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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Showing most liked content on 06/24/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Not a trail camera image, but a photo of our current backyard feral colony feeding: Took them a while to get along together, but they've finally calmed down.
  2. 2 points

    Things You Find Amusing

    For this trick, I need a special keyboard and at least one extra hand. And sorry, some of you might have to leave the internet for a while.
  3. 2 points

    NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    I'm guessing Elliot's theme (now that the effects of the diamond has worn off) is superheroes. This will EVENTUALLY give him a variety of spells given how varied the types of powers superheroes get are. However, given that he wants to be Superman I bet he runs through THOSE powers FIRST.
  4. 1 point

    Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    Nah, I think she did it on Stonehenge. Waaait, she needs to unlock her achievements after every reset, doesn't she? So, both may be true.
  5. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    Things that make you go WTF

    The worst termination I ever heard of happened to a friend of mine. He had worked long and hard on becoming a good database programmer. He had a job that was not great but okay. Then one day his boss called him in and gave him his three month notice. The job market was crap at the time so this really wore on him. Then, a week before his last day, his boss called him in and told him that they didn't have a permanent position for him but that they could re-hire him and give him another three month notice. Incredibly, this repeated again. And again. My friend realised that the sole reason they did this was so they could keep him from earning extra entitlements and raises they would otherwise have to give him. But this did not change the fact that he never knew if he would be re-hired at all and he got more and more stressed. And this crap went on for more than a year. Then one day he ran into an old friend who had also studied database programming. They started chatting and his friend mentioned that they really badly needed another database programmer, did he ever finish his studies? Well, sure he did. He was working as one right now but hated his job. Could he come speak with their boss the next day for a job interview? Damn straight he could. So, he went to the interview and was immediately offered a position, at 50% higher pay. That would be great, he said, he could start next month on the first as he was getting terminated at the end of this month anyway. So, he went back to his old job. Said nothing. Sure enough, his boss called him in for the usual rehire-and-immediate-termination chat as usual. With barely restrained glee he told the guy, "Nah, not a problem. I start a new job next month so I'm good." His boss blurted out, "What? But -- but we need you!" He responded, "That's fine. I'll stay if you offer me a permanent contract and double my pay." "We can't afford that!" "Too bad, so sad. Byeeeee!" And he walked out LIKE A BOSS. He started his new job a week later. And for some reason he didn't bother with leaving much documentation behind for whoever they found to replace him.
  6. 1 point
    They are adorable Thank you!
  7. 1 point
    Pandora, on the other hand, unlocked her achievements on the Antikythera mechanism.
  8. 1 point
    Oh, man, can I ever sympathize with you there. All the medical feels, mate.
  9. 1 point

    Things that make you go WTF

    I'd be really ticked off if I spent however much money it cost to get a cat prepped for adoption, only to find out it had to be put down as part of a broad retaliation over the fact that a parent didn't follow posted rules and kept their brat away from the cages. Oh, the story gets better. Read on. The brat mentioned above was the child of an Animal Control worker, as I've said. That worker was one of a group who recently had reprimands placed in their files for failing to properly take care of a group of four kittens over last weekend (claimed they didn't know how to syringe-feed—were told they could have Googled it and learned in five minutes). Two of those kittens eventually died after being taken out of the Shelter. The other two kittens? They wound up at our house. You may have seen pictures of them. Mrs. Prof saved their lives. Retaliation? Methinks it's a probability. Anyway, Mrs. Prof's sponsored cat is now out of harm's way and at the vet, but not before she paid $70 to the Garland Animal Shelter ($10 tacked on for quarantine fees, and $20 for I don't know what). Mrs. Prof is now at the GPAC, helping to clean it to prevent a possible outbreak of some sickness (not sure what). It's been a rough day for her, but hopefully one with good consequences. Hopefully.
  10. 1 point
    Raven has had magic long enough to have unlocked it on an Atari 2600.