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Everything posted by CritterKeeper

  1. Hmmm...I'm trying to decide how the fairydoll storyline interacts with "things" being done in her form. She was weirded out by a fairydoll in someone else's form watching her shower, etc. but she doesn't mind it if it's a fairydoll in her own form. Does this mean she'd be more relaxed about other "things" if they were done by someone in her own form than if they were in someone else's? Does Susan engage in any solo "things"? After all, there's no emotional entanglement and she could be as clean as she wants to be. Many toys can even be sterilized in the dishwasher these days. ;-)
  2. Meh, I like a chase to show a little more glee and enthusiasm. To me, their faces look blank. I'm a bit disappointed, because I know Dan can do so much better!
  3. This Day In History

    Sounds like a good April Fools' Day joke....does Japan do April Fools' Day? Or some equivalent?
  4. This Day In History

    Why, drinking, partying, and pulling pranks on each other and their professors, of course! (Look into the history of universities in America, it's either amusing or scary, depending if you empathise more with the students or the professors....) Found innocent, yet still punished with loss of their livelihood and chief joy in their lives. And the general consensus of history is that at least Shoeless Joe Jackson really was innocent. No point, they can turn anything into a snarky nickname. Just ask Incredibly Bad Machines, or the makers of the Machine Always Crashes, If Not The Operating System Hangs. Catalonia?
  5. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    My mom had something similar, when she added a medication and wound up getting low BP until she dropped the BP med she had needed before. May yours be as simple a fix!
  6. Things That Make You Happy

    Hooray! Did you get lights and a helmet? I don't see any on your wish list.... ;-)
  7. Story, Monday July 30, 2018

    My favorite: https://www.gocomics.com/frazz/2002/03/18
  8. Word of Dan Discussion

    Re the comment from Dan about the Sarah and Sam not-a-date, "The "plot" not being moved forward is Sarah and Sam's characters, and other characters I can't mention because spoilers (there's one other character who is put into an awkward position by this whom I haven't seen mentioned anywhere)." Any guesses who the one other character is going to turn out to be? Grace, who knows Sam is trans? Elliot, who used to date Sarah and thinks of her as a sister? Tedd, who has the power to grant Sam's fondest wish?
  9. Word of Dan

    Adding these follow-up comments (Dan is replying to someone who was worried plot would become more important than character): "(Also, a storyline I have planned is simply Diane learning things as a side effect of cutting her hair. I'm not sure you get more slice of life than that)" "The plot IS the characters. The "plot" not being moved forward is Sarah and Sam's characters, and other characters I can't mention because spoilers (there's one other character who is put into an awkward position by this whom I haven't seen mentioned anywhere). Parts of the not-date are still being shown, but it's "canceled" because the character stuff between them is over time, and not just compressed into a single "not-date" :P"
  10. Story Wednesday August 1, 2018

    Are you sure? It sure doesn't seem like he could have missed this, and he's not objecting, either. In my headcannon, until proven otherwise, they got together during the six month timeskip, after a lot of flirting/shiptease. ;-)
  11. NP Monday July 30, 2018

    Um, hkmaly? Like Scotty, I have no idea what "move tutor" or "TM82" are....if you're going to keep referring to them, could you please explain what they are?
  12. Story, Monday July 30, 2018

    And that might be Voltaire's downfall -- the very fact that the Immortals could be related to humans should mean that they will want their descendants to be protected from abuse by other Immortals!
  13. Story Friday July 27, 2018

    But Magic thought it would be best if Tedd doesn't learn the truth about his family yet.... No aftereffects of the Ghost Dance, that spell would have to be started anew. Objects with a specific purpose may work, but ground that was magical may need to be re-spelled. Since no human alive currently knows the old magic systems yet, they'll have to learn them from scratch. No spells that alter worlds for a while, even for people with access to very clearly explained and detailed treastise on how an old magic system worked.
  14. This Day In History

    But it's still not in Europe! Above is not to TV Tropes because of party-poopers, so look here for the fun version!
  15. Story Friday July 27, 2018

    I like the side-by-side comparison with Susan and Diane. You can see how similar their faces are, but also things like how Susan sits up straight, shoulders back, hands in her lap, while Diane is a little bit sprawled, slouching back in the seat, with her arm on the arm rest, not afraid to claim the space around her. But Susan doesn't look at all uncomfortable, that is just how she sits naturally at this point, keeping her hands off the communal armrest. Dan missed a chance to show Susan with popcorn and chopsticks, though I guess seeing her clearly is more important. Diane's head looks a bit squashed on top, but I'm not sure if it's really shaped wrong or if it just looks flat by comparison to Susan's bangs.
  16. NP Wednesday July 4, 2018

    Huh? Sundarbans are in India and Bangladesh, Sibuya is in South Africa.
  17. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    How is it feeling now? I'm hoping if it never got better, you called your doc....
  18. This Day In History

    The Eastland disaster happened shortly after the Titanic sank, and in fact, new rules requiring more lifeboats may have contributed to the problem of the ship being top-heavy. The ship was supposed to carry 2,572 workers and their famillies to a company picnic in Indiana, and since in those days most workers didn't get any days off, they were looking forward to it. But, it was a cool, damp day, so many of them went down below, and thus got trapped or were hit or pinned by heavy furniture (pianos, bookcases, wardrobes) when the ship rolled onto its side. Apparently, too many people crowded onto the side of the ship away from the dock to look out onto the lake, and being top-heavy, the ship rolled over much more easily than it should have. This was a huge ship, as big as ocean liners of the day (HMS Titanic passenger capacity was 2,435, granted with bigger rooms per passenger as they were on it for longer). Once it started rolling onto its side, there wasn't much anyone could do to stop it, despite the crew filling ballast tanks when she first started to list. There are some impressive pictures of hundreds of survivors standing on the side of her hull as she lay sideways in the water, waiting for other ships to come rescue them. Hey, I've been living in Chicagoland almost two decades now, I've absorbed some of this through osmosis and from all the Geoffrey Baer shows on WTTW!
  19. NP Wednesday July 4, 2018

    At first I was expecting a reference to big cats coming out on top, to be a reference to a certain incident in Sibuya Game Reserve....
  20. Story Wednesday July 25, 2018

    Or a T-shirt that reads, "I'M INVISIBLE" on the front and "HA HA YOU CAN'T SEE ME," on the back.... No kidding! What the heck has kept them off stage for so long, especially the mall attack that was specifically designed to draw those two in particular away from Elliot? Watch, singular, I would think. She only listed one watch's worth of variations. Or maybe she knows that it was a go-bag with ID, cash, etc. in it, and he's had plenty of time to get to it and disappear before she was even awake enough to think about following. It does seem odd that after almost a year, she'd still be expecting Kaoli to show up soon, rather than starting to give up on her. Hmm, perhaps a "birthday" visit, at the one year anniversary of Ellen's creation?
  21. Story, Monday July 23, 2018

    I hope he's up to figuring it out, possibly with griffin help, but I do wonder whether it's really as critical as it was before the not-a-reset. The main reason Pandora was ready to reverse what she'd done was for fear of causing a reset, after all. I'm not sure we'll get to see the actual conversation. That's the sort of thing that could happen "off-screen" and we only see its effect or hear about it later. There's a well-known literary concept called Death of the Author, which says that only the story as presented matters, what's actually present as a part of the work itself, and the author's intentions when writing it or interpretations supplied after the fact carry no more weight than those of any other person interpreting the work. I must say, there have been a couple of times when I have read something an author said about their work, and really thought they had it wrong, whether they wrote it or not! ;-) Do they know exactly where it is? Do they know how it was created and/or how to remove it? I'll look forward to finding out, if this is the course Dan follows! Yeah, I seem to recall more than one occasion where Dan said that it doesn't actually count until it's in the story itself. Can I remember where he said it? Of course not! I guess I'll have to do a big re-read including commentaries....someday....in all my copious spare time.... ;-P Once they start talking, all sorts of information could be exchanged, but I agree, it's Pandora that Sarah wants to talk about with Adrian. Exactly. We don't really have enough information to know one way or the other about any of this, but it's fun to speculate! I'm pretty sure I've seen him say things aren't canon until they appear in the story in regard to other things, too. I know most places I see the word canon used, it means the work itself, and the main debates are about things like whether Pottermore or The Cursed Child count as part of the canon or not, not about whether what Jo said in an interview counts (everyone usually agrees it's important and interesting but not canon). Hmm, it was about six months before we saw Jerry/Zeus again, but we don't know how much of that delay was him being unable to appear, and how much was his just not being a part of this story. I hope that when she can come back, the first place she goes is to see her son. Whether she manifests to him, or just watches and decides to wait to interfere, we'll have to see.
  22. NP Friday July 20, 2018

    Nope. If you look at the original rules for the Ice Bucket Challenge, it was basically "either make a big donation, or get a bucket of ice water dumped over your head and make a smaller donation."
  23. Story, Monday July 23, 2018

    Awww...Sarah is going to tell him how much his mom loved him, how worried she was he'd hate her for what she'd told him, maybe even tell him about the task Pandora gave her and thus remind him of the clog and the need to remove it. But I think this call is more about the feels. Hmmm....I wonder if she knows her task is done because she can no longer cast her spell? :-(
  24. Story Wednesday July 18, 2018

    Bah, fine. Sarah could be the only one who is able to violate the laws of physics in ways she cannot do in the real world. Satisfied?
  25. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Oh, joy! Could be worse. My sister was on peritoneal dialysis for several months. If you put a bunch of specially-made fluid into a person's abdomen, then stuff diffuses across the membranes that line the inside of the abdomen, so that things which are higher concentration in the body than in the fluid will shift into the fluid, and vice versa. So, four times a day, she had to drain out the old fluid and put in a new bag's worth. Four times a day, every day. But, it meant she didn't have to go to a dialysis center three days a week and get hooked up to a machine for hours, and she didn't get the icky coming-down-with-the-flu feeling on Sunday night when she had to wait an extra day to clean out the built-up toxins. So, overall, peritoneal dialysis was far preferable to hemodialysis. Peritoneal is also cheaper, since once the catheter is installed into the abdomen, it mostly only costs the supplies. She was a poor student at the time, and when she told the insurance she was going to switch, they said, "Great, now you have to pay for your own supplies, that's policy!" So after some back and forth, she basically told them, "Fine, then I won't be able to switch, so you'll get to keep paying for hemodialysis three days a week instead!" Suddenly the insurance company decided they would pay for her supplies after all....