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Story Monday October 31, 2016

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Hmmm ... no new info here. Ok, I guess the thing with talking to people was explained better, but it was explained in sense I expected it will be, so it feels like nothing new.

And no more OT3 fuel either.

This will be hard to comment :)


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This certainly falls in line with the Vamp!Sarah scenario. Though is would be what happens when Sarah doesn't have much to go on, while she was able to have a lengthy discussion with Vamp!Sarah and Wolf!Sarah because she had conflicting ideas about how she wanted to play in the card tournament that she was sorting through. Now that she's actually wondering how a conversation like that works, she's not entirely sure, so "Grace" isn't able to give much useful information about it.


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25 minutes ago, CritterKeeper said:
52 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

And no more OT3 fuel either.

You don't consider spending the entire comic with SarahTedd lying on the floor with Grace crouched over her, to be OT3 fuel??

I don't consider it "more" OT3 fuel. Grace isn't doing anything more than in last frame of previous page, and Sarah stopped thinking about how sexy it is and instead though about how useless conversation it is. Sure, it makes sense, it's totally in character for her, but it's weak on OT3 fuel.

23 minutes ago, Scotty said:

This certainly falls in line with the Vamp!Sarah scenario. Though is would be what happens when Sarah doesn't have much to go on, while she was able to have a lengthy discussion with Vamp!Sarah and Wolf!Sarah because she had conflicting ideas about how she wanted to play in the card tournament that she was sorting through. Now that she's actually wondering how a conversation like that works, she's not entirely sure, so "Grace" isn't able to give much useful information about it.

Having conversation about basically nothing is hard even with two people, even harder with just one :)

The Vamp!Sarah and Wolf!Sarah conversation also had moments where they went "out of character" (or more like out of their theme), like the "Or us? me? I am sorta you ..." or the "You're adorable" ... this was basically whole page of that.

Also, Vamp!Sarah totally had that "stuff you're in denial about" angle covered. THAT would be more OT3 fuel - if that side of her personality appears again. It could easily be in Grace ... in fact, it's either Grace or she creates her copy from thin air (or moves into someone else and then unfroze herself), I don't think it would work if for example Nanase was playing it.

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5 minutes ago, partner555 said:

So they run of her subconscious, which creates the illusion of autonomy. Good to know.

Aaaand it's basically same as Fox, Nase or Dex's fairy. Only with them being in Sarah's head, it's less useful ... I mean, Nanase can have all sort of fun with Fox as well, but she could also used her against Abraham, AND she can have fun with Fox AND Ellen.

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1 hour ago, hkmaly said:

Hmmm ... no new info here. Ok, I guess the thing with talking to people was explained better, but it was explained in sense I expected it will be, so it feels like nothing new.

And no more OT3 fuel either.

This will be hard to comment :)


So, what is she in denial about then?  Got to be either being bi or OT3, or both.

46 minutes ago, CritterKeeper said:

You don't consider spending the entire comic with SarahTedd lying on the floor with Grace crouched over her, to be OT3 fuel??

Pure, no ethanol high octane OT3 fuel.

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43 minutes ago, mlooney said:

So, what is she in denial about then?  Got to be either being bi or OT3, or both.

It was the "not straight" being referenced with Vamp!Sarah, and she didn't stopped being in denial about it yet ... which of course doesn't mean she's not in denial about OT3.

But when Grace!Sarah mentions it here, she MIGHT be speaking only generally ... and F!Tedd!Sarah answered innocently "I don't ..." (probably I don't know), not "I'm not (in denial about anything)".

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1 hour ago, hkmaly said:

Having conversation about basically nothing is hard even with two people, even harder with just one :)

You don't write much fiction, do you?

I get into conversations with my fictional characters quite often. And I've lost several arguments with them.

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2 hours ago, partner555 said:

So they run of her subconscious, which creates the illusion of autonomy. Good to know.

Also, it's confirmed that they know nothing that doesn't already exist inside Sarah's mind, which means that asking them any questions will not give Sarah any data from the mind of the person being simulated--she has zero access to the thoughts and knowledge of the person, which throws the "interrogate someone without the original knowing about it" gambit out the window.

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19 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

Also, Vamp!Sarah totally had that "stuff you're in denial about" angle covered. THAT would be more OT3 fuel - if that side of her personality appears again. It could easily be in Grace ... in fact, it's either Grace or she creates her copy from thin air (or moves into someone else and then unfroze herself), I don't think it would work if for example Nanase was playing it.

The "stuff you're in denial about"  angle doesn't necessarily need to be subconscious though, I mean the part where Vamp!Sarah tells Sarah she isn't exactly straight anymore, could have been a thought that Sarah attempted to suppress at the moment but failed, also she did participate in the designing of an MV5 form within the past couple weeks with 2 girls that she was obviously attracted to in some way. So that thought would have been fairly fresh.

I'm not really sure if "thoughts creeping in" can be considered subconscious, at least not in the deep buried knowledge sense that Sarah was initially asking about. Sarah seems to be aware of those thoughts, but she's unable to suppress them because of the nature of her mind.

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46 minutes ago, The Old Hack said:
3 hours ago, Sweveham said:

I like talking to myself. As my Dad likes to say, you always get so good answers that way. :)

I like talking to myself. That way I always have an attentive audience no matter how inane and idiotic my rambling gets. :demonicduck:

My shrink tells me that talking to yourself, to include answering yourself, isn't a bad thing, as long as you know you are doing that.  It's when you talk to yourself and you think you are talking to someone else that life gets, as he puts, "somewhere between not real good and very very bad".

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16 hours ago, Don Edwards said:
18 hours ago, hkmaly said:

Having conversation about basically nothing is hard even with two people, even harder with just one :)

You don't write much fiction, do you?

I get into conversations with my fictional characters quite often. And I've lost several arguments with them.

But is it about basically nothing? Or is there some topic?

It's easier to actually argue about something, think about arguments and counter-arguments ... if for nothing else, it will help you distinguish who is saying what.

(Note: Not sure how much fiction did Sarah wrote ... but Dan wrote a lot and I don't think he is deliberately trying to show Sarah's limits.)

Also, this reminds me:

Dylan: Talking to yourself is the first sign of mental collapse.
Rommie: [simultaneously as avatar and hologram] Only for wetware.

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