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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Showing most liked content on 03/29/2016 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Things That Make You Happy

    I'm happy about how happy something made me! I think I've mentioned that our local public library is closed for renovations. For the next year and a half, they'll be moving 40% of the collection to a temporary location, which will be opening in one week. Anything not in their top 40% (or checked out when the main place closed last week) will be in storage, completely inaccessible, and we'll have to request stuff through interlibrary loan to get any of that material. The temporary location happens to be directly across the street from our animal hospital. Pretty cool, to get to have the official public library close enough to walk to on half a lunch break! They're still putting the place together, and I went and peeped through the windows at lunch today. There were shelves, some full and some empty, chairs, computers, check-out stations, most of the necessaries were in place. I could even see stairs leading down to a basement area, which were prettied up and not blocked off, making me think there's more library down there, too. As I stepped away from the window to walk on to Subway, I realized I was grinning from ear to ear! I'm feeling so excited that we're getting a new library to explore right across the street! Books and movies and programs and magazines....it doesn't matter that it's less than half what we already had access to every day anyway, and what will be there is the same old stuff. It's still so cool! I'm happy that I still feel that child's excitement at the thought of what can't help but feel at least a little like having my very own special library, moved there just for me. That I can't wait to explore the new space, discover where everything is, stumble across new stories I haven't read before. I can't wait to see what sort of children's area they come up with, what sort of displays, how they'll work around having so much smaller a space. Maybe sneak over there at lunch when I'm not tied up in surgery, and just sit and read.
  2. 2 points
    The Old Hack

    Story Monday March 28, 2016

    Trust me, they had lots of rules regarding grammar or their language just wouldn't work. The problem is that formal grammatical rules are an attempt to describe how a given language works, not actual rules for how it works -- and too many people put the cart in front of the horse and think that they are the latter. Since language is constantly and extensively mutable, it follows that grammar must be as well. The trouble arises when people treat grammatical rules as ironclad, which they really aren't. The best metaphor I can think of is to compare grammar to a map of a language. But the 'landscape' the map depicts is one subject to constant change and prominent features keep appearing, vanishing or shifting about. And if there is conflict between map and reality, grammaticians who insist that it is reality that is wrong will all too often find themselves walking off metaphorical cliffs.
  3. 2 points

    NP Friday March 25, 2016

    Highlander 2.
  4. 1 point
    Zee McZed

    The Band Game

    I remember this from a forum I used to frequent years ago... Basically, how it works is the first player posts the name of their new band and what style of music they play (EG: My new band's name is The Alien Elf Brigade. We're an electro-pop group with some mariachi influence.) The second player then names their first album and gives a short review or discussion of how well it did (EG: 'Dia de los Green Dudes' sold like a brick - pity, the songs were super danceable. At least the club deejays are starting to work it into rotation.) and then gives the name of their new band for the next poster. Alright, that seems straightforward enough - let's get the ball rolling. My new band is Nine Robots a Beeping. We do techno covers of Motown songs.
  5. 1 point

    More Speculation.

    Am I the only person who calls out latest interfering immortal "Floating Elf Lucifer"? Why that name? Because he's a light-bringer, and was called a floating elf Jesus, but does not appear at-all christlike. ... that being said, he probably isn't an elf.
  6. 1 point

    Story Monday March 28, 2016

    The only Charlotte/Diane ship I have is a friendship. I just don't see it, feel it, or hear it otherwise.
  7. 1 point

    NP Monday March 28, 2016

    No-kill runs are some of the most fun to watch, while at the same time being the most frustrating to watch. ^I might have hundreds of hours watching let's plays...
  8. 1 point

    NP Friday March 25, 2016

    I disagree. It's true that 3,9 and 10 weren't as good as 2,4,6, but they were nowhere as bad as 5, 11 or 12, while there are issues with 8 making it worse than 2,4,6 (Susan pointed out the problem herself) but still better than 1 or 10. Also, when comparing with Star Wars, they were also nowhere near as bad as episode 1.
  9. 1 point

    Story Monday March 28, 2016

    Am I a bad person for immediately going through Charlette's entire rant mentally before I looked at the second panel?
  10. 1 point

    NP Monday March 28, 2016

    I suppose Grace more or less has to make friends with her assailant, or at least leave him unharmed, if she wants to go through the game non-violently. From what I read, the plot basically is about finding him. So she can't take the more sensible non-violent option of staying the hell away from him, for then there wouldn't be a game.
  11. 1 point

    NP Monday March 28, 2016

    The guy probably thought it was worth a shot...
  12. 1 point
    Aura Guardian

    Story Monday March 28, 2016

    It's still a misuse of the word "begs," while the fallacy's name, curiously, is not a misuse. Mistranslation, sure. Misuse, Charlotte was right the first time. (I wish there'd been a bit more to this comic, plot-wise, than basically that)
  13. 1 point

    Story Monday March 21, 2016

    Elliot might have known about Susan prior to the comic starting, but mostly stayed clear because of her attitude towards males at the time. The day Susan invited "Ellen" to the lunch table seems to be the first time Elliot interacted with her. Anyway, prior to the main eight forming, Nanase knew Susan, Elliot, Justin and of course Tedd. Sarah just knew Susan, Elliot and Tedd. Susan knew Nanase, Sarah, Elliot and Tedd. Tedd knew Sarah, Elliot, Susan (he tended to avoid her as well before "Lunch Table Revelations") and of course Nanase. Justin knew Nanase and Elliot. Elliot knew or knew of them all, though he didn't know that Nanase was Tedd's cousin till after she broke up with him. Grace showing up ended up causing Sarah to meet Justin and Nanase. Ellen's "birth" and the goo fight had them all officially meet each other. I think that's about right.