    But do you want Adrien as a stepson?
  4. Haha
    AFNB got a reaction from Amiable Dorsai in Comic for Wednesday, May 24, 2023   
    For some reason, I feel obligated to post this after any exposition dump.
  5. Haha
    AFNB got a reaction from ijuin in NP Comic for Saturday, Feb 11, 2023   
    My initial thoughts about Faerie Ellen before reading the commentary can be summed up as "Hey!" "Listen!"
  6. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from ChronosCat in Comic for Monday, November 21, 2022   
    Yeah, I seem to remember a lot of people speculating on Noah's ponytail being antennae.

    As someone with autism who has experienced degrees of sensory overload, I can see that.
  7. Thanks
    AFNB got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in NP Comic for Thursday, Jun 23, 2022   
    Going back and reading the arc from the beginning - hoping it ends with Elliot coming to pick up Ellen, and breaking George's brain.
  8. Like
    AFNB reacted to Pharaoh RutinTutin in NP Comic for Saturday, Jul 16, 2022   
    Major Pig?
    Old Major was the revolutionary idealist who inspired the animals to take controll of their own lives.
    Napoleon, on the other trotter . . .
  9. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from ChronosCat in Story Wednesday April 6, 2022   
    Elliot sees things far too polarized - this form seems more anti-hero than villain to me. Willing to cross the line for the right reasons.
  10. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from ChronosCat in Story Wednesday April 6, 2022   
    Elliot sees things far too polarized - this form seems more anti-hero than villain to me. Willing to cross the line for the right reasons.
  11. Thanks
    AFNB got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in NP comic Tuesday December 14, 2021   
    Okay, since people seem to be about done with the exercise, here's the link to the actual thing:

  12. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from ijuin in Cats, Dogs, Other pets.   
    Last year, my dad got my mom mom a cat for Christmas, a cute little calico that Mom named Nutmeg - we basically call her Meggie (or sweetie, darling, or occasionally "you little shit!"). 

    In the first couple months, I liked to kiss her on the nose, but she wasn't too fond of it. Eventually, I mostly settled on booping her instead - a light tap or poke on the nose.

    Last night, I had my hand on the corner of the foot of mom's bed. Meggie put a forepaw on the corner of the mattress, pulled herself up, and bumped her nose on my finger.
  13. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from CritterKeeper in NP Wednesday, May 15, 2019   
    Quoth the commentary:
  14. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from Skip in EGS Strip Slaying   
    Mkay, uploading a few of my old ones that I seem to remember being popular:

  15. Thanks
    AFNB got a reaction from Tom Sewell in Story, Wednesday November 15, 2017   
    Ashley's riding along for the purposes of exposition....

    Works for me. When Coraline was made into a movie, they added a new character (Wybie) for that reason - and that reason only.
  16. Haha
    AFNB got a reaction from Entropy in Story Monday September 4, 2017   
    First thought that I had was about this:
    Comic for Monday
    "Oh god it's Friday. WHY IS IT FRIDAY."
    This amused me for some reason.
  17. Haha
    AFNB got a reaction from Entropy in Story Monday September 4, 2017   
    First thought that I had was about this:
    Comic for Monday
    "Oh god it's Friday. WHY IS IT FRIDAY."
    This amused me for some reason.
  18. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from The Old Hack in Story Monday May 15, 2017   
    Except that Elliot's last line implies that Noah was shirtless at the time.
  19. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from The Old Hack in Story Monday May 15, 2017   
    Except that Elliot's last line implies that Noah was shirtless at the time.
  20. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from Tobyc in All of time and all of space....   
    BBC Archives, 1970s. Borrow the lost episodes of Doctor Who, bring them back here, copy them, give them to the current BBC, and return the originals to their historic doom.
  21. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from Tobyc in All of time and all of space....   
    BBC Archives, 1970s. Borrow the lost episodes of Doctor Who, bring them back here, copy them, give them to the current BBC, and return the originals to their historic doom.
  22. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from Vorlonagent in Pinup Double Tue Feb 21 2017   
    Reading this, my brain jumped straight to the end of the canoe scene in Horsefeathers.
  23. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from Vorlonagent in Story Monday December 5, 2016   
    Jerry is the hype! (youtube link, safe-ish)(  
  24. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from Vorlonagent in Pinup, Saturday November 5, 2016 (Rental Guard)   
    Is it possible for your heart to simultaneously speed up and skip a beat?
  25. Like
    AFNB got a reaction from The Old Hack in NP, Friday October 14, 2016   
    Catalina Bobcat - never has there been such mastery of cunning plans since Mr. S. Baldrick.