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Showing most liked content on 08/19/2016 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Don Edwards

    Immortal Alignment

    Of the people I knew who otherwise loved 4E as compared to earlier editions, almost none used the 4E alignment system. 3E's alignment system was much better. (In 4E-by-the-book it's impossible to be Lawful but not Good, or Chaotic but not Evil. Bugger that.)
  2. 1 point
    Don Edwards

    Story Friday August 19, 2016

    Disco Wizard says his only source of info is what he saw on the television news, and he explicitly mentions three immortals. Tentative conclusion: the television news mentioned three immortals. Alternative: DW lied about how limited his sources of information are - but not necessarily about how limited his information is.
  3. 1 point
    Recent NP comics tell us that it is not unusual for Pandora to sleep for a week at a time. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=491 But this comic tells us that she took more than one nap between Friday night and Sunday morning. I am compelled to ask the question. When does a mad demigoddess sleep?
  4. 1 point

    Story Friday August 19, 2016

    The Colonel's spider-sense should be going off about now. he's in big danger of being fried...
  5. 1 point

    Videogame Thread

    I'm reminded of one of my favourite South Park lines: "Gentlemen, this could very well lead to the end of the world... of warcraft."
  6. 1 point
    Yes, that's what set off the thought -- if it were Edward, which I was already pretty skeptical about, then you can be sure he wouldn't have gone to sleep only knowing what had been on the news!
  7. 1 point
    The DW is not Edward. Check the freckles, the DW is Catalina. And on another point, just by typing DW, I now have the line "When there's trouble you call D W" stuck in my head. I may need to break out my Dark Wing Duck DVDs. Let's get dangerous.
  8. 1 point

    Story Wednesday August 17, 2016

    My fun, off the wall theory about Disco Wizard is that it's Greg.
  9. 1 point
    Latest crackpot theorizing: Edward is the Disco Wizard Supporting Evidence: Pandora entered Grace's bedroom before entering her dreams. This suggests that the spell for entering dreams has a short range. It doesn't mean Pandora had to be at short range, but we do know that some spells (i.e., Ellen's copy spell) have limited ranges. Grace is in Edward's house. Edward is probably also asleep. when he is using his spell. Being asleep and dreaming himself would be a better explanation than "Use this spell which you don't know what does." Disco Wizard says "Now that I can understand" after Pandora tells him she's trying to expose magic to make a better world for her son. That is spot-on Edward. Okay. I wonder how soon The Shive will shoot this one down?
  10. 1 point
    Tom Sewell

    NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    You're all missing the obvious point: Kirk's original Enterprise wasn't really powered by antimatter. It was powered by sacrificing redshirts. Why do you think it needed a crew of 400 when it was clear nobody was really needed except Scotty, Bones, Nurse Chapel, and the bridge crew?
  11. 1 point
    In a typical wolf pack, the other wolves (except the alpha male) refer to the alpha female as "Mom".