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Everything posted by ChronosCat

  1. Main Wed June 6 2018

    Except that it was their sexes that were changed, not their genders.
  2. Main Wed June 6 2018

    Honestly I did find your comment a bit brusque, and assumed you to be offended. It wasn't all that bad though, and it was for a good cause, so I wasn't planning on holding it against you. Anyway, apology accepted. Your first mistake is in expecting English to make sense.
  3. Main Wed June 6 2018

    Noted. (...Actually, looking at the usage guides on wiktionary, even replacing "transgendered" with "transgender" in my sentence wouldn't have fully corrected it; it probably should have been "transgender people" (minus the preceding "the" of course)...) (A bit of a heads up: it's likely I'll make similar mistakes in the future. I'm not very social, and this forum is pretty much the only community where I have a chance to talk about such things; as a result I'm a bit out of touch with the correct terminology. Please do continue to correct me, but try to be gentle. )
  4. Main Wed June 6 2018

    Changing forms on a regular basis and being gender fluid are separate things (even when the forms in question are specifically "male" and "female"). Mr. Verres knows that Tedd physically changes between "male" and "female", but he does not know that Tedd mentally changes between them - and importantly, the last we heard Tedd wanted to keep it that way for now. (On a related note, if Mr. Verres really is bigoted against the transgendered, his learning that Tedd is gender-fluid is not going to improve Tedd and Mr. Verres' relationship.) Hence my concern about Tedd being outed (or if you prefer, being further outed) to Mr. Verres before Tedd is ready.
  5. Main Wed June 6 2018

    "Hoping for the best" is not an excuse - it's a (very ineffective) course of action. Also, sometimes one must weigh potential harm against definite harm. If Elliot and/or Ellen say nothing, Arthur might still figure out Tedd's gender-fluidity (if he hasn't already), and Tedd might be outed to Mr. Verres as well - or maybe one or both won't happen. If they say something now, Tedd will definitely be outed to Arthur and Ashley (and will likely feel betrayed if he finds out), and while Arthur might honor their request to not tell Mr. Verres there is no guarantee of that. So the option which has the greatest chance of the fewest people learning of Tedd's gender identity (and also of harming Tedd the least) is saying nothing.
  6. Main Wed June 6 2018

    It's entirely possible Arthur has already figured out Tedd's gender-fluidity and is merely being respectful. (It's also possible that he has no clue, and his referring to Tedd as female in front of Mr. Verres will have no more consequences than Mr. Verres "correcting" him.) The problem comes if he's curious and decides to investigate the matter in such a manner that Mr. Verres becomes aware that there's more to Tedd's female transformations than Mr. Verres realized, or if he otherwise accidentally outs Tedd to Mr. Verres due to his lack of understanding of the situation (and Mr. Verres doesn't take it well). My reasoning was that if one has not been told that information that one is in possession of is supposed to be secret, one must decide for oneself whether it should be kept secret in any specific situation. What I obviously failed to take into account was that in some cases (gender identity being one of them), the default assumption should be that it is a secret, so not having been told one way or the other is a moot point. I had a nagging suspicion that I hadn't thought that part of my post through fully, but I had no idea I had messed up so badly; thank you for pointing that out. (It's actually rather ironic I would make this mistake, given that IRL I'm quite selective as to who I reveal my own gender-fluidity to...) I suppose under the circumstances, ignoring Arthur's use of pronouns and hoping for the best is probably Ellen and Elliot's best option.
  7. Main Wed June 6 2018

    It's interesting that aside from Ashley's confusion and Ellen's "Yes to those things" Arthur's pronoun usage for Tedd is not being addressed. I wonder if Elliot and Ellen will explain matters in more detail to Arthur (and Ashley) before the meeting's over, or if Arthur will be left having to figure it out for himself? Of course, Elliot and Ellen are in a bit of a hard place regarding Tedd's gender, as he's not really "out" outside his circle of friends, but Arthur already knows about Tedd's female form. Their options are pretty much lie to Arthur and make him think Tedd assumes female form for frivolous or perverted reasons, tell him the truth and betray Tedd's trust, or not really address the issue and hope it doesn't become too much of a problem when he talks with Mr. Verres about Tedd... ...Actually, come to think of it, does anyone besides Grace know that Tedd is gender-fluid? I can't remember if that bit of info was shared among the group. If not then Ellen and Elliot don't have to worry about betraying Tedd's trust as he didn't actually trust him with that info - all they have are their best guesses (which probably wouldn't be very far off the mark, but still). (Of course they'd still need to be careful not to say too much, but they'd be in more of a position to use their own judgement.)
  8. NP Monday 4 June 2018

    I think she's just more in the mood for admiring masculine bodies than feminine ones right now.
  9. Story Monday June 04, 2018

    No, my list of EGS chapter titles indicates it's always been that way. (If you need more confirmation, I imagine there's also a list at the Wiki, or you could check out the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.)
  10. NP Monday 4 June 2018

    I love the expressions in panel three, particularly Catalina's.
  11. https://www.patreon.com/posts/double-susan-and-19187070 Susan's transformation doesn't do anything for me, but I like Liz' sparkles...
  12. https://www.patreon.com/posts/single-buff-rhea-19168255 I have to say, I really like the look of women with well-defined muscles (though some body-builders do go a little too far for my tastes). It's really a shame that so many female superheroes are drawn more like supermodels or busty Barbie-dolls - particularly in the case of superheroines with super strength I'd love to see them drawn like this.
  13. https://www.patreon.com/posts/single-one-rhea-19181750 It's a tiny epic adventure!
  14. Patreon Jun 1, 2018 - One Fourth Rhea

    I think by definition it doesn't count as fan fiction if written by the original author. These are just fun little non-canon stories. (If you need a snappy name for it, I believe these little stories of Dan's have been called "Dan-fic" before...)
  15. This Day In History

    Jun 1 in EGS History: 2002 - The person on the Moperville North intercom claims there are no other Tedds. Apparently they never heard of Beta Tedd, Lord Tedd, or Second Life Tedd. 2004 - Susan is shocked to learn of Sarah's quest for pictures of naked people in common poses. Jun 2 in EGS History: 2002 - In the first of several retcons to take away some of Tedd's mad scientist cred, he claims to not be responsible for the creation of the Goo. 2010 - Susan is shocked she accidentally brings one of Nanase's fairy dolls to life.
  16. Patreon Jun 1, 2018 - Buff Rhea

    Well yes, male or female bodybuilders who reach high-end competition tend to look disturbingly unnatural rather than just really strong. However, there is a level of muscle definition beyond what athletes in other sports normally achieve that can still look pretty good, a level that you normally need to do some training with the intent of building muscles to achieve (or so I understand), and if this isn't in that category it's certainly close to it. Personally, I'm interpreting her to have developed very wide chest and hips; in my interpretation her back isn't bent particularly unnaturally, though it might not be a comfortable position to stand in for long. However if you assume more normal chest and hip proportions it does look like she's practically folded in half (though in that case, I would expect her upper abs and lower chest to be sticking out more in front).
  17. NP Friday, Jun 1, 2018

    How is this suffering? I think purple Grace-cow sounds cool. In fact, if I wasn't too busy right now I'd be tempted to color the panel that way.
  18. Story Friday June 01, 2018

    I didn't think the magic change would have anything to do with Kevin's sentience, as I figured that by time Arthur was working on Kevin he'd be knowledgeable enough to know the difference between current and old magic systems, and would not count on old magic working. It did not occur to me Kevin was not supposed to be sentient, or that Arthur might have unintentionally done something that would cause these results in the new (or an old) system. That said, Arthur clearly is not entirely sure what happened just yet, so I'm not going to completely rule out my "the Diamond Did It" theory until/unless we learn more about what brought Kevin to life. Actually, I figured the scenario where the daughter assured Ellen was meant as hypothetical ("IF you knew her or she was here right now, she could vouch for me, but I don't really care enough about your opinion of me to make that happen"). (Also, what Drasvin said after I typed that but before I posted it.)
  19. This Day In History

    May 31 in EGS History: 2006 - Sarah and Elliot kiss, then Elliot falls off the couch. 2010 - Susan remembers killing the vampire in France with an axe. I have to question her choice of weapons; while the axe is great for hitting enemies overhead, for fighting a vampire at close range you really want a fully powered-up whip. 2012 - Grace tells Jim Tolkiberry, the owner of Salty Crackers, that Grace is hired.
  20. Story, Wednesday May 30, 2018

    Well, more like I assumed Dan would anthropomorphize and forgot to mention my assumption. It's extremely rare in fiction (even speculative fiction) to see beings which are as intelligent/sentient/etc. as humans but think differently in a way that is deeper than culture (unless you count attempts at the POVs of other Earth animals, but most animals are not as intelligent as humans and are usually portrayed accordingly when not being anthropomorphized) so I never really expect to see it. But yes, that is a possibility.
  21. Story, Wednesday May 30, 2018

    I forgot about that. I can't see Dan writing a story where a sentient being was aware but unable to interact with the world, so in my mind that pretty much rules out Kevin being sapient before today. (As for how Kevin knew about his history, it is possible that Kevin originally had some form of awareness without self-awareness or true thought, similar to some very advanced computers and some simple instinct-driven invertebrates.) I also doubt Arthur would have included in Kevin's design features which relied upon defunct magic systems if he was knowledgeable enough about magic to be concerned with training agents. So at this point it seems to me the Dewitchery magic providing the needed spark is not only the most likely possibility, but the only possibility I've thought of or heard which seems likely at all.
  22. This Day In History

    May 30 in EGS History: 2002 - Tedd calls Elliot's former girlfriend "some chick I've never heard of" (apparently Elliot never mentioned having a girlfriend before, and managed to get through the entire conversation about her without saying her name...). Then the rightful stars of the comic, Matt and Rat, show up. 2004 - Ellen, Nanase, Grace, and Susan get so spend some time as the greatest type of animal to ever walk the Earth. (I may be ever so slightly biased.) 2005 - Elliot and Tedd discuss why Tedd is in female form early. It just goes to show how well Tedd hid this side of herself that Elliot even needs to ask. 2008 - Abraham rises to reap. Time does not move; our perception of what moment is the present merely changes. (And far too quickly if you ask me.)
  23. Story, Wednesday May 30, 2018

    I wonder if Kevin has always been sapeint, or if he absorbed some of the Dewitchery energy too and that "brought him to life"? If he was sapient all along, it seems a bit cruel to have stuffed him in a crate for decades just because he's not a very good teacher. Also, when creating a magical AI, does magic do all the work, or is there any programming involved? If Kevin is not unique as a sapient artifact, then maybe magical AI creators ought to be giving electronic AI creators some tips...
  24. This Day In History

    May 29 in EGS History: 2002 - In her first appearance, Susan makes a big impression... in TC's skull. 2006 - Sarah and Elliot's first attempt to kiss while in opposite sex forms goes painfully wrong.
  25. NP Monday May 28 2018

    I hope someone catches and stops Kitty. What just popped into my head: Goonmanji 2 ends without Kitty being stopped. Some time later, in a different non-canon story she shows up and starts transforming people, and they have to explain to her that the transformation rampage is over.